Marriage by definition of a dictionary. Back in the past, when there were no computers, was there a definition for computers? Gay Marriage hasn't been legalized in many parts around the world, so of course there is no definition yet. Though I'm sure, that once the world accepts gay rights, then the definition will change.
If marriage was so 'purely' heterosexual.. It's not. That's your definition, not mine.
Ok, you're definition vs mine (actually not mine, rather the Bibles). At best this leaves us with two conflicting definitions. Who are you to say that mine isn't the right one? (and vice versa for you etc.)
For what it's worth, I treat marriage for what it is, and don't demand its definition be changed to suit me, for conveneivne or in the name of personal liberty.
Marriage doesn't have to remain as it is. Things change and go. Before, women didn't have any rights. At least not equal rights to men. WE CAN CHANGE. People always change.
Yes but computers were invented like 30/40 years ago.
Homosexuals have always existed, and homosexuality has very rarly ever been accepted in human soceities, gay marriage has never been (as far as I am aware IDK, maybe some place in Ancient Greece - oh and Canada I think but w/e).
It is only very recently that homosexuality has been treated with any degree of mainstream acceptence.
And not all change is for the better. Simply because something will bring about change does not mean anyone will be better off or happier because of it, too many people make that assumption.
You've never been gay, (At least I assume) so you don't know the abuse and hate we go through. So don't act as if you know how homosexuals go.
No, I'm not gay.
I'm not saying you're not given a hard time by pricks in the street and even in extreme cases where gay kids are bashed up at school etc. However I think it is important that like all of thses cases that occur these days are because of mindless thugs, and are not condoned by religious people (or encouraged at all) by religious teachings in Australia, Christianity included.
I'm not saying its on the same level, but most people are discriminated towards at some point in their life, be it because of their gender, race, religion or w/e.
I think, going back to my previous post, that other groups within society, most notably the Aboriginal people are in a much less desirable situation than gay people are.
When people give us weird looks when we walk across the street. When every bad thing they would use the world 'gay' or 'fag'. When people bully you and abuse you for being gay. When Christians like you say it is a sin BEFORE knowing what we go through. Before knowing what we do to the world. How we are stereotyped as the 'bad' in comparison to the heterosexual majority.
You must be joking me.
Once again, I express sympathies for your situation, so you know, I don't take part in such behaviour nor do I endorse those who do. But as I said before, gays are not the only people who face these problems (though OFC that doesn't make it any more acceptable).
I'd be interested to know how you think the legalising of gay marriage is actually going to help solve these issues.
I would have thought that the introduction of gay marriage, if anything, would simply grant further reason for those who already do so to continue intimidating homosexuals and inspire them to even more henious acts of persecution and discrimination.
Oh and BTW Name_Taken, What's your name? 'Cause it's kind of awkward calling you Name_Taken

! Mine's Ming..
Hello, Ming, lol. My name is Alex.
It's okay though, Sorry for arguing with you, I'm kinda stubborn!

It's just that I'm just trying to reason with you that's all..
Lol I don't mind argueing with you, or anyone for that matter, as long as it is somewhat intellectual.
Don't feel bad, some whould say "stubborness" can be a good quality (granted it is better in some situations than others but w/e)...