Katie is right, if you get depressed about study -> slow right down, its not the end of things.
Anyway, I don't know, MY hsc breakdown kept taking me to weird and unusual places -- so wierd that I began to actually enjoy the randomness and stopped being unhappy while I was at them.
okay, lol, but what did this randomness entail?
Well, hmm, I skipped school for a day by myself before trials and just read in the sun at this beachside place I know of but don't go very often.
I then on several occasions more went to more random places after that day, in which I have a) Hung out with a group of kids for an afternoon, it was actually fun, idk, b) been bikeriding everywhere, c) chatted to a random chick for about half an hour and now we're pretty good friends
You know, all sorts of crazy things you never imagined doing when you set out.
Oh, I also enjoy helping people who are down.. when I am down. Weird, but makes me feel proactive.
Slash, slash. haha.
But anyway, take it slow... my breakdown wasn't about the HSC, but the HSC can definately pressure you.