Ahaha, yesterday I started work at 8am, then went to uni and finished classes at 8:15pm. Buck up. Finishing at 5 is practically early.I think the reason so many people (including me) feel like uni is killing them is due to two reasons.
Firstly, most days i finish at 5 and it freaking hurts when i remember i used to finish at latest 2 - 3:30 in yr 12. Finishing so late drains my energy and im just pissed of by the time i get home - and on top of this i cant help but think how much worse it will be when day light savings ends (dark by 5:30!).
Secondly, the travel time! Most people had a significantly shorter distance to school. It took me 10 mins to get to school, now it takes 1 hour +.
uni is some thick shit.