Flag Burners (3 Viewers)


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
The fact that 3000+ people turned up to protest against lebanese thugs who attacked life savers speak a lot that many australians have had enough of being terrorised.

You believe that these people should be left alone instead of confronted, and you believe that challenging the problem will result in infuriating them. I have an answer for you, the problems is not solved by avoiding it. It merely set a time bomb where you can't control it.

I love comparing myself with John Howard, everytime he speak of islam he is accused of racism and tryting to inflame islamic community. I speak the hard reality and all I got is accusation of racism, hatred etc. All they say is its just a small minority and does not represent blah blah blah. The majority did nt do anything to make it better. Always got defensive whenever that bad small minority is attacked.

Wisdom has Spoken ;)


Feb 2, 2005
The fact that 3000+ people turned up to protest against lebanese thugs who attacked life savers speak a lot that many australians have had enough of being terrorised.
Firstly 3000 is harldy significant more people turn up to an A-league match.

I love comparing myself with John Howard, everytime he speak of islam he is accused of racism and tryting to inflame islamic community. I speak the hard reality and all I got is accusation of racism, hatred etc. All they say is its just a small minority and does not represent blah blah blah. The majority did nt do anything to make it better. Always got defensive whenever that bad small minority is attacked.
John howard is the same person who fails to recall incidents related to the AWB affair, the same guy who took Australia to Iraq - move that proved unpopular.

U are not speaking reality at all? Reality is american invasion in afghanistan and iraq has caused all this mess.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
dieburndie said:
You know I don't, and that's irrelevant.
Your argument was people died for it and therefore burning it should be punished.
That isn't logical because people can die for anything, that does not elevate it's status or say anything about what it represents being of value.
And I suppose you think its the reporter who has given us freedom of press, the poet and writer who have given us freedom of speech and the agitator who has given us freedom of protest right?
Aug 22, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
its better to understand what your flag represent than not knowing it, its better to know your civic rights and duties instead of being so dumb. Thats the difference. In this board i saw people who already passed HSC who don't even know what their country's flag stands for. Yes I noticed you don't have patriotism for your country but that does not mean other did nt. I've seen many australian who genuinely respect their country, love their country and are patriotic. I've heard on radio, read newspaper. Just because you are a leftie and will always submit to any threat including one who threaten to kill your parents or blow up your city does not mean all australians are. In fact, John Howard, a right winger is the Prime Minister means that more australian are on the right(and better) side.
I love my country. If we are going to get into this argument then I’ll have to say that I do. But there’s a difference, if you’ll see my post previously.

You don’t know what you are talking about, how can you, you are not Australian.
What's this crap about submitting to any threat etc etc...what are you talking about? If we were invaded I'd be out there, signing up, volunteering to fight, but we aren't.
You also reveal your tunnel vision,

"australian are on the right(and better) side" and make me wonder why I am bothering. Why are you so closeminded? John Howard is a strong leader. No matter my personal opinion that he is also a lying hypocrite, he is a strong leader who always manages to pull out the bullshit at the rgiht moments. Good on him, that's what politicans do. He's lucky in that all he's ever had as opposition is Beazley, who has the charisma of a rock, and Latham, who was clearly unstable. He is still in power because people are sheep. The general public are idiots who believe anythig they read in the Telegraph and are swayed by his cheap ploys. I won't vote Howard because I have a problem with his morals...not all of his policies. I also have a problem with the attempts to Americanise our workforce with his rubbish industrial relations laws. Aryan, if you have such a problem with Australia then leave. Go back to America and fix its problems, fix the race relations in your own country before you way in here.
And trying to say that you would make a better Australian than most of us is ridiculous...despite what you may belive outside your own little bubble is a country full of people who despise elitist, racist, conservative trash trying to tell us how to be Australian.
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May 19, 2006
"You believe that these people should be left alone instead of confronted, and you believe that challenging the problem will result in infuriating them. I have an answer for you, the problems is not solved by avoiding it. It merely set a time bomb where you can't control it. "

No actually stop putting words in my mouth i didnt say just leave them alone, go through my posts and you could see that i didnt suggest simply leaving them alone but rather re-habilitating them rather than the use of incarceration which you just LOOOOOOOOVE.

"I love comparing myself with John Howard, everytime he speak of islam he is accused of racism and tryting to inflame islamic community. I speak the hard reality and all I got is accusation of racism, hatred etc. All they say is its just a small minority and does not represent blah blah blah. The majority did nt do anything to make it better. Always got defensive whenever that bad small minority is attacked."

You seriously need years of therapy and i mean maaaaaaaaaaany years. Like where are you pulling this shit out from. Lets take an example of John Howards Supposed atack on Islam. The being able to speak english. I mean John Howard is a bit like you always picks on 1 culture although many other cultures have the same problem. But poloticians are poloticians as "ElendilPeredhil" referred to and that act in accordance to indoctrinated sheep like you who simply think ISLAM=TERRORISM.What happened to the various asians, greeks, italians etc etc. Im not criticising them but there imigrant background is very simular to that of an Islamict one where some people will not learn the language of english although they should. But thats besides the point, there are people in other cultures who dont speak english as well!!

What about your next point on the majority didnt do anything to fix the minority. Are you mentally insane!!! For example every lebanese you confront and discuss the FLAG BURNER incident will absolutely condemn what happened and say its idiots like these which ruin it for all and thats the same for other cases including the SKAF just as another example. But knowing you, u'de probably go to some thug like gang and ask them the question instead of approaching the majority well mannered.

So dont say the majority goes on the defensive because they haven't!! and its just another one of your... i actually quite dont know!! maybe you put your finger in your mouth then stick it up in the air hoping for a few ideas to prop up.

The only reality you talk is the bullshit your brainwashed with. I actually find it hard to put it into words but i think the best word that describes your mentality and your meaning of WISDOM is "indoctrination"

Like throughout your posts you make comments such as "im always right" or "wisdom has spoken" etc etc im trying to comprehend the methods in which your brain operates. Do you seriously think that you are correct and everyone else is wrong. Even though theyve proved you wrong many times. Sad to say but thats reminding me of a NAZI mentality where they simply thought that they were superior and all the gays, jews and nonpure-germans were just WRONG and stupid.

A serious reality check is needed urgently


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
I am not australian yet I already knows more about australia, its political system, constitution and civic rights and duties than those who were born and grew up, and schooled here in australia ;) I know what I am talking about and I know what australians are like. I know that most australians are not left leaning, appeasing, submisive, tree hugging people. I also knows that most australians do not like their flags to be burned and urinated on it, and dont want lebanese thugs intimidating them.

Just because you dislike John Howard's policies and the majority of australia became idiot/sheep because they don't subscribe to your commie propaganda? What a way to explain your own people!

I like australia, and its way of life, and its leader especially John Howard and his policies, seems like you are having problem with your own country since you hate your ruler with a passion, perhaps time to leave for fabulous socialist country such as North korea and Cuba?

Aryanbeauty is here to stay.;)


May 19, 2006
"I am not australian yet I already knows more about australia, its political system, constitution and civic rights and duties than those who were born and grew up, and schooled here in australia I know what I am talking about and I know what australians are like. I know that most australians are not left leaning, appeasing, submisive, tree hugging people. I also knows that most australians do not like their flags to be burned and urinated on it, and dont want lebanese thugs intimidating them.

Just because you dislike John Howard's policies and the majority of australia became idiot/sheep because they don't subscribe to your commie propaganda? What a way to explain your own people!

I like australia, and its way of life, and its leader especially John Howard and his policies, seems like you are having problem with your own country since you hate your ruler with a passion, perhaps time to leave for fabulous socialist country such as North korea and Cuba?
Aryanbeauty is here to stay."
Any fair minded person would read this then ask the question
How on eath do u know that you know more than aussies brought up here?
You know what your talking about pfffffffft!!
I wont bother with the rest just visit

You are ridiculous with your thoughts and any fairminded person will agree!!!


Feb 2, 2005
I am not australian yet I already knows more about australia, its political system, constitution and civic rights and duties than those who were born and grew up, and schooled here in australia ;) I know what I am talking about and I know what australians are like. I know that most australians are not left leaning, appeasing, submisive, tree hugging people. I also knows that most australians do not like their flags to be burned and urinated on it, and dont want lebanese thugs intimidating them.
The same applies to any other country for eg i might know more about american than a few americans - BIG DEAL.

no one wants flags to be burned - unrinated on? etc for no purpose. no one hear says flag burning should be a sport.
I like australia, and its way of life, and its leader especially John Howard and his policies, seems like you are having problem with your own country since you hate your ruler with a passion, perhaps time to leave for fabulous socialist country such as North korea and Cuba?
thats what democracy is about isnt it? to be free to be critical of everythign regardless of respective politcal position (left or right). one person might not like jon howwrd's policies and he has every right to hold that belief - there is no need for him to leave. Trust even the lebanese in australia dont want lebanese THUGS to intimidate them.

make some sense and check out the this link:


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty said:
The fact that 3000+ people turned up to protest against lebanese thugs who attacked life savers speak a lot that many australians have had enough of being terrorised.

You believe that these people should be left alone instead of confronted, and you believe that challenging the problem will result in infuriating them. I have an answer for you, the problems is not solved by avoiding it. It merely set a time bomb where you can't control it.

I love comparing myself with John Howard, everytime he speak of islam he is accused of racism and tryting to inflame islamic community. I speak the hard reality and all I got is accusation of racism, hatred etc. All they say is its just a small minority and does not represent blah blah blah. The majority did nt do anything to make it better. Always got defensive whenever that bad small minority is attacked.

Wisdom has Spoken ;)
lots of people from various backgrounds get terrorised by people from all backgrounds, youve just taken an isolated incident and rendered it as justifiable for the riots...if you have faith in the justice system then stop whining...if you dont then the problem lies in the justice system itself....take your pick.
secondly howard doesnt inflame the islamic community rather he criticies its radical elements which is in stark contrast to the silly sweeping generalisations you have made in this thread
furthermore...hardly any words of wisdom


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
when was the last hindu or asian "revenge" attack or planned terrorism onebytwo? What it is it with some people and not facing up to genuine problems.


Feb 2, 2005
bshoc said:
when was the last hindu or asian "revenge" attack or planned terrorism onebytwo? What it is it with some people and not facing up to genuine problems.
why there have been numerous hindu extremists attacks in india and pakistan. but are there any significant wars going on in asian countries?

i mean look at the middle east its a mess.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
onebytwo said:
lots of people from various backgrounds get terrorised by people from all backgrounds, youve just taken an isolated incident and rendered it as justifiable for the riots...if you have faith in the justice system then stop whining...if you dont then the problem lies in the justice system itself....take your pick.
secondly howard doesnt inflame the islamic community rather he criticies its radical elements which is in stark contrast to the silly sweeping generalisations you have made in this thread
furthermore...hardly any words of wisdom
Isolated incident is far too common here. How manytimes the newspaper have featured a drug seller, rapist, murder and countless crime suspect as person of middle eastern appearance. I am not whining, you are the one who is whining everytime John Howard or me critisize the rotten part of islam or lebanese in australia, you cryfoul of racism. You are afraid of the rotten side of yours to be exposed. That is exactly what we are seeing here. A quote from an article by an ex Cop
I remember executing a search warrant at Croydon, where we found nearly a pound of heroin. I know that now sounds very familiar; however, what set this heroin apart was that it was Beaker Valley Heroin, markedly different from any heroin I had seen. Number Four heroin from the golden triangle of South-East Asia is nearly always off-white, almost pure diamorphine. This heroin was almost brown.
But more remarkable were the occupants of the house. They were very recent arrivals from Lebanon, and from the moment we entered the premises, we wrestled and fought with the male occupants, were abused and spat at by the women and children, and our search took five times longer because of the impediments placed before us by the occupants, including the women hiding heroin in baby nappies and on themselves and refusing to be searched by policewomen because of religious beliefs. We had never encountered these problems before.
You are scared to face the reality, instead you love to play down anything that has to do with Islam or lebanese, telling us it is only less than 1 percent, it is only a few people blah blah blah. And the 99% stand defending any criticism of the bad people. A further quote from the article
The Middle Eastern cycle of violence is not local. It can occur on the central coast, around Cronulla, Bondi, Darling Harbour, Five Dock, Redfern, Paddington, anywhere in Sydney. Unlike their Vietnamese counterparts, they roam the city and are not confined to either Cabramatta or Chinatown. And even more alarming is that the violence is directed mainly against young Australian men and women. There is a clear and definite link between violent attacks on our young men and women being racial as well as criminal. Quite often when taking statements from young men attacked by groups of Lebanese males around Darling Harbour, a common theme has been the racially motivated violence against the victims simply because they are Australian
http://www.quadrant.org.au/php/archive_details_list.php?article_id=581 yeah call him a racist cop. You can run but you can't hide from the truth.
hotshot said:
thats what democracy is about isnt it? to be free to be critical of everythign regardless of respective politcal position (left or right). one person might not like jon howwrd's policies and he has every right to hold that belief - there is no need for him to leave
Yes, that is why Aryanbeauty, an alien, a foreigner is in australia enjoying his free speech rights. I don't have to be Australian citizen to discuss about australia and its politics as suggested by Elen.

Truth has spoken ;)
Aug 13, 2004
bshoc said:
when was the last hindu or asian "revenge" attack or planned terrorism onebytwo? What it is it with some people and not facing up to genuine problems.
thousands of white people didnt rally against their race, therefore no revenge attack. However, asians probably wouldnt go rampaging sydney.. thats besides the point, while not acceptable, they were provoked.
The riot was an single incident.

Aryanbeauty said:
Isolated incident is far too common here. How manytimes the newspaper have featured a drug seller, rapist, murder and countless crime suspect as person of middle eastern appearance.

Truth has spoken ;)
You wouldnt know this, sound (and look) anti- arab, but Lebanese Australians are an integral part of australian society and there are many. These men of middle eastern appearance are born in australia 90 % of the time. There will be crimes by Lebanese Australians, just as there are crimes by "white" australians. But whenever there is, it is clearly seperated into racial by the media.
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Oct 18, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
Isolated incident is far too common here. How manytimes the newspaper have featured a drug seller, rapist, murder and countless crime suspect as person of middle eastern appearance. I am not whining, you are the one who is whining everytime John Howard or me critisize the rotten part of islam or lebanese in australia, you cryfoul of racism. You are afraid of the rotten side of yours to be exposed.
who are u replying to ? onebytwo didnt even critisize john howard, so why u bringing him into it ?

were abused and spat at by the women and children, and our search took five times longer because of the impediments placed before us by the occupants, including the women hiding heroin in baby nappies and on themselves and refusing to be searched by policewomen because of religious beliefs. We had never encountered these problems before.
ohh yeh only middle eastern drug traffickers would abuse and spit on cops :rolleyes:

and theres no religious beliefs restricting a woman being searched by another, but of course if a criminal/drug trafficker/whatever they are says it, it must be true right


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
bshoc said:
when was the last hindu or asian "revenge" attack or planned terrorism onebytwo? What it is it with some people and not facing up to genuine problems.
why would hindu's or any asians bother with revenge attacks if they have havent been publicly (cronulla scale) discriminated against - as if the asian community wont go wild if they were racially vilified. are you suggesting that asians are completely free of crime? i hope not. also, who are you suggesting has engaged in terrorism within australia? am i unaware of a bomb that went off in a CBD building?


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty said:
Isolated incident is far too common here. How manytimes the newspaper have featured a drug seller, rapist, murder and countless crime suspect as person of middle eastern appearance. I am not whining, you are the one who is whining everytime John Howard or me critisize the rotten part of islam or lebanese in australia, you cryfoul of racism. You are afraid of the rotten side of yours to be exposed.
my response to whatever sense i could make out your post.....please fix your expression. i can tell english isn't your first language...is it? anyway...........
how many times have the newspapers referred to asian appearance? just because a newspaper refers to someone as middle eastern in appearance it doesnt mean they are...there are a lot of people that can look arab-like, eg europeans (greeks, italians etc). also, can we assume everytime the papers dont refer to nationality the criminal is an anglo? no, because that would be silly.
you people are trying to blame all australia's social problems on specific races rather then using whatever brain you have in trying to come up with a solution.
also, i never attacked john howards remarks and i am not defending any lebanese or religion....im defending rationality
Aug 22, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
Yes, that is why Aryanbeauty, an alien, a foreigner is in australia enjoying his free speech rights. I don't have to be Australian citizen to discuss about australia and its politics as suggested by Elen.

Truth has spoken ;)
Okay, I'm sorry. You are perfectly free to hold an opinion on Australia, I shouldn't have said you aren't, its just a rather stressful time of year for me and I got quite pissed off with your arrogance.

To reiterate: I don't like John Howard. He is morally corrupt, and he is trying to Americanise our culture and turn us into people who think a basic wage of 5 or 6 dollars an hour is normal.

That doesn't mean I disagree with everything he says. I think shop fronts should display their notices in English, I think that imam's should preach in english and I think that all Australians should learn to speak English as well as possible. I don't think this should just be restricted to migrants from the Middle East, but should apply to everyone. I think people whose native culture preaches modesty should understand that in Australian culture wearing a bikini doesn't make a girl a slut, and I think people who try to use their culture to get away with rape and assault should be thrown into the ocean a mile or two out from shore and left there. ;)

I wonder exactly who do you think you are impressing with your vague claims of knowing more about Australia than Australians?
I wonder exactly how you are testing that- if you came to my school I believe you would find your knowledge of our culture outclassed.

I realise there is a problem with some members of the middle eastern community in Australia, but the difference between you and I is that I don't, I'm not willing to lump a whole religion or whole race into the 'too bad,' or 'too stupid' category. And you are perfectly free to comment on Australia, but trying to compare America favourably to Oz just seems silly to me when you have your own share of problems.

I can't really say much about my comments that the majority of voters are sheep...if that is not obvious to you then I don't know how to explain it at the moment.

And I'll repeat a quote I found that really explains my problem with the kind of rose coloured, tears in eyes patriotism you are promoting, that really applies quite well to the current situation in America and Australia.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
Hermann Goering, Riech Marshall, Germany, Nuremberg Trials
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Sep 2, 2005
The fact that one holds an opinion that is in line with the majority isn't something to be proud of anyway. Most people are stupid, ignorant or apathetic. The height of Australian(ness) isn't reached by sharing views with the "average" Australian but by contributing greatly to Australian society. That is why we have "Australian of the Year" and honour systems such as "Order of Australia" etc. The recipients aren't by any means the average Australians.
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