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How does your teacher mark your BOW (2 Viewers)


Oct 6, 2003
As to marks. They are not entirely subjective. My teacher gives us a marking scale that is derived from the BOS outcomes in the syllabus. Easy to follow and easy to aim for.

Lots of students seem to know more about art than their teachers but is this really the case


Rickman's Cod Piece
Jan 6, 2005
soso said:
Marcel Du Champ IS NOT POST MODERN. This is one of the most common errors in HSC papers.

Post Modern starts in the 1980's. Marcel (1887-1967) is a Dada Artist. see http://www.beatmuseum.org/duchamp/marcelduchamp.html

If an artwork is pre 1980's it can't be postmodern. Save yourself some grief and do some research
"Save yourself some grief and do some research"... What are you? Some psychologist?
Marcel Duchamp is a Dada artist and many of his ideas also involve some ideas that post modern artists use. Such as... Performance and also ready made...
Marcel Duchamp was one of the first artists to introduce Performance art by walking around the streets of Paris dressed as a woman. Adding to that, his use of ready made objects like the urinal.
He was obviously against control and reason. However, his approach is, in this context, seen as post modern as those methods of Duchamp expressing and conveying his concepts are post modern.

His time was before the post modern movement, but many may consider his approach, post modern in this context because his of his use of ready made and also performance. Just the concept and his ideas are considered as Dada (as they were anti-art)

Don't jump to conclusions and assume that I know nothing...
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Rickman's Cod Piece
Jan 6, 2005
soso said:
As to marks. They are not entirely subjective. My teacher gives us a marking scale that is derived from the BOS outcomes in the syllabus. Easy to follow and easy to aim for.

Lots of students seem to know more about art than their teachers but is this really the case
Again you seem to be ignoring the fact that there are instances in which teachers can be unfair in their methods of marking. This is all part of human nature. Teachers are humans, and they are subject of having grudges and what nots. I am also aware that there is a marking criteria when it comes to marking. I'm not as ignorant as you make me to be. Please read my posts before assuming that I know nothing.

There is always an element of subjective-ness. This is visual arts. Different people have different interpretations. Adding to that, why else would they have several teachers marking our final submission of our BOW? Every marker has their own subjective interpretation and also impression of an artwork.

So by saying that its not entirely subjective, that naive.

I am from a school in which I'm the only one who uses the digital media medium. All the other teachers in the Art faculty, have had training, but still ask me for assistance when it comes to using applications on the computer, and asking advice on advanced digital SLR cameras. I am pretty confident that my knowledge and intellect is much greater when it comes to digital media as that to a teacher who was professional trained in the field of tradition conventions.
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Oct 6, 2003
Your posts make me think you overestimate yourself and underestimate your teachers.

You know the technical but do you know the aesthetic? That is the real question. Where do you find it? How do you recognise it?

Duchamp died before postmodernism began. He never even heard the word. Yes he did many things that postmoderists do but he did it long before postmodernism was ever even a word. That makes him special but not a postmodernist.

Saying so may be a postmodernist act but not a postmodernist fact.


Rickman's Cod Piece
Jan 6, 2005
True, they were trained to see the aesthetics of art. But perhaps I'm not putting it in the right context, and what sort of school I attend.
Perhaps I could put it in the right context.
There is this girl who got 43/50 (yes, you are aware of that from my previous posts - hopefully), and her practice and concept is, IMO very impressive. I and several other girls got 50/50, and this girl is wondering how come she got such a low mark in comparison to the others who got 50/50 (you know, trying to get some criticism and advice). She approached our teacher once at the start of the lesson, wanting to hear what he had to say. He was doing what he usually does (walks out of the studio and goes off doing things without telling us), but before he left he said "I'll talk to you about at the end of the period"... No doubt she went looking for him around the art block 5 minutes before the end, and he was in the his staffroom doing what he usually does. She asked him to comment on her work, and he said "Come see me at lunctime"... Yeah and it turned out that during lunchtime he was having a meeting. I'm not making this up. I'm just highlighting how unreliable my art faculty is (because my teacher's attitude echoes that of the other teachers in the faculty). Thats why my posts make it seem as if I'm underestimating my teachers - because really, they are unrelyable.
Perhaps I've put it in a context for you to see that, not all teachers are as godsent as you expect them to be. But really, if you believe that I'm overestimating myself and underestimating my teachers, then fair enough, you don't know me, nor my teachers, so, really, think whatever you want.

In terms of Duchamp. You are right, although I'm not backing away from the fact that the approach Duchamp takes are similar approaches of that a Post Modernist takes. Thank you for correcting my mistake.


Oct 6, 2003
Good on you for accepting what I said about Duchamp.. This means you can learn. Learning is about having the capacity to change.

I looked up your school. Mostly the art department there has a great reputation. You are having trouble getting your questions answered. My advice is to keep at it. Keep going until you get an answer. It is like salmon swimming upstream sometimes but worth it.

Sometimes when these things happen to us we become deeply involved emotionally and each rejection becomes very significant. However to the teacher who hasnt noticed something building up it is a mystery. Often to others too.

Go get em tomorrow


Oct 6, 2003
Just on that Duchamp thing it is more correct to say that the post modernists followed the Dada strategies.

This makes it historically correct as the Dada established the ideology first


Nov 27, 2004
Hey everyone Im so rude...i forgot to say thanx for all the help...but you guys have all been great. Its official our work was due in today...but after an hour of a class protest, we managed to convince our art teacher to allow us to submit our work tomorrow....WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
aND I only got a bit to go, so i should finish tomorrow.... i'm so happy...Just hope HSC markers are as happy as I am with my work.....fingers crossed!


Rickman's Cod Piece
Jan 6, 2005
soso said:
Just on that Duchamp thing it is more correct to say that the post modernists followed the Dada strategies.

This makes it historically correct as the Dada established the ideology first
Funny that you said that.. Because, I guess that was the basis of my argument...

You looked up on my schools art faculty? O.O Well... Whatever they have, is probably an exaggeration of the real thing. Because at school we have so many limitations. Because I'm using the medium of computer graphics and photography, the resources I have at school is pretty baby-ish to my standards. The HT constantly lies to me. But I'm over that. I'm not complaining on my behalf... I really don't care about my art faculty... The basis of this argument about my faculty is that, it is unreliable, and their marking scheme is subjective and has clear evidence of favouritism...
That is how at our school our BOW is marked.. which is topic...


Oct 6, 2003
You should try doing it at TAFE. They have no computers, no paints, no paper no nothing but a teacher. The students supply everything in the way of art materials. If you do it by correspondence you don't have a teacher in the room with you or any supplies.

TAFE students still get into Artexpress and they don't seem to complain near as much as you.

If you go to a private school you get lots. If you go to Bradfield you get lots.

You need to get over yourself and just do it without complaining. You will get a lot more done on your BOW.


Rickman's Cod Piece
Jan 6, 2005
soso said:
You should try doing it at TAFE. They have no computers, no paints, no paper no nothing but a teacher. The students supply everything in the way of art materials. If you do it by correspondence you don't have a teacher in the room with you or any supplies.

TAFE students still get into Artexpress and they don't seem to complain near as much as you.

If you go to a private school you get lots. If you go to Bradfield you get lots.

You need to get over yourself and just do it without complaining. You will get a lot more done on your BOW.
I don't know what you are talking about. This isn't the original argument. Where are you pulling this from. I'm not complaining about MY lack of resources at school. I bring in my laptop to school every visual arts period to work on my project. I have to fund my own commercial printing for my own photographs and mock concepts.
But it is clearly evident that you are just trying to nit pick at the smallest of details which aren't even relevant to the argument and making me look as if, I'm the one who hasn't got a lot done with my BOW. Pftt...
Maybe you should read back.
"You need to get over yourself" I don't bloody know what you are talking about. Do you know what was the basis of our argument?
The subjectiveness of how the teachers mark. Look at the topic. "How does your teacher mark your BOW"
Pftt... I'm not complaining about the marks I'm getting... I'm doing pretty well...
And now you are making the impression that I've gotten no where with my BOW.
But then again, you think whatever you like. I reacon we are just going in circles with this argument...


Rickman's Cod Piece
Jan 6, 2005
And another thing... I... Don't go to Tafe... I don't paint, nor draw... Anything... If you want to start putting me into a context in which you are trying to make me feel sympathetic or empathetic for those who have to start from scratch... Why don't you see it through my context... My real context.

You know nothing about what sort of money I have to pull out of my pockets. You do know any background information about my financial status... So rather in trying to make up a scenario in which I have to feel empathy towards...

I find that you are twisting my words and making me seem as if I'm just a student who takes things for granted. Well that ain't the case.

Maybe we should just get off this subject, because no matter what, this is going to get out of its original argument. And that argument... As you remember was about Duchamp...

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