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Getting to know you (1 Viewer)



Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

Kegs said:
[In love] Ya huh
Oh that is so cute. :D

I never actually did this:

B a S i c . I n F o
[Name] Rob
[Age] 19
[Education n course] B Ancient History (Honours)
[Sign] Virgo
[Birthday] 9th September
[Hair Color] light brown / darke blonde
[Eye Color] blue
[Hair Style] lazy arts student style
Ethnic Background: caucasian
Religion: agnostic
Location: Lindfield
Sex: Male
Height: 185

A r E . Y o U _ ?
[Racist] only if they can't drive or sleep in the library...
[Weird] yes
[Romantic] yes
[Serious] yes
[Smart] occasionally
[In love] no
[Religious] no
[Playful] no
[Experienced] yes
[Tolerant] if someone's making an effort, yes, but if they're plain stupid, no.

:x:Any nicknames? no
:x:Any immediate family? older brother, older sister, parents
:x:Any pets? 1x cat, Picasso! :D
:x:Any significant other? no
:x:Any hobbies? yup, reading and playing music
:x:Any obsessions? Bonds clothing. <3
*Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? gossip. I love to gossip
*If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? I'd like eyes like Darth Maul.

School (uni?)
:x:Any classes you love? no, I'm pretty much over all of them at the moment
:x:Any classes you hate? Egyptian religion.
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? some need to stop reading their notes. :S
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? yesh
What do you love about Macquarie: the attitude of the students, the flexibility of the degrees, the reasonably good online resources, the spacious campus which is near my house, but is still quite quiet...
What do you hate about Macquarie: parking.

Said "I love you" and not mean it? no
Danced naked? for sure - who doesn't rock out while in the shower?!
Stalked someone? yes
Had a mud bath? no
Wished you were the opposite sex? not frequently...
Had an imaginary friend? no.
Apr 3, 2004
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

B a S i c . I n F o
[Name] Lynn
[Age] 19
[Education n course] B Creative Arts
[Sign] Scorpio, with Gemini moon and rising
[Birthday] 17th of November
[Hair Color] Extremely dark brown/black
[Eye Color] Dark brown
[Hair Style] Layers that just kinda "sit" to give some nice shape/movement but without any high-maintenance heat or product styling because I so couldn't be bothered :p
Ethnic Background: Malay-Chinese (take after dad's side in terms of looks, take after mum's side in terms of personality)
Religion: Agnostic
Location: around Hornsby (no-one knows where Berowra is!!!)
Sex: Female
Height: 152cm?

A r E . Y o U _ ?
[Racist] hell no
[Weird] maybe a little :(
[Romantic] definately
[Serious] sometimes overly, trying to work on this though
[Smart] I try my hardest? :p
[In love] not currently
[Religious] not particularly
[Playful] yes!
[Experienced] this could be interpreted so many ways :/
[Tolerant] Both yes and no. I'm a huge softie but can be a bitch royale if you manage to really piss me off (luckily this doesn't happen very often).

:x:Any nicknames? mostly just Lynny (my bro calls me this)
:x:Any immediate family? younger brother, mum and dad
:x:Any pets? 2 dogs (Shadow and Delta)
:x:Any significant other? not currently
:x:Any hobbies? DANCING! singing, reading, playing WoW ;)
:x:Any obsessions? DANCING! And watching America's Next Top Model
*Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? Their inner calm and stability. On a really general level, they seem to have so much more of this than us girls do... I'm so envious!
*If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Proportions. But I guess you gotta learn to work with what you got, and love it for what it is, right? :)

School (uni?)
:x:Any classes you love? MUS205!
:x:Any classes you hate? ARTS200 was the worst subject ever. Mostly irrelevant, incomprehensible sociological drivel leaking from the mouth of an entirely unfunny lecturer that needs to retire. Total waste of a BCA core.
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? Michelle (mus205): lovely. All my arts teachers aside from the accounting and sociology one: champions. Kishani (cul202 and 302): Uninspiring.
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? at uni? No.
What do you love about Macquarie: Club Mac baby! Laid back, flexibility, ability to sleep in my car :)
What do you hate about Macquarie: Trying to get parking ater 10am and before 2pm.

Said "I love you" and not mean it? no
Danced naked? no
Stalked someone? no
Had a mud bath? no
Wished you were the opposite sex? no
Had an imaginary friend? no
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Active Member
Jan 2, 2004
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

I skipped quite a few, but here goes...

My sibling(s) thinks I am: slack, lazy, messy, the worst person in the world to live with...
Three things you are often complimented for: clothes/fashion (though it's not original or overly interesting to be honest), sense of humour, my hair...oh and knowledge about stuff.
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: when I was younger a lady told me I was too good looking to be the offspring of my parents...my parents were with me at the time.
You get embarrassed when: people who are sober think I'm drunk and start pointing...
Makes you happy: Fridays, good food and drinks and travelling overseas
Upsets you: fuckwits...broad term, but its true.


You keep a diary: nein...that means no, not 9.
You like to cook: umm...I like to eat
You fold your underwear: well what else would you do with them??
You talk in your sleep: gawd no
You bite your fingernails: occassionally, quite rarely, I've been known to put the fingernail of my thumb betwen my teeth...yeah, it's grose...but I make sure it's ultra-clean.


Movie you rented: Mysterious Skin (wow - what an amazing movie)
Movie you bought: Napoleon Dynamite ("bow-staff skills...nun-chuck skills")
Song you listened to: 'Laundromatic' by Klinger on my Ipod
CD you listened to: The new albums by Hellogoodbye and Thursday
Person you've called: [at work] Some solicitor at Clayton Utz in Canberra
TV show you've watched: Crossing Jordan tonight


You wish you could live somewhere else: Ofcourse! A terrace in Woollahra/Paddington...or a place in Edgecliff would suit me fine.
You believe in online dating: I know people who are in serious relationships after talking to people on the other side of the world...so you can never rule it out I guess. I guess there's potential for it to work...as long as it doesn't stay "online"
Others find you attractive: In the words of the band 'Cute Is What We Aim For': "I may be ugly, but they sure love to stare"
You want more piercings: More?? I'd love my first one...on my lip to one side. Not really the right look in the legal field however, so thus far: none.
You want more tattoos: No tats for me
You drink: yep
You like cleaning: nooo
You like roller coasters: Some...
You write in cursive or print: who has time to print if you don't have to??
You carry a donor card: No. And my license also makes it clear I'm not a donor.

Have you...

Ever cried over a boy/girl: well cried is such a vague term....
Ever lied to someone: yes
Ever been in a fist fight: physical fights...but not a fist fight
Ever been arrested: no


Shampoo do you use: Redken shampoo, American Crew conditioner (it's a good product, but sheesh, is there a hair salon/fashion mag that doesn't think American Crew is god's gift to man right now?!)
Purfume do you use: For deodorant cologne: Dufour. Cologne: Beyond Paradise by Lauder, CK1 and Obsession, Van Heusen...
Shoes do you always wear: Monday-Friday I wear Julius Marlow "Ash" to work. On the weekends I usually wear Cotton On rubber thongs or my ultra comfy Vans black-and-white checkered slip-ons.
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Active Member
Jan 2, 2004
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

glitterfairy said:
School (uni?)
:x:Any classes you love? Not really.
:x:Any classes you hate? Not really... although cul202 is pretty wanky :/
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? None of them greatly inspire me. That's all...
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? at uni? No.
Haha, those answers made me laugh...so ambivalent! :)


Premium Member
Aug 17, 2004
Chasing ambulances in the Inner West...
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

B a S i c . I n F o
[Name] Melissa
[Age] 19
[Education n course] B Arts(Sociology)/ B Laws
[Sign] Libra
[Birthday] 18th October
[Hair Color] Dark brown
[Eye Color] green
[Hair Style] curly
Ethnic Background: aussie/greek
Religion: dunked greek ortho not sure what I really am
Location: Strathfield
Sex: Female
Height: 154cm

A r E . Y o U _ ?
[Racist] No
[Weird] Hell yes
[Romantic] Yes
[Serious] I guess I have to be sometimes
[Smart] People would think so as I am law student but a lot of the time it is questionable
[In love] yes
[Religious] no
[Playful] yes
[Experienced] in what??? yes
[Tolerant] Yep

:x:Any nicknames? Mel and various other names the lil kids I work with call me Lissa, Alyssa, Missa
:x:Any immediate family? younger bro, mum, dad
:x:Any pets? nope
:x:Any significant other? b/f
:x:Any hobbies? reading and listening to music
:x:Any obsessions? Anthony Callea, chocolate , technology *hides*
*Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? oh if they smell good, perfume deo, etc its all hot
*If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Eliminate some blonde moments

School (uni?)
:x:Any classes you love? Law ones
:x:Any classes you hate? Arts subjects ick
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? don't know any yet
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? hmmm want to do mooting
What do you love about Macquarie: I got in there :)
What do you hate about Macquarie: ugly buildings...ick

Said "I love you" and not mean it? no
Danced naked? for sure - Whilst getting dressed in front of the mirror, who doesn't check themselves out.
Stalked someone? yes...Anthony Callea is scared of me and my fluffy hand cuffs
Had a mud bath? no
Wished you were the opposite sex? When there is a long line in the ladies at concerts
Had an imaginary friend? no.


Extraordinary Entertainer
Oct 18, 2004
The Void
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

Probably gonna seem weird for posting this now... but i was bored :D

B a S i c . I n F o
[Name] Mark
[Age] 18
[Education n course] B Economics
[Sign] Saggitarius (The ARCHER, baby!)
[Birthday] Nov 29
[Hair Color] Black, niga
[Eye Color] Brown. Mybe i'll get sharingan contacts (naruto reference)
[Hair Style] I like it to be short-ish
Ethnic Background: Hong Kong
Religion: Agnostic
Location: Hornsby
Sex: Male
Height: I've been 168cm for 2 years with no change T.T

A r E . Y o U _ ?
[Racist] No, just prejudiced
[Weird] I'm still single, that's weird... isn't it?
[Romantic] Haven't had a chance
[Serious] Depending on context... Friends = fun, Work = serious, for example
[Smart] Lots of people think i'm very smart. But judging from my marks, i guess i'm lazy too...
[In love] Maybe.
[Religious] Spiritual
[Playful] Hmm...
[Experienced] I am a card magician and intermediate-level XCMer (Xtreme Card Manipulation). I have 8 years of kungfu under my black-belt... oh wait, you WERE asking THAT kind of "experienced", right?
[Tolerant] Hell yeah, or else i would've killed someone by now...

:x:Any nicknames? P_D, "oh, that card guy", maybe some others...
:x:Any immediate family? Mum, dad, little bro
:x:Any pets? Nada
:x:Any significant other? Nein (none) :(
:x:Any hobbies? Cards, Kung fu, Igo,
:x:Any obsessions? Uh, i'm a guy, so... the usual?
*Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? Dayum, how to answer this one...
*If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? My lazyness, i rkn, if i had the motivation to work harder on everything, i'd be invincible...

School (uni?)
:x:Any classes you love? ACST101 is pretty interesting (for the moment) and PHIL132 is nice too
:x:Any classes you hate? Uh, i dun hate it, but ECON110 makes me so sleepy...
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? They're alright, so far
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? at uni? Kung fu, and i'm starting an Igo club.
What do you love about Macquarie: Close proximity from home, nice people, nice campus

What do you hate about Macquarie: Some of the toilets, and the SAM building food has little variety..., and TOO MANY PEOPLE SMOKING!!!

Said "I love you" and not Really mean it? Yep.
Danced naked? First, what qualifies as "dancing" and "naked"...
Stalked someone? When i was too young to know it was "stalking", lol...
Had a mud bath? I REALLY do not understand ppl who do...
Wished you were the opposite sex? Ehhh... nah.
Had an imaginary friend? It's still around :D

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Extraordinary Entertainer
Oct 18, 2004
The Void
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

CieL said:
Out of interest, would you be able to do this kinda stuff?
Or is this fake?

Oh, i've seen that ad before, and yeah, everything in it is physically possible. I could show you some, but for the others i'd need the proper gimmicks. Then again, It's the stuff i DON"T need gimmicks for that are worth watching :D

Here's another link to that video: http://www.elusionist.com/audio/brad-gambling-commercial.mpg

I can also do this stuff: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IbBm4suXho

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Jul 21, 2004
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

P_Dilemma said:
Probably gonna seem weird for posting this now... but i was bored :D

What do you hate about Macquarie: Some of the toilets, and the SAM building food has little variety..., and TOO MANY PEOPLE SMOKING!!!


i reckon!! =( *sigh* yucko


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')


Mexican AND kebabs AND burgers.

Thats like...my three main meals covered!


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

B a S i c . I n F o
[Name] Chandimala
[Age] 18
[Education n course] Bachelor of Commerce - Marketing
[Sign] Leo
[Birthday] 3 aug
[Hair Color] Black
[Eye Color] brown
[Hair Style] reaches mid back/fringe
Ethnic Background: Sri Lankan
Religion: Buddhist
Location: Marsfield
Sex: Female
Height: 5 feet lol

A r E . Y o U _ ?
[Racist] Nope
[Weird] Wierd is interesting haha
[Romantic] Pretty much half of me
[Serious] depends
[Smart] average
[In love] with drum'n'bass music
[Religious] Not very but a little
[Playful] Very, especially when i'm not in a right state of mind
[Experienced] in what? :p
[Tolerant] very

:x:Any nicknames? Chandi, Shandee (originated in russia) lol
:x:Any immediate family? sister & parents
:x:Any pets? nope
:x:Any significant other? nope
:x:Any hobbies? music, singing, having fun, photography, dancing
:x:Any obsessions? dnb music, photography & other things i better not write on here haha
*Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? sense of humour, confidence, eyes
*If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? wish i was taller sometimes lol

:x:Any classes you love? none at the moment
:x:Any classes you hate? Math
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? Not really...
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? Not really involved in anything right now
What do you love about Macquarie: a lot of things
What do you hate about Macquarie: the fact that they made me do math!

Said "I love you" and not mean it? Not really
Danced naked? of course
Stalked someone? not yet haha
Had a mud bath? lol i've thought about it
Wished you were the opposite sex? sometimes just to know what it's like
Had an imaginary friend? oh yes


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only')

AsyLum said:

Mexican AND kebabs AND burgers.

Thats like...my three main meals covered!
mmmm i'm craving a kebabbbbbbbb

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