Hey! yeah im from a single-sex guys school with female teacher. I too hate tannen. Her book is just so americanised, even with the examples. I suppose it is hard though, writing as a female on communication between males and females, because no matter what you do, the readers, in this case males, will reject alot of what you say because of the attitude 'how would she know about men'.
Oh bummer about the notes. yeah its a small candidature for gendered language! about 200 people or something last year.
Was that the debate question? we attempted it in class. Kinda hard! haha
It's a bit of a shame really with our class, becuase they use it as a chance to pay out women, and thats not really what the course is. it's prob just proving tannen more right with assymetrical conversation etc.
soem pointers on elizabeth would be good, we are just starting that now, however we aren't doing twelth night, but Floor of Heaven by Tranter. it's very good, mainly because you can see how you react to the image of the narraotr presented, because i got the gender of the narrator completey wrong haha.
yeah anythign woudl be good. Like maybe a logic map of your answer, or something like that! any help would be good.