MODULE A - FrankieRuner -> spoke about contextual relations, parallels drawn through the realm of time -> different mediums complementing various facets of an inherent sense of the "Human Condition", to which I provided a suitable definition. Such as, written texts appeasing an individuals sense of "imagination" or complementing their metaphysical self. Whereas visual texts appealed to one's senses of sight and hearing. In spite of such, they both drew parallels between humanitarian notions of "( insert the themes I used)"
MODULE B - Speeches, fucking bandler. I guess I was in a better position than most, as I had prepared Bandler as "third speech" to use. Nonetheless, I spent too much time trying to break up the one paragraph that I did have on Bandler, and turning it into three main concepts. It turned out alright, and was quite content with it I guess.
MODULE C - Had about 20-25 mins left to write. It was as if my hands were on speed. I managed to write about two of Hughes' poems "Red" and "The Minotaur", but could only fit in one ORT (an article on Julian Assange)