Not a private school, not in sydney, not anywhere near a city
ok, none of you im guessing know where my school is , have heard of it or even been there before..but it is probably one of the crappest schools in Australia...
It's in South Hedland..(the whole town is a hole)
*the yr 12 rec/common room got a wall put through it so they could have an office for some shity is half it's original size..
*we don't get formals...we get "balls" which have yr 11s AND yr 12s...
*our teachers are sent up by the education department, and they have to stay for a min. of 2 yrs. Most of them end up hating it and they leave, so u constantly have new teachers who don't know shit..and most of them are the crappest teachers to come out of perth.
*this year i have been spat on, had my flute case spat on, had soaking toilet paper thrown at me from a balcony, had a milk carton of chocoalate milk stuff thrown on me
*some kid got king hit in the toilets and they started cutting him up..
*the kids at our school go teacher tells me he is regularly told to "fuck off, sir," and "go to hell, u are a piece of shit" when this guy is one of the better teachers there
*the toilets for the year 8's , 9's 10's are locked to avoid smoking, drugs, sex if one of those kids needs to go they actually have to get a key off the front office , go, take it back..omfg..
* my biology teacher this year. He said "pacific" when he meant "specific". He said "free" when he meant "three", except he was fully capable of producing the "th" sound in all other words that use it. My final mark for the year was supposedly 67. My friend and i thought that our marks weren't right so we asked to see all of our assessments....the teacher was like "well ok but iver thoroghly checked them blah blah" Anyway my friend went from 70 to 79 i went from 67 to 76....all because we bothered to check our work... and if we hadn't done our teahcers job ..well i would have been closer to a C than an A.
apart from allthat, I ended up with 91.3 for my TER. So no matter how shit ur school is it is possible to get good enough marks for what you want to do. That's just my humble opinion....