DC does oscillate (recall motors and generators voltage graphs) - it's the "true DC" that doesn't oscillate
DC does not oscillate at all. The results are due to effects of induction in motors, hence why you get sinusoidal shapes.
Ok so Hertz did use a DC source. He uses the induction coil as an inductor which produces an emf. Inductors by nature will attempt to avoid any change in current through them. Capacitors conversely prevent a change in the voltage going through them as they induce electric fields along their plates.
Now in the induction coil used for Hertz' experiment, we have an interrupter which breaks this DC input. Also, a capacitor is used. With this LCR (inductor, capacitor, resistor) circuit, we obtain a sinusoidal output. In the end, this causes oscillations which can be calculated. Some more information about the circuit used:
Note that none of this is in the HSC syllabus.
In terms as to how we know the frequency as asked by a few people here:
Well the circuit is made so that the inductor and capacitor used provide an alternating current with constant amplitude. You can calculate values for which this occurs. In the end, the frequency can be calculated by knowing the resistor, capacitor and inductor values. The wavelength can be found by reflecting the waves in such a manner to create a standing wave, which then represents a node for half a wavelength. As a result, the speed of light was calculated.
So really, by choosing a suitable frequency to measure half a wavelength by creating standing waves, Hertz was not too far off the actual speed of light.
Ok now 90% of what I said above is out of the scope of the syllabus. Long story short for HSC:
Hertz fed a low voltage DC power source into an induction coil to produce a high voltage, high frequency AC which he then fed into the transmitter.
Other thing I would add is that he knew the wavelength due to the standing waves he set up and finding the interference pattern and also he knew the frequency by knowing the frequency of the AC produced from the circuit. In HSC I think they don't specify that he knew this due to the components deliberately picked in his circuit.
Disclaimer: Fizzy_Cyst may know or not if there is a HSC SEZ case to this. Really I don't know if there is one or not. I just know what you really do if you want to do Hertz experiment from scratch in your own lab using basic components.