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Help with Contract Law (1 Viewer)


Mar 14, 2006

I am doing com/law and contracts a. I just wanted some advice on how to study this subject, how my notes for the exams and summary notes structured and other general advice you have specific to this or even generally to law subjects.

also, if a question on the exam is say worth 15 marks or 30 marks etc, does that mean i have to make 15 distinct points or 30 distincit points, or is the marking scheme (for the 30 mark question for example) that i should make the 5-6 principle arguments and its the elaboration on that through IRAQ that i can get those marks.

and finally, is it difficut to attain D's in contracts? what are some things I could do in answering the questions on the exam (worth 90%) to improve my answers?


Dyslexic Fish
Aug 5, 2004
Not China
Re: Help in Contracts Law

Contracts is a problem-based subject (at least at my uni). This means that your exam notes don't need massive excerpts from judgements - you simply wont have an opportunity to use them outside of an essay. The format you need is Principle (Case), divided into easy to navigate sections. So, for example,


* Acceptance must be of and in response to the offer: R v Clarke


With regards to how marks are allocated, see your subject outline, or the assignment itself. I doubt anyone other than your subject coordinator can answer that for you.

Getting Ds in contracts is easy. The secret to doing it is thus: do the work, answer the questions correctly. I know, it's fucking mindblowing. But really, other than smoking meth while writing your essays, I can't think of any advice that could possibly given on that point beyond the obvious.

Also I am drunk right now so please disregard this post if it does not make sense.


Aug 17, 2002
pmtennis said:
I just wanted some advice on how to study this subject, how my notes for the exams and summary notes structured and other general advice you have specific to this or even generally to law subjects.
Some advice for notes and study

Structure your notes under the main topics, such as "Offer", "Acceptance", "Consideration", etc. The structure of the textbook is often a good guide. The subject matter of your notes should be set out in the format of stating a principle, then citing the relevant case authority. For example, "Past consideration is not sufficient consideration: Roscorla v Thomas (1842)."

Subheadings and a proper table of contents are essential. In an exam you won't have time to rake through piles of paper looking for a particular principle. A table of contents not only allows you to organise your principles into headings and subheadings to create a logical structure, but it also provide fast access. You can set up an automated table of contents in Word.

Whilst your learning notes might be more detailed, and may include the facts of cases and quotes and so on, your final exam notes should be streamlined. They should be very tight and only really state the principle, followed by an authority. You don't have time in an exam to read huge chunks of text.

After you have completed your exam notes, study them and do past exam papers for practice. Sit down and actually apply the law to a previous problem question.

Some advice for your exam

Read the facts very carefully. Then read them again. Then spot all the issues in the facts and list them on a scrap piece of paper so you can plan your response systematically.

When addressing each issue, do not waffle. Get straight to the point.

In your answers, make sure you address any potential alternative paths of reasoning. For example, if you conclude there was no offer, do not stop there if there are further relevant issues. You would go on to say, "In the alternative that there was an offer..."

Make sure you come to a conclusion in giving legal advice. That is, form a judgment on what the court would be likely to find. For example, "For these reasons, the contract was validly terminated by Joe." Don't leave the lecturer in the lurch by stating a whole bunch of reasoning without forming any conclusions. Don't be afraid of forming conclusions, as long as you have given reasons. You are not a Supreme Court judge and you are not expected to form perfect conclusions. The lecturer is not really interested in your final call on the facts. They are interested in assessing your ability to understand the law and apply it in a logical way.

If there is uncertainty in the outcome because there are conflicting authorities, then say so. You should present both sides of an argument when relevant, and form a conclusion as to the better view.

Don't bother with full citations. You should ideally cite a shortened case name followed by the date. For example, do not write, "Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd [1953] 1 QB 401." Simply write, "Boots Cash Chemists [1953]." Since you cannot italicise case names in an exam, underline all case authorities.
pmtennis said:
also, if a question on the exam is say worth 15 marks or 30 marks etc, does that mean i have to make 15 distinct points or 30 distincit points, or is the marking scheme (for the 30 mark question for example) that i should make the 5-6 principle arguments and its the elaboration on that through IRAQ that i can get those marks.
No, you won't have to make a set number of points. What the marker will be looking for is whether you have addressed most of the issues, have an understanding of the law and have the ability to apply it. They aren't sitting there counting like that. However, some teachers mark in particular ways so if you are unsure about what is expected of your responses, you should ask your lecturer.
pmtennis said:
and finally, is it difficut to attain D's in contracts? what are some things I could do in answering the questions on the exam (worth 90%) to improve my answers?
Generally no, because it is a very rule-based subject where you have to master the rules and once you've done that you can pretty much tackle any fact scenario that comes at you. Most of the rules are not too difficult. Of course, to master the rules you need to do all your readings and work solidly.

The reason why some people don't do well enough in contracts is because they never understood the rules properly, or never bothered to organise them into a coherent system for study/recall. So if you don't understand something make sure you pursue it with your lecturer until you have nailed it, then write it into your notes -- comprehensively.


Mar 14, 2006
thanks for the advice, in fact the way to organise notes and do exams that you guys have pointed out is exactly what i was doing....so its good to know i am on the right track.

as you say, contracts is relatively easy to get D's in due to the nature of it being so rule based. then what units are considered to be hard or "harder" to get D's in. i have heard crim and torts are not hard because its quite easy to organise notes as u have defences and counter arguments which can be picked up easily. but which other units are considered harder than these....?


Aug 17, 2002
You're welcome, good to hear :)
pmtennis said:
as you say, contracts is relatively easy to get D's in due to the nature of it being so rule based. then what units are considered to be hard or "harder" to get D's in. i have heard crim and torts are not hard because its quite easy to organise notes as u have defences and counter arguments which can be picked up easily. but which other units are considered harder than these....?
Well I didn't say that contracts is easy to get D's in. I just said it is not difficult to get a D if you do what is required. Contracts is not an 'easy' subject per se. Torts is easier than contracts.

There are some tricky areas in all subjects, even though the subject itself may be generally not too difficult. Some subjects have nasty little areas where you can get tangled up in. For example, jurisdictional error in Administrative Law, writs in Constitutional Law, and some areas of equity. Relatively speaking, property law is a fairly difficult course overall.

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