Lol, I think you should calm down first
This is my prime reason for studying so much:
I figure, if I study 5 hours a day from here to the HSC, I'll do ~1800 hours of study. 1800 hours is much more than enough to study everything in minute detail.
There's my prime motive, there's also the added factor that I'll have like a 1000 hour head start from when we seriously start studying hardcore for the HSC -> quite advatangeous eh?
I have no life
As you can see in my sig, I'm trying to avoid too much socialisation for Year 12, I'm trying to become a fully fledged nerd.
Do you remember in year 7, you promised yourself 'I'll start studying later and own year 12'
Well I said that every year up 'til last year, and now the time has come for me to uphold that promise -> Live the dream
Anyways, I just go to Macquarie Library straight after school, have a quick ~30min powernap and start studying 'til 9-10ish, at which time I go home and computer/sleep
I sometimes have tuition though (Tuesday and Wednesday), I usually just study at the tuition place or come home and TRY to study (note: I can't study at home..)
On Fridays the library closes at 5, so I usually go to a different library that closes at 8:30
And on Saturdays I just study 2 hours in the morning, go out/relax, and study 3 more hours at night
(Sundays: Church and then tuition again)
It's not that hard really =X
Oh yeah and, I'm glad the ranks don't carry on.. As I said, I did close to no work last year (except a little in Maths)
So my ranks are quite.. Disadvantageous