muaha.....on the question...met mine at uni, was quite unexpected really, we were just friends, we were not even wanting a bf/gf because we are both career people, or having a bf/gf was never significant to us, cos as i said many times, my relationship has to be serious, if I can't see marriage at the end, there will be no relationship at all......and i didn’t want to have something that special, cos i thought it might get in the way of my education right now, being at this young, but then....then it just happened, had feelings, tried to ignore it, but then, he went and told me how he felt, then it was unignorable kinda thing.... now I’m glad he did do something about it, because he means absolutely everything to me. as for education, it is very important, and when you're dedicated to your work, I’ve realised that nothing can get in your way. as i said bout my bf b4, we're not exactly at close distance right now, but when you're committed to someone, that much, that you would give your life to them, just as you would give blood to your own mother, or brother, you know, your family, distance is not important at all, because he is just that, as close as a family member could ever be to me, or even closer, and this is going to sound like a cliché, but when you have love in your heart, you really can overcome anything sometimes.