natstar said:
Nah, its not like they check your income or anything when u fill out ur HECS form.
No but the ATO does when tax time comes around and if you haven't paid it in increments (by ticking the HECS box on employment) you will get hit with the $X amount after your return has been lodged. That is if you are above the threshold and have a HECS debt in any given financial year.
I don't know why
1) People are so worried about it, you will only start paying it back if you earn more than $35k a year (04/05) and that is increasing every year. It used to be much lower but even then you are only paying back out a small portion of your income, you'll probably just have to go get drunk less, or have less holidays, or not buy as many expensive clothes, it won't kill you.
2) People are worried about paying back their share. You will only be paying back 4% at the lowest rate which if you earn $36k a year (05/06) is like $1440. still a nice bit of dough but it will not send you bust when you earn that much. Under that amount you will pay NOTHING, so all the people earning below $35 relax and stop worrying if you are getting ready for uni next year.
3) People don't go researching this themselves. The University sends out a booklet for everyone, the government has a website dedicated to it all.
See here for when you pay back and how (05/06)
The info for next year (04/05)
Edit: To add in time perspective as the question was about next year.