u dont reapply, presuming you get into your course u just defer and then ur automatically qualified to commence it in 2007.
i jumped straight into uni fresh outta school and i just found that during that first semester i was bored and wasnt motivated........id skip lectures and shit all the time and just wasnt really enjoying myself, and i didnt like living week by week moneywise
so i deferred my second semester and am now working full time, and im only 18 and the head office manager's seen potential in me and now im managing the office here at my campus, in charge of people 5 years older than me and stuff. not only is this great life experience, and work experience, its motivated me to do well and i am well and truly to go back to study, and not only that but by the time my 18 month period is up i will have earned enough money to qualify for youth allowance coz my parents earn too much, so ill be getting $230 a fortnight from centrelink for doing nothnig. on top of that, if i decide to move out of home and live on campus ill get $400 a fortnight which will pay for my rent and living expenses and everything.
so yeah it has those benefits plus i just think i have more life experience as well as money behind me which really helps, and the time off really has given me time to think about what i really wanna do.
at the end of the day, each person's different so there's not right or wrong answer, but for me personally it's one of the best choices ive made so far