*tut tut tut* You people are surely naughty xD She's asking us "how to get a guy to like her" not "how to get a guy in bed"...
Well, doggie, getting someone you love to fall in love with you is just the better part of being in love with *that someone* (apart from the fact that breaking up does hurt).. If you love someone you want him to be happy - but if you want someone it becomes selfish (althought we are all selfish beings
but some can do better than that).
People have already offered lots of good advice about how to approach him (other than the ones involved with sex, they are all very good advice) so you should already have a good idea on how to do it...
Just two things to keep in mind:
1. Don't let your concerns about your appearance take over the better of you
I'm sure many guys do not care much about apppearance when it comes to a girl that simply *clicks*
2. It's about your heart, not so much about your actions. If you have that love in your heart it "radiates" naturally to the people around you
Oh.. and one more thing, be happy no matter how it turns out to be.. but if you really really really can't afford to lose anytime with him then tell him right away - unless you plan to keep it to yourself forever - because that's the only way to find out sooner or later...
Good luck girl