charismo said:
uuhh what the hell is a lepton?? im pretty sure nowhere its not mentioned anywhere in the syllabus for the core topics.. AND for that question i somehow dont think you ahve to talk about leptons and quarks... its to do with the potential use of superconductors.. so power transmission; motors and generators; and quantum computers.. and also their effect on the environemnt e.g. the effects of cooling superconducots on the environemt
quarks and leptons .. wtf??!
yea i agree with wat ur saying.
leptons/quarks or watever arent in the syllabus at all..!
i defined wat a superconductor was.
i said something about when it reaches its critical temperature there is no resistance. i said something about cooper pairs
maglev trains -- advantages and disadvantages to both society and environment
power distribution and storage -- adv and disadv; society n enviro
use in motors -- adv disadv .. blah blah blah
and high speed computers.. adv disadv..
so yesh!
i said nothing about quarks or leptons.