adv english - 90%+ - hopefully l don't screw up the comprehension, l think my creative should be strong but sketchy on my ability to memorize this and my belonging essay (never memorised before)
modern hist - 90%+ - one of my easiest subjects, hoping to push my equal second onto first
legal studies - 80%+ - sketchy on this one. l feel legal has a shitload of content to cover and l always feel uncomfortable in this subject (due to a sub par teacher)
hist extension - 75%+ - in my opinion, one of the hardest subjects in the HSC by faaaaar, historiography is merciless. if l do really well in this one l will feel like l have slayed a dragon.
2U math - 85%+ - lol really get too overconfident in math and neglect studying for it and pay the price. hopefully this time l can make my confidence valid.
studies of religion - ??% - meh. i'll try.