At the beginning of the holidays - "Wow, I got so much stuff to do, going to complete all of this yeah!"
Now - "Ughhhhh, screw this"
The ratio of school work hours to free time hours.... is not even I would say.
However, what I did manage to do is complete my maths assignments, catched up on my business studies stuff, found related texts for Mod C, started my chemistry assignment and my creative writing (this was meant to be done like last holidays but I failed to do so and now I'm trying to quickly and progressively get it done before next holidays). I've been completing questions that my chemistry teacher gave us, sorta. I can't really remember what else I've done, but this hasn't really been a very productive holiday as I'd wanted it to be.
At times I felt like giving up, but at times I found motivation. I just had a bunch of mixed feelings throughout these holidays. Also, the fact that my mum was home like 24/7 was a nightmare. Next time I should go to the library.