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Happy Birthday Israel! (1 Viewer)


Jun 4, 2007
sam04u said:
No. Israel just fails. I mean look at the the graphic in your signature. The I has a star of David above it. Implying it's a lower case "i", whereas "I" in Israel is supposed to be capitalised. Even a 10 year old could tell you that.

Just another example at Israel failing.
Fake prophet? :lol:


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
JaredR said:
You should put this in the past tense as Israel no longer occupies the Gaza Strip.
Gaza is only a tiny portion of what part of the land to the east of Israel should have been.

Product of European guilt:

Product of Israeli war mongering:

Sharon unilaterraly withdrawing took the higher ground saying that Israel needs to make territorial concessions if she is to gain peace.
Israel has made no concessions. Israel has no right to the occupied territories. Israel states it's conceding, but in reality it's not.

Lies. Israel was the aggressor in that conflict.

Unlike the Jewish concentration camps who were powerless, the Palestinians of Gaza have enough power to disrupt daily life for Isaelis across the bordern in legitimate territory. It's a concentration camp created by themselves.
Well lets see what Israel controls and restricts in the Gaza Strip.

1) Food - By closing down the Palestinian check-points and limiting the amount of food entering, Israel is starving Palestinians on the Gaza strip. They're literally starving due to the fucking cunt of a state Israel.

2) Oil - Oil which is needed in back-up generators, to generate electricity has been SEVERELY restricted. More than half of all oil which is usualy sent into Gaza has been restricted. Those back-up generators are needed to keep people alive in hospitals. Sometimes the people Israel has exploded.

3) Medicine - Yes, even medicine is being restricted from entering Gaza. FUCKING MEDICINE! NOW if that's not a concentration camp, albeit a much slower organisation, what the fuck is?

The Palestinians in Gaza are FUCKING STARVING IN THE STREET... WHILE THE COCK-FACES in Israel are fucking living in the comfort of their well-lit, well-furnished, loaded with food, hooms.

And you ask us to celebrate this state? No, FUCK Israel.
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Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
Visiting US President George W. Bush vowed on Thursday to support Israel in battling "terror" groups, a day after a rocket fired from Gaza wounded 14 people and triggered warnings of retaliation.

"America stands with you in breaking up terrorist networks and denying the extremists sanctuary," Bush said in remarks prepared for delivery to the Israeli parliament....

He underlined the strong ties between the United States and Israel, saying their alliance is "unbreakable."

"Israel's population may be just over seven million. But when you confront terror and evil, you are 307 million strong, because America stands with you."...

Since his arrival on Wednesday, Bush has hailed Israel as a thriving democracy threatened by regional adversaries and their armed proxies.

"We consider it a source of shame that the United Nations routinely passes more human rights resolutions against the freest democracy in the Middle East than any other nation in the world," he said.

He was to deliver his address to parliament one day after a rocket fired by Gaza militants slammed into a crowded mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, wounding 14 people...

But he said he hoped that by Israel's 120th anniversary the Palestinians "will have the homeland they have long dreamed of and deserved - a democratic state that is governed by law, respects human rights, and rejects terror."

Israel has carried out repeated military operations against Gaza in a bid to halt the almost daily rocket fire from the impoverished sliver of land.

Israel and Palestinian militants have talked separately to Egyptian mediators about a possible truce in Gaza, but Hamas rejected Israel's demand that it free an Israeli soldier captured almost two years ago.

After Wednesday's attack Israel launched an air strike east of Gaza City in which two Hamas militants were killed and four wounded, after operations earlier in the day killed four people, including three militants, medics said.

Several ministers on Thursday called for tough action against Hamas and said Israeli troops were ready for combat.

"The Israeli army has never been this ready to launch a large-scale operation in Gaza," said Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, a member of Israel's security cabinet.

"It may be that we have no choice but to destroy all the nests of terror. Apparently we'll have no choice," he told public radio.
Source: http://news.smh.com.au/world/bush-vows-to-support-israel-against-terror-20080515-2eoo.html

As for you Sam, I admit defeat...

Not all Israel-haters are Muslim, but all (or at least 99.5%) Muslims are Israel-haters.
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Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
SomeoneCool said:
LOL! My mates have been teasing me all day today because I'm Palestinian. HAHA! They've been saying that the Israelis managed to outmuschle us out of our land. All in good laughs! :rolleyes:
Maybe you should run for the Palestinian Authority! At least you didn't respond with vile anti-Semitic comments or that all Israelis are pigs who should be slaughtered, run into the sea or finished up in the chambers... at least I don't think so if you have theh umanity to laugh it off.

Good on you, and funnily enough I have a Palestinian friend too, but he sides with the Jewish State as he is a Christian Palestinian.


Apr 29, 2008
JaredR said:
Maybe you should run for the Palestinian Authority! At least you didn't respond with vile anti-Semitic comments or that all Israelis are pigs who should be slaughtered, run into the sea or finished up in the chambers... at least I don't think so if you have theh umanity to laugh it off.

Good on you, and funnily enough I have a Palestinian friend too, but he sides with the Jewish State as he is a Christian Palestinian.
I personally don't see all Israelis as pigs, just as I don't see any other nationality as pigs. I judge people based on who they are, not where they're from. Come to think of it, I don't really judge at all, I just try to distance myself from people I don't like. I have been to Palestine, and I have to say, after what I have seen, the Israeli government and the army are in fact dogs. Not trying to sound like a dickhead, but my opinion is based on what I have seen, not ignorance.
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Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
I've been to Palestine too, in a Palestinian taxi and on Palestinian highways, roads and towns. I was scared that it would be really bad, and that I would be subject to the hostility of Israeli forces in the region.

But all the checkpoints we were simply waved through, and at one the soldier was even on his mobile phone chatting away!

Maybe it has to do with the time you visited, when did you visit there? I visited at the start of this year.

Where abouts are you from and where did you travel in the region? Interested to know.

The checkpoints are a reality that do save lives. I'm just sorry for all the innocents that are subject to it, and I can completely understand that it can be degrading. I have seen elderly being subject to searches, as well as children but this is the sad reality of the face of terrorism.

I guess it doesn't nearly compare but it's a lot like employees at supermarkets, for example, having the duty to search everyones bags (even though they often don't) as anyone could be a shoplifter - there is no specific age, gender or appearance. It also saves them from being acccused of discrimination. Some of the treatment at checkpoints sucks, but what sucks more is when terrorists infiltrate Israel and blow themselves up in cafes, on buses and near schools.
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Apr 29, 2008
JaredR said:
I've been to Palestine too, in a Palestinian taxi and on Palestinian highways, roads and towns. I was scared that it would be really bad, and that I would be subject to the hostility of Israeli forces in the region.

But all the checkpoints we were simply waved through, and at one the soldier was even on his mobile phone chatting away!

Maybe it has to do with the time you visited, when did you visit there? I visited at the start of this year.

Where abouts are you from and where did you travel in the region? Interested to know.

The checkpoints are a reality that do save lives. I'm just sorry for all the innocents that are subject to it, and I can completely understand that it can be degrading. I have seen elderly being subject to searches, as well as children but this is the sad reality of the face of terrorism.

I guess it doesn't nearly compare but it's a lot like employees at supermarkets, for example, having the duty to search everyones bags (even though they often don't) as anyone could be a shoplifter - there is no specific age, gender or appearance. It also saves them from being acccused of discrimination. Some of the treatment at checkpoints sucks, but what sucks more is when terrorists infiltrate Israel and blow themselves up in cafes, on buses and near schools.
I visited there in 1996 and my family resides in Janin. At the time, the Israeli armed forces were invading the Janin area amongst fears that residents of Janin were harbouring 'terrorists'. We were subjected to military fighting just outisde our house and there were bombs going off throughout the night. The sad thing is, my grandfather was in one of the houses the Israelis forced themselves into, and he was gravely ill at the time. The invasion didn't help his condition and he died a week later from heart problems, which were possibly caused by the invasion, but I won't draw any conclusions.
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Feb 7, 2008
JaredR said:
Not all Israel-haters are Muslim, but all (or at least 99.5%) Muslims are Israel-haters.
Correct... All muslims i know (myself included) Have a dart-board at home in the shape of Israel, when we walk past it we throw darts at it........

(Sarcasm. [just in case you didnt realise])


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
kaz1 said:
Becuase muslims believe that the land in Israel was unfarily taken from them.
kaz1, I think it's great that you somewhat understand the plight of the muslims, however it's a little deeper than that.. Muslims don't consider Palestine to be their land. Muslims consider Palestine to be Palestinian land. Apart of that being that muslims should have the full right to visit religious and holy sites in Jerusalem as they have done for many centuries.

However as the Israeli state oppresses the Palestinians, many muslims have become sympathetic to them and have taken an anti-Israel stance. Because of that, Israel has had to take up offensive/defensive measures in order to maintain their state of oppression.

This means:

1) Palestinians have difficulty visiting their family in different parts of the three-way split diaspora of the Palestinians. (Gaza, Israel and West Bank)
2) Muslims can not visit Islamic/Judaic holy sites in the state.
3) Palestinians are living as refugees and foreigners throughout the world.

Not all Israel-haters are Muslim, but all (or at least 99.5%) Muslims are Israel-haters
I hate Israel with every atom in my body. I guess even you're right once every so often. Israel was a state created to cause trouble in the middle east. They've been successful at that atleast.


Apr 26, 2007
Happy birthday Israel!

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Proudly violating the Geneva Convention since 1967![/FONT]


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:
Gaza is only a tiny portion of what part of the land to the east of Israel should have been.

Product of European guilt:

Product of Israeli war mongering:

Israel has made no concessions. Israel has no right to the occupied territories. Israel states it's conceding, but in reality it's not.

Lies. Israel was the aggressor in that conflict.

Well lets see what Israel controls and restricts in the Gaza Strip.

1) Food - By closing down the Palestinian check-points and limiting the amount of food entering, Israel is starving Palestinians on the Gaza strip. They're literally starving due to the fucking cunt of a state Israel.

2) Oil - Oil which is needed in back-up generators, to generate electricity has been SEVERELY restricted. More than half of all oil which is usualy sent into Gaza has been restricted. Those back-up generators are needed to keep people alive in hospitals. Sometimes the people Israel has exploded.

3) Medicine - Yes, even medicine is being restricted from entering Gaza. FUCKING MEDICINE! NOW if that's not a concentration camp, albeit a much slower organisation, what the fuck is?

The Palestinians in Gaza are FUCKING STARVING IN THE STREET... WHILE THE COCK-FACES in Israel are fucking living in the comfort of their well-lit, well-furnished, loaded with food, hooms.

And you ask us to celebrate this state? No, FUCK Israel.
LOL you arabs rejected UN partition Plan which confined jews to a few coastal areas and negev desert. Instead you declared war from zero hour with a hope of killing all jews and grab all the lands, you failed and with each wars, you keep losing more lands . Arabs arrogance and hatred is their downfall. Losers. :uhoh:

Thank You George Bush, you are the man.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Aryanbeauty said:
LOL you arabs rejected UN partition Plan which confined jews to a few coastal areas and negev desert. Instead you declared war from zero hour with a hope of killing all jews and grab all the lands, you failed and with each wars, you keep losing more lands . Arabs arrogance and hatred is their downfall. Losers. :uhoh:

Thank You George Bush, you are the man.

You're a shit propogandist.

1) It was not up to the arabs to accept or deny a partition plan. Except where the Palestinians had no where else to go, due to the Jewish terrorist gangs blowing up the cities/villages they were living in and forcing them off the land, and onto other arab countries.

2) Nobody had any right to tell the Palestinians to get off their land. Wow, the U.N said "You have to make way for a butt-load of Europeans who have nothing to do with you". Hell no, they weren't going to accept that.

3) Get your history right you knob. Israel started the wars by redirecting Jordanian water and cutting off their supply. Israel came in illegally. Captured land it had no right too. Denied Palestinians their human rights, and then after all that they decided they could start doing whatever the hell they wanted in a place they had no right being in? Umm.. That's just not how it works.

4) It's illegal to settle land captured in war. There is no denying that. Israel has no right to occupy the land it does, and the U.N has constantly made that clear. If they want to exist in the area with their own state, Israel needs to at the bare minimum abide with the U.N partition plan.

Also, George Bush...? I don't think it's a good idea to side with a person that has more enemies than Bin Laden.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:

You're a shit propogandist.

1) It was not up to the arabs to accept or deny a partition plan. Except where the Palestinians had no where else to go, due to the Jewish terrorist gangs blowing up the cities/villages they were living in and forcing them off the land, and onto other arab countries.
I'm stating facts as always , no propaganda here :D

It was up to arabs whether to accept or reject UN partition plan cause Jews already stated their willingness to accept. Arabs rejected and blew their chances.

2) Nobody had any right to tell the Palestinians to get off their land. Wow, the U.N said "You have to make way for a butt-load of Europeans who have nothing to do with you". Hell no, they weren't going to accept that.
UN didnt tell arabs nor jews to leave their lands. Both sides left their areas as a result of Arabs invasion of Israel from the moment State of Israel was proclaimed.
3) Get your history right you knob. Israel started the wars by redirecting Jordanian water and cutting off their supply. Israel came in illegally. Captured land it had no right too. Denied Palestinians their human rights, and then after all that they decided they could start doing whatever the hell they wanted in a place they had no right being in? Umm.. That's just not how it works.
All the history available under the sun says Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq declared war and invaded Israel on the very same hour Israel was formed. Greedy arabs countries occupied West Bank and Gaza which were assigned for arabs in palestine. In fact, Jordan and Egypt both claimed to be legitimate owner of Palestine LOL! :lol:

4) It's illegal to settle land captured in war. There is no denying that. Israel has no right to occupy the land it does, and the U.N has constantly made that clear. If they want to exist in the area with their own state, Israel needs to at the bare minimum abide with the U.N partition plan.
You only said that cause you are the loser in all wars. If arabs were the winners, without a doubt you'll say arabs won. It is perfectly OK to settle and occupy lands captured in wars. Thats how most countries were formed and boundaries were shaped throughout history.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
sam04u said:
pupYou're a shit propogandist.
Rich coming from the guy who posts anti-Israeli propaganda in random threads ^___^


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
SomeoneCool said:
I visited there at the time of the 2000 Olympic Games and my family resides in Nablus. At the time, the Israeli armed forces were invading the Nablus area amongst fears that residents of Nablus were harbouring 'terrorists'. We were subjected to military fighting just outisde our house and there were bombs going off throughout the night. The sad thing is, my grandfather was in one of the houses the Israelis forced themselves into, and he was gravely ill at the time. The invasion didn't help his condition and he died a week later from heart problems, which were possibly caused by the invasion, but I won't draw any conclusions.
Nablus is probably the worst of all West Bank cities/towns when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict, as being the largest (correct me if I'm wrong) city in the west bank the chances of harbouring terrorists are all the more likely, and with so many terrorists hailing from the city, fate would have it there would be many more still there.

The Second Intifada began in September 2000, the same time as the Olympics so naturally you endured even more hostility than usual as Israeli security forces tried to nip the problem in the butt.

I'm sorry that your grandfather passed away in what you believe (and quite likely) was as a result of the house search. Though to look at the situation on the most basic of levels. If there was no terrorism, there would be no house searches.


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
Assailants set off bomb outside Christian school in Gaza

Unknown assailants detonated a bomb outside a Christian school in Gaza City before dawn Friday, causing no injuries....

The bombing was the latest in a string of attacks on Christian institutions in the overwhelmingly Muslim territory. In the most serious attack, a local Christian activist was murdered in October. His killers have not been found.

Friday's bombing was not the first attack on the school run by the Rosary Sisters. The school was ransacked in June, 2007, along with the nuns' adjacent convent, during a week of intense fighting that ended with Hamas' seizure of power.

About 3,200 Christians live in Gaza among 1.4 million Muslims. Relations between Christians and Muslims have traditionally been good, and Christians have held a respected place in Gaza's society as members of the territory's small elite, running schools, hospitals and businesses.

But the tiny community has grown increasingly uneasy since Hamas routed forces of the secular Fatah movement and became the sole power in the territory.
Source: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/984258.html

If their own Arab brethren can't have peace with Hamas, how can Israel be expected to?


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
JaredR said:
I'm sorry that your grandfather passed away in what you believe (and quite likely) was as a result of the house search. Though to look at the situation on the most basic of levels. If there was no terrorism, there would be no house searches.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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