I know how to study!!
I know how to annoy people even more
I have learnt the art of bitching
I've realised that I cant bitch about being lazy, or my exam results... whatever happens happens, and I'll just have to deal with that if it "all goes wrong"
I have developed a distinct like for frogs [actual ones, not the chocolate ones]
I've learnt how to buy personal birthday presents
I realised that analytic chemistry is not for me [woot for medical sciences]
I've realised that relationships are weirder than I first imagined
I realised that I have no ability to retain proper tense
I am amazed to still have a life
I've learned how to prioritize...getting a job halfway through year 11 helped!!
I also hate journeys
I've really cemented in the "I'm not a drinker - ever" theme into my personality
I still don't drink coffee... or tea... or any caffinated substance... including coke
More Frogs...
My hair is still red...
And yeah
Thats a rough summary...