my textiles major cost me just under $50 for the actual piece which i was stoked about and about $75 for the folio. cant believe i spent more on the folio than on my dress, but i went for the whole recycling, hand dyeing thing and i had loads of stuff at home already so it was ccchhhheap so muc cheaper than a kid in my class who crapped on bout how they didnt wanna spent any money cos they were 2 poor. he spent $700. MLIA almost
...that's about it...The school provided everything elses (paint, impasto)
My theory marks were only average,and there were two other girls that always beat me, but overall I still got top ranking, my major really pushed me up, and I without spending too much either
all up printing photos was $150, mounting was $155 and book was ~$70 and video was like $10 for discs lol. all up around $400? not too bad i dont think