Guys did you actaully study the human story? You look at a lemur, then a oranutan then a chimp, then an Australipithious Afenesis, then at a Homo Habilis, then a homo sapian skeleton and if you cant see the evolutionary process i think you need to get your eyes tested.
Basil, are you like a big conspiracy theorist and think that all these fossils were planted there or do you just not see the link? Also, there are millions of other examples of evoltion beside the moths, i mean what about the finches in the gallopogas islands? and what about bacterias that become reistant to anti-biotics? do you think that god created heaps of species of finches that are only a tiny bit different? do you think that the bacteria becomes resistant be magic?
You mention all the holes in the theory of evolution, do you mean Darwins theory? Cause scientist accept it has flaws (the punctuated equilibrian stuff) but the general ideas still right, i think.
Sorry if i have written to much or sound patronizing, its just it seems amazing that your guys could have studdied the same topic as me and thought that it wasnt right. I guess you just have really strong faith.