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HAPPINESS - fill out my Questionnaire? (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Feb 10, 2007
Hi everyone. I'm doing a Questionnaire for my 2nd methodology on the topic "Happiness in Australia". It would be really great if some of you could help me out by filling it in. I've collected a fair few already, but i thought the Internet would be good, because i could get opinions of people living outside of my immediate area. ok, here it is.
Feel free to PM or Email me your responses. Thanks guys!
Excuse the kind of bad formatting of it. I had to change it to make it possible to fill out online.


All answers are anonymous and confidential

Place an X in your preferred response

  • Gender
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[ ] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[ ] Urban
[ ] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[ ] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Preparing food/eating:
Music related activities:
Watching TV/movies:
Going out:
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Online Friends:

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation?
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response:


Last edited:


splashing in puddles
Jan 13, 2006

All answers are anonymous and confidential

Place an X in your preferred response

  • Gender
[ ] Male
[x] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[x] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[x] Urban
[ ] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:
living with parents

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[x] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[x] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: high levels
Exercising: not applicable
Shopping: medium levels
Preparing food/eating: medium levels
Relaxing: medium
Pray/Worship/Meditate: not applicable
Computer/Email/Internet: low to medium levels
Working: not applicable
Housework: no level
Commuting: not applicable
Music related activities: high level
Watching TV/movies: medium level
Going out: high level
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: high levels
Relatives: sometimes low, sometimes high
Spouse/Partner: not applicable
Children: not applicable
Clients/Coworkers: na
Boss: na
Online Friends: medium
Alone: low

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation? i dont really know much about the politics of economics.... but a 7 maybe.
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO - not necessarily)
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response: I'd say that it has, because it would have had a positive impact on the quality of our lives.



Oct 27, 2006
South West Sydney
Lemon-Or-Lime said:

  • Gender
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[ ] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[ ] Urban
[ ] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc: living with parents + 8 other siblings and grandma :)

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[ ] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[ ] Not applicable, I do get paid to go to school though
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: High levels of enjoyment :)
Exercising: High levels of enjoyment :)
Shopping: High levels of enjoyment :)
Preparing food/eating: High levels of enjoyment :)
Relaxing: High levels of enjoyment :)
Pray/Worship/Meditate: High levels of enjoyment :)
Computer/Email/Internet: High levels of enjoyment :)
Working: Medium levels of enjoyment
Housework: low levels of enjoyment
Commuting: High levels of enjoyment :)
Music related activities: High levels of enjoyment :)
Watching TV/movies: medium levels of enjoyment
Going out: High levels of enjoyment :)
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: High levels of enjoyment :)
Relatives: High levels of enjoyment :)
Spouse/Partner: High levels of enjoyment :)
Children: High levels of enjoyment :)
Clients/Coworkers: High levels of enjoyment :)
Boss: High levels of enjoyment :)
Online Friends: High levels of enjoyment :)
Alone: High levels of enjoyment :)

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation?
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)situational
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)answerring either way would be generalising
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response: no I do not because under the Howard government the sacrifices we have made for this to be the case are actually quite distressing, which would make us unhappy

you are very welcome :)
You have included 23 images in your message. You are limited to using 20 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.


New Member
Jul 19, 2006

All answers are anonymous and confidential

Place an X in your preferred response

  • Gender
[ ] Male
[X] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[X] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[ ] Urban
[ ] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[X] Part-time employment
[X] Student

[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[ ] Not applicable
[X] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: High levels of enjoyment
Exercising: Medium levels of enjoyment
Shopping: Medium levels of enjoyment
Preparing food/eating: Medium levels of enjoyment
Relaxing: Medium levels of enjoyment
Pray/Worship/Meditate: Not applicable
Computer/Email/Internet: Medium levels of enjoyment
Working: Low levels of enjoyment
Housework: Low levels of enjoyment
Commuting: Low levels of enjoyment
Music related activities: High levels of enjoyment
Watching TV/movies: High levels of enjoyment
Going out: High levels of enjoyment
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: High levels of enjoyment
Relatives: Medium levels of enjoyment
Spouse/Partner: Not applicable
Children: Not applicable
Clients/Coworkers: Medium levels of enjoyment
Boss: Medium levels of enjoyment
Online Friends: High levels of enjoyment
Alone: Medium levels of enjoyment

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation? 7/10
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response: I guess in a way yes it has made us happier as a nation, but really our happiness does not rely on the economic standing of our country, but on the lives we lead individually.


Dodgy Pen Dealer
Apr 5, 2006
Place an X in your preferred response
  • Gender
[X] Male
[ ] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[X] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[X] Urban
[ ] Rural

4. What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:

Living with parents

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[X] Part-time employment
[X] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[ ] Not applicable
[X] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: High
Exercising: Very Low
Preparing food/eating: Medium
Relaxing: High
Pray/Worship/Meditate: No
Computer/Email/Internet: Medium
Working: Medium
Housework: No
Commuting: No-alone, Medium-with friends
Music related activities: Medium
Watching TV/movies: Medium
Going out: Medium
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: High
Relatives: Low
Spouse/Partner: N/A
Children: N/A
Clients/Coworkers: Medium
Boss: Low
Online Friends: Medium
Alone: Low

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation? 6
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response:

No, more people after more money, not interested in doing anything to help country/community instead want to buy the bigger house/boat etc


May 30, 2006
Place an X in your preferred response
  • Gender
[ ] Male
[ XX] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[ XX] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[ XX] Urban
[ ] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:

Living with parents, doing year 12, I hope to move out next year

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[ XX] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: High
Exercising: High
Shopping: High
Preparing food/eating: Medium- Low
Relaxing: High
Pray/Worship/Meditate: Medium
Computer/Email/Internet: Medium- High
Working: LOW!!!,
Housework: LOW LOW LOW LOW
Commuting: low, but if I had ipod medium
Music related activities: Medium-High
Watching TV/movies: High
Going out: HIGH
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: High
Relatives: Medium
Spouse/Partner: High
Children: N/A
Clients/Coworkers: N/A
Boss: N/A
Online Friends: Medium
Alone: Medium

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation?
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)
Yep I do
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)
If they're slightly above then yes, if they're way above then no

Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response:

Yes, it takes a lot of the pressure of many people's backs and allows people to have more free time to spend with family and friends, when people get home they're not dead on their feet, they have enough energy to hang around with the family


Aug 3, 2006
Place an X in your preferred response
  • Gender
[ ] Male
[x ] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[x ] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[ x] Urban
[ ] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:
living with single mum with a half sister every other week and occaisnally going to dads

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[x ] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[x ] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing:High levels of enjoyment
Exercising:Low levels of enjoyment
Shopping:Medium levels of enjoyment,
Preparing food/eating:Medium levels of enjoyment,
Relaxing:High levels of enjoyment
Pray/Worship/Meditate:No level of enjoyment
Computer/Email/Internet:Medium levels of enjoyment
Working:Low levels of enjoyment
Housework:No level of enjoyment,
Commuting:No level of enjoyment,
Music related activities:Medium levels of enjoyment
Watching TV/movies:Medium levels of enjoyment
Going out: High levels of enjoyment
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends:High levels of enjoyment
Relatives:High levels of enjoyment
Spouse/Partner:High levels of enjoyment
Children:Not applicable
Clients/Coworkers:Medium levels of enjoyment
Boss:Low levels of enjoyment
Online Friends:Medium levels of enjoyment
Alone:Medium levels of enjoyment

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation? 6
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response
i think it has as we have now got many more oppurtunities in life and also enhances the quality of life in australia


Aug 21, 2006

Place an X in your preferred response

  • Gender
[ ] Male
[X ] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[X ] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[ X] Urban
[ ] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:
I am living with my parents
5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[X ] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[ X] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: high
Exercising: medium
Shopping: low
Preparing food/eating: high for preparing, medium for eating
Relaxing: high
Pray/Worship/Meditate: v. high
Computer/Email/Internet: high
Working: medium
Housework: medium - depends on subject
Commuting: medium
Music related activities: high
Watching TV/movies: high
Going out: medium
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: high
Relatives: depends but medium
Spouse/Partner: n/a
Children: n/a
Clients/Coworkers: high
Boss: teachers? medium
Online Friends: don't exist - they're all in reality
Alone: high

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation? 7
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO) depends what aspect you're looking at
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response: No. Money and success does not automatically equal happiness. In fact, often the opposite it true and this wealth is gained through much hard work and some people dedicate themselves so much to this gaining of wealth that their home relationships and happiness suffer as a result

Be Strong

New Member
Mar 14, 2007

All answers are anonymous and confidential

Place an X in your preferred response
  • Gender
[ ] Male
[X] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[X] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[X] Urban
[ ] Rural

4. What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:

living with parents (nuclear family if ur doing cafs which i think u r :))

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[X] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[X] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ ] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: high enjoyment
Exercising: medium enjoyment
Shopping:high enjoyment (most of the time)
Preparing food/eating: high enjoyment
Relaxing:high enjoyment
Pray/Worship/Meditate: na
Computer/Email/Internet: high enjoyment
Working: na
Housework: medium enjoyment
Commuting: na
Music related activities: high enjoyment
Watching TV/movies: high enjoyment
Going out: high enjoyment
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: high enjoyment
Relatives: high
Spouse/Partner: na
Children: not my own but other kids high enjoyment, ive always loved looking after little cuz's etc
Boss: na
Online Friends: high
Alone:medium, alone time can b gud 2

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation? 7-8
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? YES
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? no
  • Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? yes and no
Explain your response: money doesn't bye everything, for example happiness, love of family firneds partners etc


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006

All answers are anonymous and confidential

Place an X in your preferred response

* Gender

[ X] Male
[ ] Female

* Age

[ ] Under 16 years
[ X] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years

* Place of residence

[ ] Urban
[ X] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc: Living with parents + one of three sisters

5.What is your current work status?

[ ] Full-time employment
[ x] Part-time employment
[x ] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

* What is your income per year?

[ ] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[ x] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: High
Exercising: Medium
Shopping: NO
Preparing food/eating: Low
Relaxing: High
Pray/Worship/Meditate: Not applicable
Computer/Email/Internet: Medium
Working: Medium
Housework: Not applicable
Commuting: Medium
Music related activities: High
Watching TV/movies:Medium
Going out: High

* Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: High
Relatives: Medium
Spouse/Partner: Not applicable
Children: Not applicable
Clients/Coworkers: High
Boss: Medium
Online Friends: Medium
Alone: Medium

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation? 9

* Do you believe life in Australia is improving? (YES/NO)

* Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? (YES/NO)

Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response: Not necessarily. Even if we are a happier nation, theres no way to prove its because of economy.


Class of 06
Nov 3, 2005

All answers are anonymous and confidential

Place an X in your preferred response
  • Gender
[ ] Male
[x] Female
  • Age
[ ] Under 16 years
[x] 16 – 30 years
[ ] 31 – 50 years
[ ] Over 50 years
  • Place of residence
[ ] Urban
[x] Rural

What is your current household composition? Eg. Single parent, married, defacto relationship, living with parents,etc:
Living with parents

5.What is your current work status?

[x] Full-time employment
[ ] Part-time employment
[ ] Student
[ ] Unemployed
[ ] Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your income per year?
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] $10 000 or less
[x] $11 000 to $20 000
[ ] $21 000 to $40 000
[ ] $41 000 to $60 000
[ ] $61 000 to $80 000
[ ] $81 000 to $99 000
[ ] $100 000 or more
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

6. Out of the following activities, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced doing each using the following categories:

Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Socializing: medium
Exercising: low
Shopping: medium
Preparing food/eating: medium
Relaxing: high
Pray/Worship/Meditate: no
Computer/Email/Internet: medium
Working: low
Housework: no
Commuting: medium
Music related activities: medium
Watching TV/movies: high
Going out: high
  • Out of the following interaction partners, indicate with a tick the level of enjoyment experienced with each using the following categories:
Not applicable, No level of enjoyment, Low levels of enjoyment, Medium levels of enjoyment, High levels of enjoyment

Friends: high
Spouse/Partner: medium
Children: n/a
Clients/Coworkers: medium
Online Friends: n/a
Alone: medium

9. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Australia’s current social, political and economic situation?
  • Do you believe life in Australia is improving? no
  • Do you believe wealthier people are happier than an average income earner? yes
Economically, Australia is much better off than we once were. Do you think this has made us happier as a nation? Explain your response:
Not especially. In some cases, higher income earners experience a lower quality of life due to stress, work committments etc. However, that's not to say money does not improve life quality, as more opportunities are avaliable to wealthier people, such as travel & leisure activities.

youre welcome
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