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Homosexuality in Australia (5 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 7, 2006
sorry, what i meant was a 'disorder' in the lifestyles. and yes, homosexuality was present in ancient times like 500BC in greece with the spartans.
If homosexuality was natural, men could get other men pregnant. If homosexuality was natural, then why do people think that it's wrong in human life?
are humans homaphrodytes? (however you spell it) NO we are not, but baramundies are, and that IS natural.

"The causes of homosexuality are said to be genetic disorder, traumatic incidents happened during childhood, and stimulation from the environment where a person lives. "

Also, homosexuals don't have SHIT goals in life, but ... a very different type of lifestyle i guess, but personally i don't respect that at all. Personally, it's "Immoral".

Yeah, by the way, i apologise for being such a bias person, personally i don't know how homosexuals are treated everyday.


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
yoakim said:
I'm totally against this 'disorder' as it frikin disturbs me and others, it's unbelievable. These homosexuals are the people with totally SHIT goals in life.
I'd protest all year against this jumble.
I don't hate the homosexual people, i just hate their ways of life. Feels like they're breaking the laws of human nature, and i totally DON'T respect their homosexual relationships.
Laws of human nature? I wonder where they are. Last I heard there wasn't any laws because that implies that human nature can be quantised in some fashion.

Although the goals in life thing is a bit disturbing. Nowhere in my goals of life is getting married or having sex around. I don't particularly view it as something that needs to be worked towards. Unlike your little year 11 world where you are so cool and tough because you are able to make up shit without references when numerous references have been posted numerous times which contradict your information you will find out that many peoples goals extend past getting pissed off your dads liquor cabinet and fucking some random chick.

Homosexuality can be natural without causing men to get other men pregnant. Sheep have high incidences of homosexuality yet they are fairly natural. Diabetes doesn't help you get other people pregnant yet I doubt you would debate it isn't natural etc.
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Mar 9, 2004
yoakim said:
sorry, what i meant was a 'disorder' in the lifestyles. and yes, homosexuality was present in ancient times like 500BC in greece with the spartans.
'disorder' in the lifestyles? How do you mean? I would've not said anything about that if you just said "disorder", meaning, chemically different to heterosexual people, which I have heard could be a case. You may also have been referring to a state of mind or a sickness. I would've also not bothered with that statement, but of "lifestyles"?. If I never got married, that would also be a disordered lifestyle. It just means you're not with a majority, and that's quite a meh argument you are putting forward.

yoakim said:
If homosexuality was natural, men could get other men pregnant.
Actually, a lot of people study this. I've heard theories such as being to do with the social happenings around them: it occurs in nature when males and females are too distant from each other in their roles, or in the group at hand. They're kind of the meeting ground for both sexes.

Another fun one is that we're overpopulated, and it's nature's way of getting us to stop breeding. Bends your mind a little doesnt it.

yoakim said:
If homosexuality was natural, then why do people think that it's wrong in human life?

WHat kind of justification is THAT!?!?

If a group of people think something is wrong, it automatically MUST be wrong?

yoakim said:
are humans homaphrodytes?
some are born that way, and get something closed up or cut off. True story. You may say its a freak of nature, but again, maybe nature wants to tell us something.

yoakim said:
(however you spell it) NO we are not, but baramundies are, and that IS natural.

"The causes of homosexuality are said to be genetic disorder, traumatic incidents happened during childhood, and stimulation from the environment where a person lives. "
Actually, I know maybe *counts* 100+ gay people and the ones that are significantly close to me, that I have a good idea about their upbringing have had a healthy family. And what seems to prove that especially, is how welcome and loving they are even after their son or daughter admits their sexuality.

It may be genetic disorder, environment etc, but its still quite vague. It is said so, but its still needs to be studied, but I see very little of how it has to do with they way you treat and view them, and the way they are abnormal. A lot of people experience these affects - abuse from childhood, genetic disorder etc, but are still treated with a degree of respect...

yoakim said:
Also, homosexuals don't have SHIT goals in life, but ... a very different type of lifestyle i guess, but personally i don't respect that at all. Personally, it's "Immoral".
Keep your subjective morals to yourself. I don't feel its a different lifestyle at all. They shop, eat, laugh, buy property, work 9-5, cook, clean, joke, study, read, sleep, etc. They just sleep with someone of the same sex and that hardly affects anyone, if you deeply think about it. It's really not a big deal as everyone thinks it is. "oh but I hate the way they act or talk. theyre annoying." Those excuses don't sound exlusive to gay people at all.

I live with two gay guys. My two closest friends are gay. I go to a university where half the people are gay. I'm pretty sure that if one person out of you and me would know a difference in a "very different type of lifestyle", it would be me. I hate to sound this arrogant, but the next thing you say:

yoakim said:
Yeah, by the way, i apologise for being such a bias person, personally i don't know how homosexuals are treated everyday.
You haven't met a homosexual before?

Or you mean that whole post is now invalid because you actually don't know that they have a "very different lifestyle?"

How can you make such claims and views?
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An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
yoakim said:
sorry, what i meant was a 'disorder' in the lifestyles. and yes, homosexuality was present in ancient times like 500BC in greece with the spartans.
Its actually been around far longer than that even - considering monkeys(incl. chimps, our closest known relative), goats, albatross, dolphins, parrots, penguins, flies etc. have same sex relations then it was probably present from the moment life forms evolved the ability to have sex.


yoakim said:
If homosexuality was natural, men could get other men pregnant. If homosexuality was natural, then why do people think that it's wrong in human life?
Um...since when is pregnancy neccesary for it to be a natural process? There are many men and women in straight relationships who can't procreate even though they have sex, and along that line of thinking you are against all forms of contraception as well. And probably all synthetic materials too, like this computer you are using which is sooo not natural.

yoakim said:
are humans homaphrodytes? (however you spell it) NO we are not, but baramundies are, and that IS natural.
Um, did you know that naturally there are more than two genders? There are most definitely at least five distinct forms and if you want to go down to the chromosomal level then there are something like twenty. So there are natural human hermaphrodites - though I'm not sure why you even raised that point, but anyway...look at this for more info.

yoakim said:
"The causes of homosexuality are said to be genetic disorder, traumatic incidents happened during childhood, and stimulation from the environment where a person lives. "
That statement admits its only regurgitating some things 'said' and maybe if you want it to hold some weight, you could put up a link as to where this 'diagnosis' is coming from and what it is regurgitating.

yoakim said:
Also, homosexuals don't have SHIT goals in life, but ... a very different type of lifestyle i guess, but personally i don't respect that at all. Personally, it's "Immoral".

Yeah, by the way, i apologise for being such a bias person, personally i don't know how homosexuals are treated everyday.
If you don't know how they're treated everyday, then how do you know what kind of lifestyle they lead? And if you really are sorry that you're biased, maybe you should remedy that by finding out yourself what gay and lesbians are like rather than making rash judgements.


Mar 9, 2004
^^like minds.

I like it. :)

and i like the article too :)
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Apr 7, 2006
-no i have not actually met a homosexual before, but i see alot of them around the city at night :p
-i admit i was HARSH on them with pretty bad judgments with little knowledge on how they are treated, i apologise ...
-of course i don't hate the homosexual people, but just the fact about their decision in having a homosexual relationship disturbs me...having sex with the same sex... even though most guys get turned on by lesbian sex, i still think it's wrong. ESPECIALLY homosexual marriages, that's a definate no no.
-i understand and always have understood they too are human beings who deserve equality in life, but it is possible to have life without homosexuality

All in all, i still strongly DO NOT support homosexuality in Australia.

btw: the first post was posted at 11:30pm, i must've been pretty tired and i DIDN'T proofread what i wrote, so that may explain for the harshness and the rash judgments :(


Apr 7, 2006
Xayma said:
Unlike your little year 11 world where you are so cool and tough. You will find out that many peoples goals extend past getting pissed off your dads liquor cabinet and fucking some random chick.
no, i don't view myself as this cool and tough so called 'hero'.
no, i don't get pissed, i don't even drink, only a bit on social occasions.
no, i don't have sex with random chicks, nor do i have this 'obsession' with girls. I respect them.

I wouldn't even think of doing those kind of things that you personally went through in life.

I've got better goals in life that aren't so selfish as yours.
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
yoakim said:
no, i don't view myself as this cool and tough so called 'hero'.
no, i don't get pissed, i don't even drink, only a bit on social occasions.
no, i don't have sex with random chicks, nor do i have this 'obsession' with girls. I respect them.

I wouldn't even think of doing those kind of things that you personally went through in life.

I've got better goals in life that aren't so selfish as yours.
Given the hasty retreat you just beat, I don't think now is the time to be rebutting statements made about you prior to said retraction.


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
yoakim said:
no, i don't view myself as this cool and tough so called 'hero'.
no, i don't get pissed, i don't even drink, only a bit on social occasions.
no, i don't have sex with random chicks, nor do i have this 'obsession' with girls. I respect them.

I wouldn't even think of doing those kind of things that you personally went through in life.

I've got better goals in life that aren't so selfish as yours.
Actually I never went through any of those stages but they do present a nice crosssection of year 11 society.

But you feel it necessary to slander people based on what you have "seen in the city at night". Well if I took what I saw during the Cronulla riots as representative of Sydney white males I would be quite wrong.

Given that who I choose to have sex with (be it female, male xor intelligent genderless alien who gives informed consent) doesn't involve you (I'm not particularly into exhibitionism) I fail to see why any sexuality I may have is wrong when it is performed between consenting adults.

Similarly if one was to choose to enter a same sex marriage I fail to see why it should be any of your business. The only studies done have shown that children of lesbian parents (children of gay parents are too small in number for fairly obvious reasons) have the same happiness as comparative children to heterosexual parents. If you are disturbed at the idea of this relationship being made in the public then I don't see how it is any more disturbing then old people having a visible relationship in public, or obese people or heterosexual people.

My goals in life are only selfish in that they don't contain other people. I find planning my life to involve other people when I am not seeing someone to be more selfish, especially if it is a planned child because then they exist as a goal of your life, which you will be thrilled about on its own, you wouldn't be bringing the child in purely for its own benefit and hence it is selfish.


Apr 7, 2006
The thing that IS selfish are those who strongly support homosexuality in Australia only because it doesn't affect the personally, and without having consideration for its affect and influence on other people.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
yoakim said:
The thing that IS selfish are those who strongly support homosexuality in Australia only because it doesn't affect the personally, and without having consideration for its affect and influence on other people.
Then who does it affect? And how does it affect them?


Mar 9, 2004
yoakim said:
The thing that IS selfish are those who strongly support homosexuality in Australia only because it doesn't affect the personally, and without having consideration for its affect and influence on other people.

as i said before, i live with two gay guys, two of my best friends are gay, and go to a uni where a good amount of people are gay.

It doesnt affect me personally. My exposure to gay people has not influenced me to become a gay person. Although my gay flatmates got broadband soon after I moved in, affecting my speed on the net. They also occasionally make me dinner, which I suppose, increases my laziness and changed my diet for the night every now and then

They are normal people.
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Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
yoakim said:
The thing that IS selfish are those who strongly support homosexuality in Australia only because it doesn't affect the personally, and without having consideration for its affect and influence on other people.
Ok lets look at its affect and influence on other people:

A fair percentage of my male friends are gay, of them I can't think of any that don't want a serious relationship. None of them fit the stereotypical 'lets fuck in a toilet' that is pervasive in the gay world.

By denying them the right to marry there are a large number of legal issues that could be avoided in the case of them or a partner of theirs getting hurt.

Lets see who else it would affect. People who are offended by homosexuality, well there is nothing they can do about it, with or without marriage it would exist. People worried about the sanctity of marriage, well divorcees can get remarried, cheating is rampant and marriages barely last.


Feb 6, 2005
Hunter Valley
yoakim said:
The thing that IS selfish are those who strongly support homosexuality in Australia only because it doesn't affect the personally, and without having consideration for its affect and influence on other people.
And you were doing so well until people started responding to you. Nice way to start more discussion and bring the subject up again though.

I'm not entirely sure how homosexuals influence other people, do you suggest that by portraying an alternative lifestyle, we influence other people to want to be gay? If it were that simple, wouldn't the queer community have been 'turned straight' long ago, as there are many more heterosexual people in the community to 'affect and influence' us back in to, lol, morality? I can count the number of homosexual people I know on my hands, and yet I know a lot of people, my lifestyle is effectively the same as most of my contemporaries, after all, we've grown up in the same community.

yoakim said:
no, i don't view myself as this cool and tough so called 'hero'.
no, i don't get pissed, i don't even drink, only a bit on social occasions.
no, i don't have sex with random chicks, nor do i have this 'obsession' with girls. I respect them.
I don't consider myself as a cool, tough hero either.
I do enjoy a drink, I'll admit.
Shit, I don't want to have sex with random chicks, and I respect women also.
That's 2 out of 3. Sweet, I think that makes me straight, like you. Time to find a woman and settle down. I hope she likes listening to Madonna.


Apr 7, 2006
I really like your sarcasm...

Of course homosexuals are normal people, the only difference would be that they have a different type of attraction to their same gender which ultimately leads to a different 'couple' relationship, and/or sexual relationship...
But greatfully, I have infact changed my view towards homosexuality, yes they deserve equality just like Mandela fought for liberation in his life.
But I believe that there is a limit in a homosexual relationship, that is, an official commitment of marriage.
No way in hell should they marry, but it's their personal decision I guess...
The Catholic chuch does view that homosexual relationships deserve equality among humans, but they don't endorse homosexual marriages, that's just wrong.
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Mar 13, 2006
Oompaloompa land
Im in the theatre so i've got so many gay freinds its not funny, but the thing about homosexuallity is that its an abnormallity, not a bad abnormallity, but its not something to be encouraged. :)


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
yoakim said:
I really like your sarcasm...

Of course homosexuals are normal people, the only difference would be that they have a different type of attraction to their same gender which ultimately leads to a different 'couple' relationship, and/or sexual relationship...
But greatfully, I have infact changed my view towards homosexuality, yes they deserve equality just like Mandela fought for liberation in his life.
But I believe that there is a limit in a homosexual relationship, that is, an official commitment of marriage.
No way in hell should they marry, but it's their personal decision I guess...
The Catholic chuch does view that homosexual relationships deserve equality among humans, but they don't endorse homosexual marriages, that's just wrong.
So you're saying the only thing you hold against homosexuals is that they can't get married? (Which you admit is because of religious problems)

Also, how does marriage intensify a relationship? I know heaps of people who are married but their relationship is dead in the water, in fact the divorce rate testifies to this fact.

Also, how can you support the lack of endorsement that the Catholic Church has for gay marriage when it encourages people to engage in premarital sex? Or don't you regard that as a sin?

Gangels said:
Im in the theatre so i've got so many gay freinds its not funny, but the thing about homosexuallity is that its an abnormallity, not a bad abnormallity, but its not something to be encouraged. :)
I don't get what you mean by the last line...are you inferring it should be discouraged?


Mar 13, 2006
Oompaloompa land
kami said:
So you're saying the only thing you hold against homosexuals is that they can't get married? (Which you admit is because of religious problems)

Also, how does marriage intensify a relationship? I know heaps of people who are married but their relationship is dead in the water, in fact the divorce rate testifies to this fact.

Also, how can you support the lack of endorsement that the Catholic Church has for gay marriage when it encourages people to engage in premarital sex? Or don't you regard that as a sin?

I don't get what you mean by the last line...are you inferring it should be discouraged?
I mean that we should accept it but not encourage it cause it is a mental disability. Dont get me wrong, i mean my best freind is gay, but technically its true.


Mar 9, 2004
Gangels said:
I mean that we should accept it but not encourage it cause it is a mental disability. Dont get me wrong, i mean my best freind is gay, but technically its true.
encourage is such a terrible word to use in this context. It has far to many underlying meanings.

But to bring up something, I have a friend who surpresses his sexuality because he is extremely religious. He feels for people but punishes himself emotionally - getting over it, not talking about it, etc. He tries so hard to be attracted to women, learning what is hot and not, when really he has no real sexual attraction for them. He is forcefully trying to make himself straight, and hating himself more and more when he fails to do so.

Imagine having those butterflies for someone you really like and telling yourself it is wrong, unnatural, immoral, sinful etc. Shuts himself off from people so he can spend his energy on controlling his emotions.

In this context, I'd encourage him to be true to himself.

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