
Warning: Long review

I am currently a student at Penrith Selective High. I am looking to transfer as it takes me wayy too long to get to school (around 2 hours).

I want to try out for these 3 schools:
1. Baulkham hills high 2. Hornsby girls high/North Sydney girls high 3. Girraween high/ Fort street/Sydney girls high.
I am leaning more towards these 3 options:
1. Baulkham hills high
2. Hornsby girls high
3. Giraween
Although penrith is a great school, I want to make sure I get into at least one of the three schools, because I need to get in for chemistry and physics (I am probably in for chemistry at my school but not too sure about physics). Also because of the transport time is eating into my study time, and so I can get a 'better atar' at the new school. If you go to these schools, is there anything I need to know?? also I just realised, penrith purposely cuts down the people who can take chem and physics, to improve their rank so giraween is better as there is no restriction and they still perform better then penrith.
Also how should one study?? e.g by studying the 3 unit math textbook, studying science, reading, and how much does each of that help?
Also I feel HGHS judges mostly on my hast results because on the website it says mostly on hast, is that correct for anyone that has moved? Because last year, I failed in my hast (got the best for reading comp, then abstract reasoning and kind of failed in math as there was science I didn't know about, and also in writing even though I got like #1 at penrith for english at 95%). I feel my strength are reading comp and abstract reasoning as they're pretty easy, but really I want to hit the top 5% ish so any tips on how to get like top 5% for hast pls???????
Also, at penrith I'm in the accelerated class and got 95% for advanced maths whilst the yr 11 cohort got under 80% so I'll say I'm doing pretty good at math

My naplan is really good, I get at the extreme top for everything except for grammar and punctuation for yr 7 and 9 (still well above school average), and outstanding for all my icas reach tasks (equates to maybe a distinction/high distinction). I have gotten 98% in math before and 96% multiple amounts of times, and feel I would fit into the learning standards at a higher ranking selective school
what can I do to maximise my chances? any tips as I am desperate to move to a higher rank school (I genuinely feel I will be able to thrive as I got around 221 ish for my selective mark in yr 6 so I could have made it into some of these schools just didn't put it down, and find it easy to maintain decently above average in penrith.) Is there anything that stands out to the deputies or ppl at those school so I will definitely make it? I heard this year is the best opportunity to try out, as in yr 11 there are less vacancies!
my yr 9 report last yr was in the 90% for each subject, but yr 8 was a little worst (90% overall for math, 80%s for everything else). I alse did Duke of Ed (Bronze) last year, and my friend and 1 are planning to run the VA club at my school, so I guess that demonstrates leadership?? I also used to do piano, ballet, art class, swimming (heaps of extracurriculars before). I'm not sure why I didn't get reserves for anything last time (yr 9)!!! (except for Sydney girls high)
I also don't mind tips for North Sydney GIrls as my brother goes to North Sydney Boys so my grandparents can drive us home together and so travel won't be that bad but Hornsby is still a higher priority. Also my sister is probably going to NSG in yr 6 (right now she's in aartarman OC). But NSG ranks 4th and Hornsby ranks 10th so which school am I mostly going to get an offer to say I put both down? I did better in edutest when I did the NSG test last year but they didn't accept me at all...
If anyone has gotten into these schools, especially hornsby girls High or baulkham hills or north sydney before, as I may try could u screenshot ur hast results as I don't know what to aim for!! Thank u in advance and I appreciate ANY advice
My house is around 10 mins (mode of transport = driving) from where I live, and only 2 stations away from Hornsby girls high, so I really want to make it as currently I come home at 8pm and have to sleep late to get my study done which gets me soooo tired in class. Every/any tip will help. I am smart at school work but FAILED in the Hast last time. What should I do!!!!!?
Lastly, the culture of the school won't really affect my decision as I'm pretty sure schools aren't as bad as people say they are, but are the people nice and honest/ accepting? Also how are the faculties? Are they well structured or all over the place? (for example in Penrith there are a lot of discrepancies in the science faculties and over 20% gets their mark adjusted because marking is usually wrong, and I experienced this in English but teachers who favour u give u higher. For e.g I kept getting 13/20 for english in yr 7 but when our class got another teacher I immediately started getting 19/20). Also the staffing; are there enough 'good' teachers that are dedicated and stuff? Are there enough staff and do u need to try out to get into any subject? Do teachers set heaps of work on GC to help students, or is it more self directed learning that required tuition?
If you go to a selective school higher that ranks higher then penrith could u post ur opinions as I am open to changing my school choices. Thank you in advance!!!!!!!!!! Im really desperate into making it in and will do literally anything!!!! Pls reply so I can start preparing as this is my last chance and I will be so, so happy If I make it

I'm literally going to go into 4 phases of depression and regret if I don't make it so if yous have any advice please don't refrain from helping :')