Damn, tough decision.
Free education means that anyone willing to get an education will get one, regardless of financial, social or whatever background. However, Government running of educational facilities is tricky because in effect this created a monopoly. And we all know what happens with a monopoly: the people running it have no incentive to be innovative, no reason to improve. It's not as though kids like us have anywhere else to go for an education...
On the otherhand, privatising education ensures that continuous competition will exist, resulting in schools try innovation and improvement, because that is the only way they can attract more customers (students). Then again, payment for education may cause a widening rift between the nation's rich and poor. For some people, it's either cheap education or no education. If there exist people with no education, the quality of life will split to two extremes; the educated rich and the uneducated poor. And this could also bring up the problem of discrimination; an educated person may be more "respected" than an uneducated hobo.
So, in conclusion: i actually believe the current balance is OK for now, Gov't schools and private schools running together. If the gov't fails to catch up, more and more students will opt to bail out and into the private sector. Then again, those who cannot aford to bail out will be left at a disadvantage, getting only a half-assed education. And they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing...