Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS) (2 Viewers)

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Nov 12, 2006
minnn2 said:
I'm sorry to be a total bitch...

but Harry has GOT TO GO.

I mean seriously, if he doesn't die, how else will the book end?
Um, Voldemort will die?

minnn2 said:
lol i bet she'll THEN feel the urge to start out a whole new series...

with another 8 books.
That's not it at all... she has intended to do 7 books all along, she's not about to decide she wants to do another one. If the main character doesn't die it doesn't mean the author is going to have an overwhelming urge to continue writing.
Sure, she might do something else, but not Harry Potter.


Oct 14, 2004
Malfoy said:
But if he wanted to do it badly enough, he would have done it. I doubt he wouldn't have the skills - with Lucius for a father undoubtedly he would have had much training in the Dark Arts. I see the scene with him crying in the bathroom to Moaning Myrtle as a point whereby he realises that he's been sucked in too deep, led along by his father for too long, and doesn't know how he can get out of it.
Yeah...So? I uh, don't think we disagree on this point. In fact, I said exactly what you said and also added that he needed sufficient skills...

I find that you have to pry into the family background to see it in this case. Growing up in the environment that Draco did, with Lucius as a father who he obviously both feared and idolised, and with an insulated existence where he was only exposed to purebloods and those who valued the same ideas as Lucius, it's no wonder he took on some of the beliefs they did. That may have manifested itself in petty bullying, but then again James and Sirius were supposed to be 'good' characters and they bullied Severus for absolutely no reason. The point is, I think Draco is deeply insecure within himself and with his upbringing, so he unleashes it upon others because he has no other way to let it out - I mean, would you really openly defy Lucius Malfoy? He's got this massive expectation that he'll become his father upon his shoulders... and well, he's not. No wonder he lashes out.

I mean, if you think about it, it's like how Harry has this great burden of being expected to save the world. They're just two kids, stuck in a war neither started and which neither one really wants to get involved in. Why is one perceived to be heroic whereas the other one is vilified because he was brought up on the wrong side?
ShiftyIceQueen said:
I think it isnt that simple. Draco hates Harry coz his whole family does, and probably everyone he knew hated him, since they were all followers of Voldemort.

Look at Ron, his whole family hate the Malfoys coz of what they know about them, they hate Voldmort coz of his history. Its all got to do with how/where you were raised!
Haha. What? No, I very much disagree that it's at all like that and I'll be extremely dissapointed if Rowling tries to play the pity card with Malfoy in the next book. It's been six years since he's been exposed to this mysterious other world of non pure wizards, and it's been more than enough time for him to show any signs of a good streak. We've seen none of it, the only sign that we've in fact seen, is that he couldn't bring himself to kill Dumbledore. To my best recollection, that's pretty much the total limit of his remorse for anyone outside his immediate circle of friends. Feel free to point out any outstanding examples, or any solid evidence to suggest that Malfoy is at all good. My point still stands then, that Malfoy is pretty much a remorseless, caniving, devious, terrible excuse for a human being. I think that anyone who believes otherwise might be fooling themselves, and I'll be very dissapointed if it turns out any other way in HP7 unless there's a damn good explanation behind it.

Couldn't be bothered reading the last post.


Jun 18, 2005
South of Gold Coast
is there actually something called "the Light"?

What do you think about Slughorn as a Slytherin portrayed differently? Sure, he shows the ambition and his networking for lack of a better word atypical, but he also abandons bias.

Do you think Pettgrew's life debt will help in the final battle?

And do you reckon JK will write the 'Hogwarts: A History' like she said she would?

I have to say, I was never really as enthused on the Marauders as everyone else I know...
Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
Slughorn? I'm mixed about him - you're right, he's a lot more impartial than a lot of Slytherins but I re-read HBP and he doesn't seem all that sympathetic. Maybe it's because I'm going into teaching, but I can't imagine ever handpicking students like that and blatantly favouring them over the others. He's actually probably the Slytherin I least like - something about him seems slightly off to me. Maybe I should re-read HBP again and see what it is.

Pettigrew... If I had my guesses, I'd say it would, though I'm leaning towards saying Severus will play a part in getting him to fulfill it.
Agreed on the first part, but Wormtail...Severus owed James his life when he saved him-from Remus, and he did try more than once to save Harry-so he's done his part. But i think Wormtail will have a bigger role. At least in the owing his life part.

EDIT: I really don't like the Marauders. They always seemed like such bullies, especially James and Sirius. It seemed like Pettigrew was following them because he needed to fit in somewhere, and even Remus who was the most sensible in my opinion didn't do anything to stop their antics. I think it's quite the double standard that just because they're Gryffindors they manage to get away with bullying Severus for no real reason, whereas Severus is seen as unjustified in disliking Harry (though he always attempts to save him) and Draco is seen as a horrible person. Honestly, if I were Lily I'd have picked Severus over these bunch of clowns anyway (but then again we don't know that it was anything other than unrequited... I just read WAY too much fanfic.)
Lol. I love Sirius and James! I dont think it has anything to do with what house they were in, since they did get into detention and all that. You never know if Remus told told them about picking on others-but i think he may have, but then stopped when he realised they weren't listening to him. As for Wormtail, the guy was only after those who protected him! He went with Voldemort coz he was scared, i dont see how anyone could like him. He's a snitch! I like Draco, to me he isnt evil, but an attention seeker. As for Severus, considering how much he hated James/Sirius/Remus/Wormtail and Lily, i dont think they would have just started on his for no reason, i think something must have happened to make them hate each other. And he hated Lily for no reason! It was Severus who caused the deaths of Lily and James-if he hadnt told Voldemort about what he heard, Voldemort wouldnt have killed them for their son.

As for Severus, well why would Lily go for the guy who called her a Mudblood when she was trying to help him? He didnt like her, he didnt thank her, not once!

I don't think Voldemort is the type of person to just get over it. He's a fanatic and is in single-minded pursuit of domination - do you think he is likely to forgive the mistakes of Draco easily?
Nope, you're right. But Draco could have killed Dumbledore, if Severus waited a tiny bit-thats if he really wanted to. But yeah i agree with the stuff you said.

I think you may be right in that Voldemort wont be happy, but either they will stay with him and be plan something, or leave and maybe join the hunt.

LOL at McGonagall being a Death Eater

minnn2 said:
no i love harry.
i love daniel radcliffe more though.

haha you'll get along with my friend...

Tiffanys said:
Oliver Wood on the other hand :rofl: *swoon*
Noo..Draco and Victor Krum on the other hand:shy: Quidditch players <3 [not including Marcus Flint] actually i like the young Voldemort most :eek:

Haha. What? No, I very much disagree that it's at all like that and I'll be extremely dissapointed if Rowling tries to play the pity card with Malfoy in the next book. It's been six years since he's been exposed to this mysterious other world of non pure wizards, and it's been more than enough time for him to show any signs of a good streak. We've seen none of it, the only sign that we've in fact seen, is that he couldn't bring himself to kill Dumbledore. To my best recollection, that's pretty much the total limit of his remorse for anyone outside his immediate circle of friends. Feel free to point out any outstanding examples, or any solid evidence to suggest that Malfoy is at all good. My point still stands then, that Malfoy is pretty much a remorseless, caniving, devious, terrible excuse for a human being. I think that anyone who believes otherwise might be fooling themselves, and I'll be very dissapointed if it turns out any other way in HP7 unless there's a damn good explanation behind it.
Its not just about killing. He only tried that to save his family. As for the rest of the book, well that was because of how he was raised ! Also Harry wasnt exactly 'nice' with him, Ron didnt like him, nobody did -other than the Death Eaters & their children ...

" Don't be surprized if Draco turns to the good side." - A paraphrase from Mrs. J.K. Rowling in the 2005 Mugglenet/Leaky Cauldron Interview

I got that from some web site..so bad luck he wil be good if you like it or not!


Also, i read somewhere, someone thought Voldemort might kill Dracos parents [well one of them] which will lead Draco to joining the good side. I think this actually might happen. Then Harry and Draco will have something in common!
Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
For sure. Like I said before, he acts out because he's expected to play this part by Lucius. There's been a lot of speculation about Draco's upbringing - but I can't imagine Lucius being a very loving father. So then you end up with the dangerous combination of Draco not having been given very much positive attention and also being inculcated with the 'pureblood supremacy' values. Of course you end up with Draco the bully - it's what he's been taught. However, I think with HBP you see him mature somewhat. There's not a lot of hostility between him and the Trio except in the train compartment at the beginning. Even his hostility to Harry can be explained by Harry's spurning of him in first year.

You know, I don't actually think Draco has any real friends. You've got Crabbe and Goyle the minions and Pansy the sycophantic wannabe-wife. Maybe Blaise Zabini?

And I think Severus deeply regrets the fact he led Lily to her death; James not so much. I honestly think that there was something - unrequited or not - going on between Severus and Lily.

I think Severus did it out of frustration. Here's Lily, probably the only person who has ever been nice to him at school, and his hated rival James Potter is trying to get in her pants... well, robes, really. He would have been embarrassed that Lily came to help him, because (well, I can only speculate) not only is he being humiliated in front of everyone but in front of the one, you know. So he lashed out and probably regretted it later.
You really want something to have happened with Severus and Lily lol. I actually think he told Voldemort what he heard
1-because he was a Death Eater
2-because he hated James and Lily-from school

And everything else i agree with:) Draco doesnt really have any friends, its actually sad. If it weren't for his father he would have though, he does seem to think he is better than all the rest -once again coz of his father. And i dont really think his father 'loves' him, he treats him like crap everytime theyre in the same scene together.

As for Severus I dont know what he was thinking at the time, but it's obvious he regrets it. They all fight, but have actually tried to kill each other.

also i think he probably wouldnt have liked her, coz she was a Muggle born, and that she was actually defending him, he probably thought he didnt need someone like her to 'look after' him? And what you said.

Draco working with Harry would be awesome :D


Jun 27, 2007
I am sooo excited, yet sad at the same time.. We were discussing today in class what we think is going to happen in 'Deathly Hallows'..

We reckon that Dumbledore's brother will definitely come into the story.. A massive argument arouse on if Harry was to die.. I personally think he could be the 7th horcrux and will have to sacrifice himself to kill Voldemort - therefore they both die.. Now this will make sure that other authors can't write sequels..

AND IS SNAPE EVIL?! How can Dumbledore be wrong about him?! He's never wrong!! :(

Even though Hogwarts is reopening, it is said that Harry and all that aren't returning.. Does anyone know if this is true? If it is true, it'll make this book sooo different to the past 6!
Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
I think Severus was only a Death Eater in response to his lack of friends and his need to belong. After being bullied like he was it's natural that he sought refuge within an organisation that was not only comprised of the powerful but gave him a previously unheard-of opportunity for power and influence himself.

My theory is that he had an unrequited love thing going on with Lily. He mistook her decency for something else and the moment where he called her a Mudblood was him lashing out in frustration - he likes a girl who's nominally nice to him but who's being courted by the very people who hate him, he's on the verge of joining the DEs but it conflicts with his thing for Lily because she's Muggleborn. So once the Snivellus incident happened, he made his choice.

He hated James for tormenting him but I don't think he hated Lily, definitely not.

I think he really regrets what transpired - and I think the fact that Harry is the Boy-Who-Lived just opens up old wounds - no wonder he hates Harry so much.
I know what you mean, that is likely, but not in this case-at least i cant see it happening. Also in the scene you're talking about, Lily mentions that she wont be sticking up for Severus anymore because of the way he treated her,
he called her a 'filthy little Mudblood'. He could have asked her out tons of times-even just to piss James off, but he didnt.

The only reason i think he joined the good side, was probably coz, he may not have thought that Voldemort was going to kill a little kid? Or that he finally regreted telling Voldemort about what he said. But i cant see him liking Lily :S

And he hated James, James hated him..its like Harry and Draco, they hate each other, and when they have the chance they usually try to get the other in trouble.

But Severus himself was the Half Blood Prince. I very highly doubt purity of blood matters that much to him.
Maybe not now, but before he called Lily a Mudblood. So he would have called in tha past, or else he just wanted to swear at her. But yeah he calls himself the 'Half-Blood' Prince, so he doesnt care that much.

But we are talking aout when he was a Death Eater-going to be one..and they all hate Muggleborns.

If Snape likes anyone its Dracos mother.
Last edited:
Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
Snape and Narcissa? Yeah, that's plausible too. Can you imagine the rivalry between him and Lucius if that were the case? I bet Lucius would take every opportunity to rat him out to Voldemort in order to a) get more power for himself while b) destroying his rival.
I dont like Lucius and think he should be staying in gaol, for all the crap he has done and got away with. I want Severus [if he turns out good] to have someone...he's soo alone!

Also in the 4th book, Sirius mentioned that Severus knew more curses when he started school than half the 7th year students, and that he used to hang around with this gang who nearly all ended up being Death Eaters. So he wasnt good to being with.

You're getting all these thoughts into my head, now if they don't come true i'll be pissed off:(
Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
Lucius is probably my least favourite Malfoy, just because I don't really like how he's cold and unloving to Draco - I don't think any kid should really be brought up in a Lucius-fashion.

Yeah, Severus needs someone, and it'd be good for it to be Narcissa (all of my primary Severus ships won't happen in canon so I'm not holding out hope).
True. Hope he gets with her, but someone needs to kick Lucius out of th picture!

I wouldn't doubt that about Severus re: the Dark Arts - I'm not sure if it's canon, fanon or both but he didn't have a good upbringing either, much like Draco's except with a lot less pressure and a lot more neglect. At least the way I see it, like Draco Severus got out - though probably not quickly enough.
Agreed. They both realised that even though they 'wanted' this, it isnt what they expected. Draco must have thought it was easy to be a Death Eater, until the 6th book...

When Severus was giving Harry those leasons, i thought he felt sorry for him-maybe coz he went through it, or coz he felt bad because Harrys parents are dead 'because of him'.

Ok..nothing else to say about these two...

Nebuchanezzar said:
You've both nerdied up this conversation way too much for me now...:(
You got anything better to talk about?

...and hows it nerdy?


Oct 14, 2004
Oh, by no means am I complaining my dear. I would have liked to get in on all this detailed Harry Potter conversation, but you and malfoy were replying to one another so quickly that it left very little opportunity for me to even get a word in, hence nerdied it up beyond my level. No need to take it as an insult. :\

About Snape, yeah, I don't think he's cowarded out of all this death eater stuff really, and I'm one of those pigheads that believes that Snapes' still totally on Dumbledores side. Only time will tell who's right!
Jul 22, 2006
Nebuchanezzar said:
Oh, by no means am I complaining my dear. I would have liked to get in on all this detailed Harry Potter conversation, but you and malfoy were replying to one another so quickly that it left very little opportunity for me to even get a word in, hence nerdied it up beyond my level. No need to take it as an insult. :\

About Snape, yeah, I don't think he's cowarded out of all this death eater stuff really, and I'm one of those pigheads that believes that Snapes' still totally on Dumbledores side. Only time will tell who's right!
haha i didnt take it as in insult:p was just asking..

If Severus ends up being bad, then that will be unexpected!

Malfoy-I just finished the 4th book, and i realised what you were talking about the whole Death Eaters-1 too scared, and the other left forever. So yeah Voldemort realised Snape is good...probably...

I was thinking about the deaths that will occur, and realised that either way, one of my favs will die:( -hope not though

Anyways anyone have any theory about what the wizards/witches who survive will do?


Oct 14, 2004

But I also just finished reading the fourth book again and noticed a semi-interesting piece of dialogue by Voldemort,speaking about the gaps left by absent death eaters. He says, "one too cowardly to return, he will pay. One who I believe has left me forever. One who remains my most faithful servant." (p. 565)

I assume that the first is Karkaroff, the second is Snape and the third is Crouch. Kinda interesting I guess. What I also found kind of interesting, was that Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape appear in fake-Moody's (Crouch) foe-glass. It probably doesn't mean anything in relation to Snape's alliegence, but it's interesting all the same to note that Snape is shown explicitly (Rowling points it out about three times I believe) as an enemy of Voldemorts most loyal servant.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
$hiftyIceQueen said:
I was thinking about the deaths that will occur, and realised that either way, one of my favs will die :(-hope not though
of course she would kill a character that everyone likes, to avoid making the ending too "fairy tailish". Im expecting a ending that will have a bad and happy ending in the same time, as in harry will win the fight and voldemort will die, but some characters that we like will also die.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Anyways anyone have any theory about what the wizards/witches who survive will do?

I hope no one will take my "theories" too seriously :shy::shy::shy:, but thats what i think might happen to the surviving characters:

1- Harry and Ginny will get married, and have red-headed babies with green eyes and freckles. they will both become aurors, and Harry will be the future minister of magic.

2- Ron and Hermione will also get married and they're kids will have bushy red or brown hair, i assume that they would have large front teeth (which Hermione, using her intelligence and talent, will shrink them while they are still infants, so they dont figure out that they inherited "my mum's" large teeth). As for their future plans, they might become aurors at some point, but Hermione might also become a teacher at hogwarts too. Ron might somehow become rich, and he'll always rub that fact in malfoys face.

3- Hagrid (and i really hope that he doesnt die) and Madame Maxime will obviously get married too. But, they'l probably be too busy handling and civilising their giant babies.

4- My fav characters who i also hope wont die, Fred and George, will also be very rich, and they will open several branches of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes all over the wizarding world.

5- Luna Lovegood, will become in charge of the Quibbler mag.

6- All house elves will be paid for their hard work, and Hermione's S.P.E.W will become a success. Oh, and Dobby and Winky might also start to have feelings for each other :p

7- As much as I like mad eye moody, but im sorry to say, that they guy will end up in St.Mungos because he still wouldnt be convinced that voldemorts dead (thats if harry doesnt die), and he'l eventually go nuts.

8- Lucious Malfoy will hopefully rot in Azkaban.

9- Kreacher, after harry forces all important information outta him, will hopefully be killed using one of the forbidden curses (as revenge for betraying serius :mad1: ), or even better he might be beheaded and his filthy head will be nailed on one of the walls of 12 Grimauld place with the rest of his ancestors.

10- I have no clue to what the fate of Snape, and Draco will be.

:shy: :shy:

oh btw, nice avatar Nebuchanezzar :D
Jul 22, 2006
Nebuchanezzar said:

But I also just finished reading the fourth book again and noticed a semi-interesting piece of dialogue by Voldemort,speaking about the gaps left by absent death eaters. He says, "one too cowardly to return, he will pay. One who I believe has left me forever. One who remains my most faithful servant." (p. 565)

I assume that the first is Karkaroff, the second is Snape and the third is Crouch. Kinda interesting I guess. What I also found kind of interesting, was that Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape appear in fake-Moody's (Crouch) foe-glass. It probably doesn't mean anything in relation to Snape's alliegence, but it's interesting all the same to note that Snape is shown explicitly (Rowling points it out about three times I believe) as an enemy of Voldemorts most loyal servant.
Yeah thats what Malfoy mentioned earlier...and i just finished that part so i realised how Voldemort didnt count him as a 'current' follower, even though he is meant to be working for him..

MaNiElla said:
of course she would kill a character that everyone likes, to avoid making the ending too "fairy tailish". Im expecting a ending that will have a bad and happy ending in the same time, as in harry will win the fight and voldemort will die, but some characters that we like will also die.
It's not just that, i was looking at the names of the main characters on wiki [hope they aint true] coz it leaves only a few people! Dont read the following, coz it *may* be a spoiler :p -so i put it in one

-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Albus Dumbledore
-Severus Snape
-Minerva McGonagall
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black
-Rubeus Hagrid

So as you can see, the bold ones are either evil or else dead...i want Hagrid and Minerva to die...i think im going to cry if one of the others die!

haha Mani your 'theories' are like way different from mine:|

I think:
Harry=either dead or an Auror and/or probably married to Ginny
Ginny=Auror or else the Defence Against the Dark Arts/potions teacher [if so then she will be head of Gryffindor] and/or married to Harry
Ron= I got no clue...maybe working for the Ministry and/or married to Hermione
Hermione=involved in the magical creatures, trying to give them more rights etc -aren't there people in the ministry who do this?- and/or an auror, and/or married to Ron
Draco=either dead, a teacher or working for the ministry OR a Quiddich player
Hagrid= either dead or married to that giant and/or still at Hogwarts?
Severus=either dead or married to Dracos mother, the new Defence against the dark arts teacher and/or the vise principal of the Hogwarts
Dobby=Will leave Hogwarts and stay will Harry Potter
Kreacher=same as ^^
Winky= Same as^^...then again, she may die...
Minerva= Hogwarts principal..if thats the case she cannot be the head of Gryffindor, which is why i think a Gryffindor student will become a teacher! or else she will die
Neville=teacher at Hogwarts?

My 'theories' are really more, what i want to happen:eek:

As far as i know, JKR said Winky is an alcoholic and will stay that way:(


Oct 14, 2004
I get the feeling Hermione will be dead before the end of the next book, sadly. Malfoy, who I strongly believe is an irrepairable scumbag who still has massive connections with his father, will have something to do with it.

maneilla said:
oh btw, nice avatar Nebuchanezzar
Thanks. I'm using it everywhere now. :eek:


so hot right now...
Dec 16, 2005
I'm waiting for her to kill one of the trio. I just get the feeling that not all of them will survive. I also really don't like this idea of an epilogue.
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