I spoke for about 2.30min for each monologue.
In the first one(about the people ignoring the poor Q2) I spoke about charity organisations like World Vision as well as celebrities raising awareness, I also mentioned what organisations like Red Cross and Salvation armies do to help the poor and les journaux de rue (The Big Issue and Cause Celebre in France).
For my second monologue (Q3) I talked about 2 types of violence- private and public. Public being world issues like terrorism, transnational crimes etc I used examples like September 11 which shocked the world at first but since violence shocked us as much. I also spoke about Cronulla Riots as a local example, mentioning that out of both events we have been able to increase our security and sculpture an appropriate response to violence such as government passing new laws etc. For private violence I spoke how domestic violence has been recognised as a criminal act and is punishable by law however it doesn't shock the society.