Welcome all future engineering students of UNSW!
One way to get you started is to be familiar with the software used in Engineering.
Engineering is one of the most technologically advanced faculties in UNSW.
A) Software you may need.
Mozilla Firefox - The creators of the Mechanics of Solids online quizzes state you must use this browser as they do not support browsers such as Internet Explorer or other browsers.
Adobe Flash Player - Get the latest version in order to do the same online quizzes without trouble.
Java - You need this in order to run UNSW's Vista eLearning interface. You can get the latest version here:
Java Downloads for All Operating Systems - Sun Microsystems
B) Software for home computing.
Microsoft Excel 2003 - Use this if you are doing ENGG1811. You must make sure you can use the Visual Basic interface.
You may use Excel 2007 but you must save using and work with the xls format and not the newer xlsx format.
PuTTY - If you are doing COMP1911 and are using Windows you need this software to make your PC act as a terminal to remotely access the CSE servers online where you can do your programming.
C) Software used in Engineering
Maple - This software uses symbolic math to solve problems you found tedious or impossible to solve by hand. Used in MATH1131/MATH1141 and MATH1231/MATH1241.
Space Gass - This software uses a nodal interface to design bridges, trusses and other fixed structures and analyse them. Used in Civil Engineering.
MATLAB - A front-end programming language that has replaced the much older FORTRAN for mathematics experiments and calculations. This is mainly used for larger Statistical and Numerical calculations. Used in MATH2089 and Civil Engineering's Statistics courses.
CATIA - Very similar to CAD however you are able to edit and design machinery parts and assembly in your project in a 3D interface. Used very often in your Mechanical Engineering degree.
D) About Macs
Macs are not needed in ANY engineering faculty other than CSE
(Computer Science & Engineering)
If you are considering getting a Mac, please reconsider.
If you have a Mac, please destroy it with a sledgehammer or equivalent tool.
Macs are problematic in your engineering degree (except CSE) because:
- Lecturers and course coordinators don't support Macs
(ELEC1111 releases videos which require provided software that only supports Windows)
- Quizzes don't run properly using Mac's Safari browser
(Because the required pictures in the MATH2089 statistics quizzes don't load and as a result of these Macfags the lecturer was forced to use the alphabetical text equivalent of mathematical symbols)
- CATIA doesn't run on a Mac
- You may have noticed the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Labs don't use Macs either.
Q: What's the best way to accelerate your Mac?