Sam is gone, Sam is gone, she is gone, im sooo happy. Tho i must say Jessica's acting was brill tonight, but who cares. She is gone -dances-
Cammac, well not much to say there, except HOT HOT HOT!!! Cammy was hot, Martha was hot, Cammy's persuasiveness was hot, i just love them. IF Cammy didnt end up becaming the biggest sleeze ever, i would so prefer for Cammac forever rather then Jack and Martha forever. And OMG the Noah's scene, Jack and Martha didnt even acknowledge each other. Ok i know Jack had Sam to worry about, but who cares, Martha is more important
OH wellz, Cammy was made up for Jack's stupidity
And that tackle, that was awesome
Bravo to Paulie for that
And Sam, she's been stealing Martha's hugs :angry: Well no more of that at least. Oh and at least Martha was worried about Jack, asking if he was hurt. Unlike Jack who probably couldnt care less about her. Sorry, im really hating Jack right now, esp with what he does in wk10 :angry:
The Luc/Belle/Drew thing finsihed almost as quickly as it started. Oh wellz
Overall, good episode. Mainly coz of Cammac