White Rabbit
Bloody Shitcakes
Asquithian - I appreciate that It is difficult, and no, you shouldn't give up your heritage completly, what I dislike is people who make absolulty no effort to try and intergrate. Thats pretty much what it comes down to. Yes, I see the bad asspects over the good ones, which is human nature. We tend to see the bad things and forget the positives. I live in Hurstville and I see alot more of the negative impacts of multiculturalism than I do the positive. This, added to the fact that before my generation, my family was living in rural australia for a good 6 generations on my mums side, and much of the family remains there to this day (I'll be going to Bathurst in 2 weeks, adding to that) and so, my views are shaped by this. My dad's family, too from the bush, but also ironically Aboriginal for the most part.
As for Australia Day, I do see it's importance, yes there are more important days, but I was certainly annoyed that it was so blatantly ignored.
As for Australia Day, I do see it's importance, yes there are more important days, but I was certainly annoyed that it was so blatantly ignored.