Hair Treatments (1 Viewer)


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
How many treatments do you own?
Just the one that I use.

What specific treatments do you currently use?
Pantene Pro-V Always Smooth leave in hair moisturiser. It comes in a squeezy bottle (I've got a big 300ml one and a travel 50ml one), I leave it in my hair.

How often do you use treatments?
After I've blowdried it, so maybe once a week in summer. I used it every day when I went camping because of the sun and salt water.

Do you use some treatments more than others? If yes, then which treatments?
Just the one treatment.

Where do you purchase most of your treatments?
b) Pharmacies (including Priceline, etc.)
c) Supermarkets (i.e. Woolworths/Coles)

How do you decide on which treatment to purchase?
d) In-store packaging- Just reading what it says on the package.

What do you like about each of the treatments that you currently use, i.e. why do you purchase them?
It's good for making my hair nice and soft after I've blowdried it, or putting some moisture back after beating my hair in the surf. The bottle is designed so that you have a lot of control over how much you use, I only need a tiny little bit and it makes my hair soft without weighing it down.

What did you dislike about treatments that you used in the past?

If you could change one thing about each of the treatments that you currently use, what would it be?
Nothing, really.

Have you found any treatments difficult to use?

When do you use treatments?
After a shower, usually at night or in the afternoon.

Do you wish to use treatments in a situation that you can’t with your current treatments?
Since it comes in a travel sized bottle it's easy enough to use everywhere. I don't carry it everywhere, though, since I don't use it that often.

What would be your ideal treatment, if one was made specifically to suit your needs?
Anti-frizz, added body, detangling.

Which form would you desire from a treatment?
a) Non-Aerosol Spray
e) Bottle

What is an ideal treatment package size for you:
b) 50mL serum
c) 150mL spray
d) 200mL jar
e) 350mL jar

Don't really like jars, though. I prefer a bottle so I can just squeeze the stuff out.


Feb 23, 2003
pee ehs i used a garnier 3 min masque treatment as an experiment a few hours ago. it was quite average. really inconvenient to use. no real instructions as to how much i put on. and the smell of apples is overpowering: i can still smell it on my hair. It did however make my hair much softer, and made it easier to straighten. Feels a tiny bit greasy/oily but not too bad. I like touching it. Overall though, it's just not worth it for the inconvenience caused by it, and compared to using a lot of conditioner, I can't detect much of a difference.


Feb 23, 2003
why is your hair so shit? because of colouring? what do you use to straighten it so sxc?


Jan 2, 2004
I wouldn't normally fill out these things, but for you Stas, I will.

How many treatments do you own?

Hm. 4.

What specific treatments do you currently use (please be specific: i.e. brands, container type, whether they were leave-on/rinse-off)?

  1. Pantene Always Smooth Leave in Conditioner in 300ml and the small 50ml for handbag
  2. Loreal Absolut Repair in the huge yellow jar as aforementioned by AlleyCat

  3. Pantene Serum - I buy whichever is the cheapest so at home I have both the brunette one and the frizz defence one - they have exactly the same ingredients (I checked) and they do the same thing, which is make my hair less "flyaway". I have 3 bottles (which I have just retrieved from the bathroom) on is Pantene Pro-V Frizz Defence Anti Frizz serum (purchased in Australia, 50ml glass bottle), Pantene Pro-V Ice Shine, Shine serum (purchased in the UK, 50ml plastic bottle) and Pantene Pro-V Restoratives Frizz Control Extra Strength Serum (and yes, with the name like that, it was purchased in the USA, 50ml Glass bottle)
  4. This one is random, but it's called Muji (which in Japanese translates to something like no-name) "Hair Treatment Water" which is an antifrizz, anti-static, anti everything spray in a 200ml spray

How often do you use treatments?

#1 - every 3 days or so
#2 - every fortnight
#3 - currrently every day
#4 - currently every day

Do you use some treatments more than others? If yes, then which treatments?

I use the serum & the spray everyday currently because I am in a very dry environment and hair tends to get really dry (due to over use of airconditioning heating in shopping centres) and static. These two products - in combination with shampoo & conditioner, are the only things that prevent it from happenning so often.

Where do you purchase most of your treatments?
a) Salons
b) Pharmacies (including Priceline, etc.)
c) Supermarkets (i.e. Woolworths/Coles)
d) Convenience stores (e.g. 7/11)
e) Department stores (e.g. K-Mart/Target/Big-W
f) Other (please ask to specify)

Salons for the Loreal (you can't get it anywhere else) and Supermarkets.

How do you decide on which treatment to purchase?
a) Stylist recommendation
b) Friend/family recommendation
c) Advertising
d) In-store packaging
e) In-store price reductions

Mostly advertising, and price. And I suppose to an extent the packaging, because I read what the product is supposed to do. If it says it will prevent breakage for example I'll be more likely to buy it then something that says it will keep my colour seeing as I don't dye my hair.

What do you like about each of the treatments that you currently use, i.e. why do you purchase them?

#1 - it makes my hair more manageable - I can wake up in the morning and run a comb through it and get out the door. If i don't use the leave-in conditioner every few days or so I tend to have to spend 5 minutes wrestling with my hair

#2 - was introduced to me by a friend and makes my hair very lustrous and shiny but over-use does tend to weigh it down too much (due to the products high sillicoon & protein levels) so its a good thing to use every other week to give hair that extra "oomph"

#3 - this too, makes my hair more manageable and more importantly, in winter months, it doesn't make my hair static and annoying. When it rains my hair doesn't do that weird frizzy thing with serum. And the texture of the product means that, unlike leave-in conditioner, I don't get that ultra oily look by 5pm.
What did you dislike about treatments that you used in the past?

#4 - mainly just prevents static, which is a hella bitch.

If you could change one thing about each of the treatments that you currently use, what would it be? (Please identify the treatment you are discussing)

With the Pantene Serums - the squirt bottle is annoying because when the product falls to a certain level (ie, when you have used approx 75% of it) you have to manipulate the product to get sufficient amount out. I think in recent years Pantene updated the design so the pump now goes all the way to the bottom of the bottle, but it is still irritating.

I wouldn't suggest a change to the John Freida bottle (which uses a pipet) because that too is irritating. I understand that the pump bottle was probably utilised because over-use of this product means that it has an opposite to desired effect.

Perhaps a small pour squeeze bottle would be better - this way your company can control the dispensing amount but consumers would have the satisfaction of being able to turn their bottle upside down towards the end of the life of the product to get "more bang for their buck" so to speak.

Have you found any treatments difficult to use? If yes, what specifically was difficult?

The Loreal product, whilst brilliant at what it does, is irritating because correct use dictates that you wash, condition and dry your hair, get OUT of the shower, put the product in, leave it for 3 minutes and get back INTO the shower to rinse out. Who the hell does that? I understand Pantene has another treatment (I cannot remember the name for the life of me) that you're meant to use like another conditioner but to leave in longer. That, is more appealing. Something which doesn't require having to get out the shower is something that would be more appealing

When do you use treatments (e.g. in the morning before work, after shampooing and conditioning your hair, at work)?

Always at night, after work, after shower & towel dry with the exception of the Pantene handbag sized leave in - its really good with a little water if you are going out after work and need to smooth out those stray hairs.

Oh the Muji spray in the morning before going out.

Do you wish to use treatments in a situation that you can’t with your current treatments (e.g. at clubs/at work)? If so, where?

Keeping in mind that an increasingly globalised world means more and more people travelling and that the new liquid restrictions on aircraft are the way they are, I'd like to see more travel sized treatments like the leave in conditioner available in less than 100ml. Particularly the serum, because hair and air-craft air is a nightmare.

What would be your ideal treatment, if one was made specifically to suit your needs?

One that I could use every other day, in either a serum or a spray that would combat both manageability, static, frizz & dryness and came in available travel sizes for less than AUD$20 for 200ml or so.

Which form would you desire from a treatment?
a) Non-Aerosol Spray
b) Serum

c) Jar
d) Ampoule - What is this?!
e) Bottle
f) Tube
g) Other (please ask to specify)

Tubes are under-rated. There should be larger use of them. The Pantene serum is currently in a glass bottle which is also inconvenient for travelling - the plastic bottle or a tube is better.

What is an ideal treatment package size for you:
a) 15mL sachet
b) 50mL serum
c) 150mL spray
d) 200mL jar
e) 350mL jar

Any other comments/feedback?

I don't know what market you are targeting at the moment. I know you're in Singapore and there, the humidity is such that static & dryness are virtually unknown (my cousins tell me this and I can personally attest as such)

If you are marketing to any country that has a dry winter, any product which combats anti-static will be a hit - the amount of static generated by putting coats on, taking them off, scarfs, even brushing is phenomenal. That Muji spray which I mentioned does very well in Japan because of its anti-static benefits. As also mentioned above hair & aircraft air is a nightmare (heehee, that rhymes) so this product could be marketed towards that market too.

Finally, I think you should remember that most women carry bags, and many women carry an assortment of things in there - lipsticks, concealers whatever. They also like things which have cute packaging and are small enough to fit into said handbag. Marketing products with a smaller cousin is a good tactic.

I think thats about it.

Question for you: Why is it that Pantene in the US has a range of products for black hair which isn't available in Asia or Australia? Is that range targeted towards African-Americans?

The range in Australia is available to blondes, brunettes & redheads. Why not people with black hair and furthermore, that product may sell very well in Asia...?
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Feb 23, 2003
thanks so much susey-poo, that was so very helpful. I'm actually working on the ANZ (Aus & NZ) market.

In terms of ingredients being the same, be careful with that: quite often there will be different %, which would provide different results. For example, many garnier products have the same mix, but they just change the concentration of each part depending on the benefit.

Question for you: Why is it that Pantene in the US has a range of products for black hair which isn't available in Asia or Australia? Is that range targeted towards African-Americans?
I don't have an answer for that, unfortunately. My guess would be that those are targeted at hispanic and african-americans. My guess about the lack of black-hair products in Australia is because the market for black-hair maintenance is quite low. Most people would use treatments when they dye their hair, and most people would dye theirs blonde in Aus. Only 8% of Aussie women want products that give them black hair.

We do have some colour care options, though, and a lot of those products work on all hair types. However, Pantene's call to fame isn't colour care, but damage prevention and reversal. Some of the other P&G brands manage colour care much better and I would assume that we want them to have the room to expand.

As for black hair options in asia, I agree that they would be very popular. I'm guessing that they already exist in China, but can't confirm, as the website is illegible to me :p The GBU (Global Business Unit) that I'm working for looks over AAI, which includes Singapore, ANZ, India, Indonesia and Thailand. I know that in India we have the Pantene Long Black unit: "the ultimate solution for achieving the long and black hair look."


Feb 23, 2003
oh and guys, is the 300mL always smooth leave-on in a jar?


Jan 2, 2004
No, its this very cool squeezey bottle thing. I'm talking about this one:

To be honest, if it was in a jar, I probably wouldn't use it. I think you were asking about this one:

Realised that I have also tried this one (Restore & Renew Treatment):

as a budget alternative to the Loreal. It didn't cut it.

EDIT: first post as a non-mod in a long time. Woooo....
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Feb 23, 2003
lol i just remembered i didnt pay anyone the prize money. just selected a name at random using an excel formula, and ujuphleg won.

ujuphleg, PM me your bank acct details :eek:

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