#1 nesa hater
so for in class essays i usually memorise body paragraphs (even if i dont need to its like training wheels for me in the sense that if i freeze and can't recall things in an exam i have something to write and go back to fix if i have time). it works well for me most of the time
so this time around for mod b my assessment is worth more than trials and i feel like i need to memorise multiple essays worth of stuff bc i dont know if i can have 1 adpatible essay wwithout it being too broad. for context my exam is supposed to look exactly like mod b questions in paper 2 except with 10 min planning time (i cant start my essay durin this time just planning on a totally seperate sheet) im doing ts eliot poetry
so you cant talk me out of memorising stuff overall (for the ppl that say oh you should be able to come up with things on the spot) but i need to know what and how much people memorise for mod b in the hsc and what worked for people.
most of class of 24' students from my school said they memorised like 3 diff essays and just wrote whichever one was most relevant to the question. other people said im writing one base essay and figuring out a way to adapt it to the question and others say they are going in with quotes and praying for the best (not doing this one)
so this time around for mod b my assessment is worth more than trials and i feel like i need to memorise multiple essays worth of stuff bc i dont know if i can have 1 adpatible essay wwithout it being too broad. for context my exam is supposed to look exactly like mod b questions in paper 2 except with 10 min planning time (i cant start my essay durin this time just planning on a totally seperate sheet) im doing ts eliot poetry
so you cant talk me out of memorising stuff overall (for the ppl that say oh you should be able to come up with things on the spot) but i need to know what and how much people memorise for mod b in the hsc and what worked for people.
most of class of 24' students from my school said they memorised like 3 diff essays and just wrote whichever one was most relevant to the question. other people said im writing one base essay and figuring out a way to adapt it to the question and others say they are going in with quotes and praying for the best (not doing this one)