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First Speeding Ticket (1 Viewer)

7th Sign

Active Member
Sep 15, 2004
one of my mates got clocked doing 65 in a 40 zone today lol...his excuse was "I tohught school zones had finished for today" cops burned him lol big fine and now he has liek 1 point...


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
ROFL he should've thought of a more plausible one.

I wonder if they'd accept "my car was caught in the draft of that truck and i couldn't slow down"


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
As someone who has 25 years driving without a speeding ticket or any booking for that matter it does not matter whether or not the school zone signage is poor(as it usually is) living your life having killed a child would not be easy. its easier just to keep your foot on the brake and drive at the speed limit. Saves a lot of money. I even drive at 50km an hour ( in a 50 zone) at 2am if the sign says to do it.
Uhuh. The issue here isnt about people purposely speeding through school zones as you are trying to make it out to be, its the signage being poor and people accidently speeding through them... thats why things such as flashing lights on top of the signs would be good, but the government doesnt really care about saving lives, it cares about $$$.

A perfect example of people accidently speeding through them is only 100m away from my house. There is a crest of a hill, the 40 zone sign is a couple of metres before the crest, so cars are driving up this hill and obviously seeing a residential area and no school they dont take extra notice of the sign, because they assume its 50. By the time they make it over the crest, Ive seen on several occasions, cops getting them on their radar! Now Im sure that alot of people once they see the school would slow down, its just an unusual situation, but their just in it for the money, not for safety! The same thing applies on main roads, people dont assume there would be a 40 zone on a mina road doing 70km/h, and they certainly wouldnt notice such a sign doing 70km/h on a three lane road! And the focus on the kiddies seems to be descreasing now with the drivers always to blame. If the kids are taught in the first place not to cross the road, or be very aware of traffic, falaties wont occur. When I was young, I was very aware of traffic, because I was educated properly by school and by parents. And then some may say 'oh if their football goes on the road they go for it', well if they know to be aware of traffic they wont, but I doubt this is a major causes of deaths, Ive seen on many occasions young kids crossing busy roads with on one occasion an over-pass only 20m down road! And where I lived ages back a teenage girl was killed when crossing the road 200m from school on a road where visibility is the best it could possible be (like it was exactly at the bottom of a dip, like both directions of traffic were elevated for hundreds of metres so you could easily see ALL traffic!).... once again, education, how can someone that old not look both ways to check for traffic! To much emphasis on it being the drivers fault has made kiddies think that they can do what they want and cars have to stop for them (Obviously you have to, but if they try to cross when their isnt a big enough gap.....)... Ive seen this occur on many occasions where teenage guys cross roads in 60km/h areas stopping traffic or virtually dodging it.

Like I said before, implementing those flashing light things would almost eliminate speeding in 40 zones as 99% of people accidently speed through them, not many people are dumb enough to speed for fear of being caught or hitting some child (And obviously these days they can estimate your speed etc when you hit em and you go to jail for manslaughter!). Im not sure, but if they were also timed to flash during the 40km/h zone hours, that would also help, because I know some of the time, well at least in my early driving days, not knowing the exact school times (Although going to 4pm is stupid, went passed a couple of schools yesterday, at 3:30 let alone 4pm they are dead quiet... same applies to the morning time of like 10pm I think, by then the little kiddies should be in class)
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Junior Member
Apr 29, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Good post schoolies_2004.

As for school starting times- not all schools are the same. My first primary school started at 8:15 and finished at 3 (ahah damn private), whereas my other primary school (govt) didn't start until 9:30 and finished at 3:30. I can see the degree of variance, but like you said, the flashing lights would definitely be a huge help- especially in the multilaned roads where if there's enough obstacles in the way, you won't notice the speed limit signs.


New Member
Mar 14, 2006
hey quick question, igot pulled over for speeding the other day(im a red p plater), it was my first offence and for some lucky reason i got off with a warning and the cop said that the warning will be in the computer so if i get pulled over again they can see it,

does anyone know if this is true or is it something they do to scare us....i wont be speeding again it would just be nice to know if this is a scare tactic or not...

cheers... nick


Feb 1, 2006
Yes, it is one of the outcomes of the government attempting to curb police corruption. All warnings are formalised and screened.

My lecturer, a ex-detective in the NSW police was on the phone to the actual police commissioner and was pulled over by a police officer (for using his mobile phone whilst driving).

The police officer let him off with a warning, however an investigative body (not sure if it was the police integrity commission or something like that) reviewed the warning and told the police officer to cancel the warning and to actually issue the infringment notice in case the media got their hands on the fact that an ex-police officer with links to the commissioner was let off whereas anybody else wouldn't have been (which could be portrayed as a breach of the rule of law and/or a corruption issue).

Any stepping outside of this formal warning log system is considered an act of corruption. It's to stop cops from letting off their mates, etc. To me, it lessens the availability of discretion and i don't like it.

Though it does have the bonus of keeping people let of with warnings in check.. Say a person is pulled over 7 times and given warnings that their tail light is out from different officers, each 2 weeks apart, not knowing that the person had already been warned.
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A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
my mate has gotten a heck of alot of warnings. in fact, if all of them became fines he would have probably been in gaol. but from what he told me only the last warning(which happened to be the icing on the cake) got himself a black mark on his record.

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