“For post-compulsory students, Principals may determine an appropriate attendance
pattern(s) that will allow each student to achieve the outcomes of each course being
Students whose attendance is called into question will be required to prove to the
Principal’s satisfaction, following a review of their performance, that they are meeting
the course completion criteria (see Section 11.4.1).
Principals must give students early written warning of the consequences of absences in
terms of course completion criteria.
If the first warning letter is not effective, a further warning letter(s) should be sent
(see sample letters in Appendices 5 and 6).”
At 85% attendance is considered a minimum. Exceptional cases involving
less than 85% attendance need to be approved by the Principal. In particular, any extended
overseas leave requires the approval of the Principal two weeks prior to the student commencing
their leave. There are to be no unexplained absences. Attendance deemed unsatisfactory will
proceed to Review Process.
I think they would have told me by now.