You're pulling a complete straw man; I would of course agree with what you said. However you're arguing against me saying 'There is not a greater chance of butt hole ripping during anal sex, which is why it's harder to contract HIV through anal sex than it is vaginal sex.' which, you would notice, I did not say.
What I said is that most HIV male>male anal sex transmission occurs not because anything is ripped, but because the HI virus can penetrate the mucosa of the anal wall. Yes I'm sure that a big percentage of HIV transmission occurs because something is ripped, but I'd really need to see some sort of evidence to the contrary in order to believe that it is the majority.
To say it again: AFAIK, nothing needs to rip or bleed for HIV transmission to occur. Yes I'm sure that often it does occur, but it isn't a prerequisite. But I'm not a natural scientist and really only know about this because I'm gay, so if you show me that I'm wrong, I'll apologise for being wrong and learn my one thing for today. /shrug
Nah you're right in as much as the virus can pass through the mucous membranes.
I am going to use the word designed here, but when I say designed I don't mean designed by a creator... I mean from an evolutionary point.
The purpose of the anus *biologically* is to expell waste products? Every part of the body has been designed through nature and adaptation and blah blah for a specific purpose. So my point re: the vagina is that the vagina is perfectly designed for sex and reproduction. The vagina is to sex what the mouth is to food. Biologically, the anus is not a sex organ. The anus has a sphincter, the vagina does not. The vagina produces copious amounts of lubrication in response to sexual stimulation, the anus does not.
I wasn't arguing against what you were saying I don't think, I think originally I was arguing against
Firstly, saying "made" with regards to something like humans is very precarious. That is, unless you disagree with natural selection.
Because I think you can still say made and designed without implying there is some great creator. Also I was very hung over so in my head it probably made sense.
I guess we'll agree to disagree then. As someone who doesn't believe in a maker (which is required if you want to turn a passive (lol) sentence into an active one), that verb is entirely inappropriate to me.
Nature doesn't make these things to do something. The whole significance of natural selection is that it explains why things appear (to us) to have purpose, when really some trait has allowed an organism to have survived and reproduced. Nothing has really made current traits in humans any more than something has unmade the other possible traits. The reason I said it is because 'made for sex' doesn't compute well with homosexuality. Coming at it from the perspective of natural selection, whereby things just change and are eventually tested (I guess is the right word?), is much more scientific, at least in my mind.
Well made for sex doesn't compute well with homosexuality, because homosexuality doesn't compute well with reproductive biology. If we didn't have assistive reproductive techniques, those who were born homosexual who were not willing to engage in heterosexual sex to pass on their genes would die out (their genes, if u know wot i mean. just like priests and nuns and anybody else who cant or chosesnot to reproduce. Homosexuality would not die out, but if you forget our higher thinking for just a second, our biological purposes and a lot of our primitive urges are not that much different from animals. Not that passing on genes is at all important for humans anymore, we're not like lions or whatever in that we absolutely have to ensure the survival of our seed. idk, but you get my point yeah?
So I still maintain that biologically, the vagina is a sex organ with specific adaptations and responses that make it *perfect* for sex. The anus is not, but with all things that doesn't mean we can't use it for that purpose.
So just to clarify;
- I don't believe in a designer
- But I believe that biologically, the anus has a specific design for a specific purpose and butt sex is not one of those things
- However, I do not see anything immoral or wrong about butt sex or homosexuality, so point 2 is somewhat void.
- You were right about HIV transmission, I shall not argue
- If it's not on, it's
not on ok?
p.s. that article was very interesting. So even though *naturally* you guys can't have bebbies and whatever, you still play an important role in humanity, yay!
like ive just read everything i've said and it appears as though i am calling homosexuality unnatural. i'm not, i think that homosexuality is as natural as the hair on my head. it's anal sex across the board i am discussing, not just homosexual anal sex.