Personally, I think that this would receive around a 4 or 5 out of 8.
Some points for you to ponder:
*Incorporate use of wellbeing.
*How parents want their children to conform to societal norms.
*How parents previous upbringing may force them into a certain parenting style that might affect the relationship between the child i.e. authoritarian.
*Something about how needs and wants perhaps in the age section affect the relationship.
*Age of parents- how they are still learning and that there is no set guide to parenting.
*A bit more punctuation- if possible.
Just quickly I have detailed some brief points that would probably get further ehance your response towards gaining an 8. I have also included some examples for the other dot points mentioned.
As the age of parent or carer increases so does the chance of them being financially able to support a child.
Older couples are more likely to have established their careers and have more resources available to them and feel secure in their life stage.
Many carers are aged less than 18 years old and are providing support and care to a parent, child or relative. The role can have a positive effect on building relationships and developing skills. It can have a negative effect as they have conflict in meeting their own needs and those they care for.
I guess if you wanted to take this a step further you could put in recent examples of how granparents are becoming the parents of their children's children and how age plays a factor.
Level of education may influence the type of relationship that is developed with dependants. Generally carers with a high level of education tend to research parenting techniques through books, videos and websites. Parents who are highly educated are more likely to have the knowledge and understanding of parenting and caring roles and responsibilities.
Many parenting techniques are being taught through formal networks such as schools and hospitals. This increases the knowledge of the practical and social skills necessary to be an effective parent.
The parent’s value of education influences their goals for their children’s education. A parent who attended tertiary education is more likely to encourage their children throughout their formal schooling to achieve similar goals.
The media provides a number of examples of both positive and negative parenting eg ‘Super Nanny’. This program provides a range of strategies that can be applied to enhance family functioning through interpersonal relationships. Today Tonight, a current affair program often highlights the negative examples of parenting with the abuse and neglect. A number of magazines exist to specifically assist parents. These magazines provide information on topics such as nutrition, dealing with tantrums, toilet training, adjustment to school, and managing family change. This information will empower the parent and its application will enhance family relationships.
Television, movies and advertising can provide examples of unrealistic parenting situations. This may cause a parent stress or conflict between family members as they are unable to achieve these unrealistic expectations.
Previous experiences/own upbringing
The first contact that people have with parenting is through their own experiences as a child and observations of other parents. Concepts such as communication methods, discipline, parenting styles and gender role stereotyping have been modelled.
A large number of adults who abuse their children may have been abused or neglected as children. This will not enhance positive family relationships.
Hope that it helps! Better yet, if you want a true indication of excellent responses check with the teacher that is to be running CAFS next year or consult the Board of Studies resource section.