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General Law Questions. (1 Viewer)


Jun 26, 2006
Just before i begin would like to say that i appreciate any answers to my questions that you give :)

1. Will the fact that i havn't done legal studies hurt me in anyway in the law degree?

2. Is Macquarie a good university for law?

3. Do employers consider usyd or unsw graduates over mac grads?

4. How difficult is it?

5. If you are in the degree are you enjoying it?

Your help is greatly appreciated.


I'll do my best. I've done law for a year and here are some of my observation. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong anyone.

1. Will the fact that i havn't done legal studies hurt me in anyway in the law degree? absolutely not. however I do recommend doing some sniffing and finding what textbooks you're going to be using, and at least start having a flip through them in the holidays in order to get a leg up on the rest of the students. law texts are very weighty so don't get too flustered by the amount of 'stuff' in there... half of it you probably won't need to know. your course lecturers and tutors will narrow down the most important parts.

2. Is Macquarie a good university for law? yes it's fine. I go to UTS and apparently Mac ranks up there with my Uni. Sure they don't have the prestige factor of a USYD or UNSW but I honestly believe that the quality of teaching is just as good. sure the candidature might not be the absolute cream of the crop, because the cream usually goes to the more prestigious uni's, however, in the end, if you have good marks employers will recognise this. bare in mind though, that if the brightest are attracted to the very 'top tier' uni's then you might have to produce a higher mark or rank higher within your cohort to really distinguish yourself.

3. Do employers consider usyd or unsw graduates over mac grads? see above. you could be a mediocre student from usyd or unsw, but a great student from mac or UTS would get preference (just thinking logically).

4. How difficult is it? having done 1 year... I'd have to say that it isn't difficult to pass. It seems fairly difficult though to get a distinction average, you really need to sink some time and effort into getting great results. remember that most people in the course are in the top 1 or 2 per cent of the State as determined by the HSC so competition will be much tougher than High School. for me this seems to be reflected in the amount of time and effort it takes to get very good marks.

5. If you are in the degree are you enjoying it? I'm doing straight law, and I wouldn't say I'm 'enjoying it'. but then again I've tried a lot of things and haven't really enjoyed many of them. for me this is just a means to an end ($). Practising law will be more interesting hopefuilly :D Then again, it is a challenging intellectual exercise and you do feel a big sense of achievement when you finish a subject, or a difficult assessment.

hope that helps in some way.


Jun 26, 2006
Thanks for your input it helped :) Was also wondering whether the other degree you do with a combined law degree bears any weighting on what type of lawyer you become or if any employers take it into consideration?


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
I'd say that'd depend on the area you're going into, patenting/copyright stuff would be more advantageous with say Communications or Media/Law than say Psych/Law, but nothing is set in stone :)


Premium Member
Aug 17, 2004
Chasing ambulances in the Inner West...
1. Will the fact that i havn't done legal studies hurt me in anyway in the law degree?
No you cover off what people do in the first few weeks of your introductory subjects.

2. Is Macquarie a good university for law?
As far as I have seen its pretty good that said I can only compare between Mac and UWS but overall the teachers seem good and the facilities aren't bad.

3. Do employers consider usyd or unsw graduates over mac grads?
There are some employers who are old school and will only take Syd and possibly UNSW grads others are more open minded. In the end if you do well, bulk up your CV with work experience and extra curriculars you will be fine, some employers are stupid though and think only syd grads are good, just work hard!

4. How difficult is it?
1st year is hard no matter what degree you do, it takes adjusting and law is quite daunting. The best advice is to go to class, do your readings and read unit outlines etc... it sounds simple but this is where many first years get careless. Keep in mind uni marking is a lot different and don't get discouraged. Keep trying because most peoples best marks are in the years after first year because they learn the system and what is expected. Also get involved in mooting and other competitions run by the law society, they can often help you practice the case reading and research skills you are learning.

5. If you are in the degree are you enjoying it?
B Arts (Sociology)/ B Laws
Yep Love it!

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