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How much u wrote and wat mark u expect ? (2 Viewers)


Feb 4, 2006
Leish: Was the six booklet person Mez?

Also don't worry, you have Mrs Nelson as a teacher, you'll be FTW by default.

Also uni, I think every single one of those things came from one of my posts...heh

And, for my first ON TOPIC post.

6 pages for Reading Task 12-13/15?
8 pages for Creative Writing 13-15/15?
9 pages for Essay 13/15?
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Module B

New Member
Feb 14, 2006
Uni said:

i am amazed this thread is even open. all this talk of cocks, guns, fights and baulko people...... lazy ass mods :lol:

Yeah, Baulko people! Disgusting. Mods, close this thread now!


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
ha lol.

wasn't mez. go figure...

why are we bothering about it anyway? seeing as it's over. lol.

cast your eyes forward lols. no use looking back if you're still walking.... balh blah.


New Member
Dec 3, 2005
Hey dick,
One: Learn how to spell argument before abusing someone.
Two: Does it make you feel big to be able to demonstrate how some can shift the focus of their argument as it goes along? Is that not an indication of someone who is actually thinking and developing their line of thought without completely changing sides?
Three: Learn how to spell argument.

Module B

New Member
Feb 14, 2006
Monday99 said:
Hey dick,
One: Learn how to spell argument before abusing someone.
Two: Does it make you feel big to be able to demonstrate how some can shift the focus of their argument as it goes along? Is that not an indication of someone who is actually thinking and developing their line of thought without completely changing sides?
Three: Learn how to spell argument.
Four: Quote the person you're arguing with so we know what the hell you're going on about.

Peter Ashwell

New Member
Nov 12, 2005
I agree with Atticus, economy of expression is extremely important to English. I find it hard to beleive that all of you guys that wrote more than even 5 pages for the essay could have kept your ideas concise and organized, and answered the question. What Atticus meant when he said it was unlikely you would find a band 6 sample answer longer than (10?) pages is that the English markers appreciate those people who are able to express their ideas in half the time that others take. It is a skill to English like any other analysis or literary device.

What was found objectionable was the smug and arrogance you exhibited simply because you wrote a lot, as though this was a critical feature of a band 6 response. We wish to express our belief that this is not the case, but rather that economy of expression combined with good understanding and analysis deserves a higher mark.

I found it hard to beleive that the person who claimed to be coming first in a "top 25 selective school" in English confused possessives and verbs. Perhaps he was just being facetious, but this seems unlikely as he was being quite aggressive.

Module B

New Member
Feb 14, 2006
Peter Ashwell said:
I agree with Atticus, economy of expression is extremely important to English. I find it hard to beleive that all of you guys that wrote more than even 5 pages for the essay could have kept your ideas concise and organized, and answered the question. What Atticus meant when he said it was unlikely you would find a band 6 sample answer longer than (10?) pages is that the English markers appreciate those people who are able to express their ideas in half the time that others take. It is a skill to English like any other analysis or literary device.

What was found objectionable was the smug and arrogance you exhibited simply because you wrote a lot, as though this was a critical feature of a band 6 response. We wish to express our belief that this is not the case, but rather that economy of expression combined with good understanding and analysis deserves a higher mark.

I found it hard to beleive that the person who claimed to be coming first in a "top 25 selective school" in English confused possessives and verbs. Perhaps he was just being facetious, but this seems unlikely as he was being quite aggressive.
As we said, the number of pages shouldn't really come into it as the size of people's handwriting varies greatly. I got onto the 11th page, but only had around 950 words.
Mar 30, 2006
Module B said:
Four: Quote the person you're arguing with so we know what the hell you're going on about.

Michaeln36, he misspelt argument twice on the last page.

Obviously people who claim to have written 5,500 words- 9 000 words in two hours are either full of shit, wrote complete waffle or are Stephen Hawking with a fully functioning body. You simply cannot write such an astronomical rate non stop with no time to construct or think about your argument unless you're writing shit.
Mar 30, 2006
Module B said:
As we said, the number of pages shouldn't really come into it as the size of people's handwriting varies greatly. I got onto the 11th page, but only had around 950 words.
Look back to the first person Atticus responded too, they set some insane page number AND he/she claimed to have small to medium handwriting, which means that the idea that she/he was writing only three or four words a line is bunk.


BBoy OG Loc Gangsta
Jan 22, 2005
In The Circle
Harry Flashman said:
Michaeln36, he misspelt argument twice on the last page.

Obviously people who claim to have written 5,500 words- 9 000 words in two hours are either full of shit, wrote complete waffle or are Stephen Hawking with a fully functioning body. You simply cannot write such an astronomical rate non stop with no time to construct or think about your argument unless you're writing shit.
For arguments sake, if you can write at that astronomical rate, it is possible to have considered your argument prior to actually writing your response. We all have reading time and have to do question one. If you did that first, then you could easily have planned your answer to question three and known exactly where you were going with it.

Also going with the initial question. I wrote about 9 and a half for creative and about 12 for section 3. And my writing is huge... Hence the length.


Feb 4, 2006
Peter Ashwell said:
I agree with Atticus, economy of expression is extremely important to English. I find it hard to beleive that all of you guys that wrote more than even 5 pages for the essay could have kept your ideas concise and organized, and answered the question. What Atticus meant when he said it was unlikely you would find a band 6 sample answer longer than (10?) pages is that the English markers appreciate those people who are able to express their ideas in half the time that others take. It is a skill to English like any other analysis or literary device.

What was found objectionable was the smug and arrogance you exhibited simply because you wrote a lot, as though this was a critical feature of a band 6 response. We wish to express our belief that this is not the case, but rather that economy of expression combined with good understanding and analysis deserves a higher mark.

I found it hard to beleive that the person who claimed to be coming first in a "top 25 selective school" in English confused possessives and verbs. Perhaps he was just being facetious, but this seems unlikely as he was being quite aggressive.
What we find objectionable is your automatic assumption that because one idiot decided to come and show off, you decide to write off anybody who writes more than a certain page number as if they are probably be waffling. Who the hell are you guys to make such an assumption? You're going by a reasonable line, but if you looked at the first attacks of Atticus and so forth, he was just asking us to come up and whup his ass. Just because it's beyond your capability doesn't mean it's not possible. If somebody else chooses to gloat about it, then rebuke that person alone. You start making sweeping generalisations then yes we will rise up against you.

PS. By you I don't mean you, I mean Atticus, but you are starting to tread some dangerous waters. Every English teacher I know suggests I write above or around 900-1000 words minimum, and usually the more the merrier if I can keep up the quality. The important thing is consistency in quality. Because the amount of things in a text you can talk about is beyond what anybody can write in 2 hours, let alone 40 minutes. Thus, with this as the condition, then the person who can write in a dense and clear manner and a greater quantity will win out.

Anyway this is largely superfluous at this point. Come back in 2 months and we can let our respective UAIs do the arguing. The truth is I think I'm right but I also acknowledge that I do not know everything there is to know about the workings of marking and essay writing, and neither should you guys presume to know. In the end there is one absolute measure as far as High School is concerned, the UAI, and we don't know that absolute yet.

PS. And yes, I too struggle to believe some of the claims these people are making. Anything more than 4200 words is starting to get very unbelievable. But always maintain the benefit of doubt. Wiser men and women than you have been proved wrong.
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Module B

New Member
Feb 14, 2006
Harry Flashman said:
Look back to the first person Atticus responded too, they set some insane page number AND he/she claimed to have small to medium handwriting, which means that the idea that she/he was writing only three or four words a line is bunk.
I don't really see what that has to do with what I said, but whatever.

What they claim to be small to medium handwriting may actually be large. All to do with perception. Or they could be exaggerating, yes.


New Member
Feb 23, 2006
Woollahra, NSW, Australia

can we all just take a chill pill please? stop throwing round broad statements like im right and you're wrong because (x, y, or z).

personally i am at one of the top 10 performing schools in the hsc. im also aware that this has no relevance as to your ability to spell (in fact i am a horrible speller...). Aditionally, it has no relevance in terms of actual arguments being presented (perhaps that is the reason why i am a debater!) here all you are doing is inciting flaming from other members...

the whole argument is this...it is a fact of quality over quantity. however, you can still quantatatively write a good response and qualitatively write a good response too...keeping aside issues associated with waffle.

please just be a bit civil. go and study.


Feb 4, 2006
Half the people at Baulko don't know how to spell.

And don't even get us started on grammar, mein gott (this is me included).


Nov 10, 2005
O M G.
i am being attacked for misspelling 'argument' this is a forum for christs sake - any spelling nazis with 2 posts -- PISS OFF.

And all you new people in the debate-- reading Atticus' last few posts will make him look reasonable and decent -- go back to about page 7 and read what he said there before u make lame comments that only make yourselves look like idiots. Read his comment where he advocated kicking people in the balls who wrote more than him, or kicking women in their uterus... this is one insane kid.

His earlier position was that it was impossible to get a band 5/6 with 10+ pages. Obviously i rejected this. The comments he has made in the last few pages are more reasonable, and i agree with them.
You peopel that keep on assuming i dont - go stuff urselves.. stop making lame assumptions.

Most of the people who dont believe writing 10+ pages of quality simply dont believe it because they cant do it. Dont assume that you are the best please, dont assume that just because some1 claims to be better than u that they are lying.

o and to anyone who doesn't believe in my
rank =1/152 in english at top 25 high school
or 97 in SC english -- send me an email: michael_n36@hotmail.com and ill scan it in and show u.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
section 1: 4 pages, 11-12/15
section 2: 5 pages, 12/15
section 3: 10 pages, 13/15

i hate english. science for the win.

Fetus Baby

New Member
Mar 27, 2006
Atticus Ryan said:
Anyone who wrote more than one booklet for any question is retarded.

The point of an English exam is not to write and write and write and write buckets and buckets of tripe (which is all it is possible to do if you are writing 34 pages in an exam like some of you retards did). The point of an English exam is to convey your ideas succinctly, logically and with quality of expression.
in my case, this is unfortunately very true.

I wrote 16 pages for the journeys essay (I had a panic attack due to the ultra retarded plus RANDOM phsyical journey's question) and I can barely even remember what i WROTE, Í don't know HOW I did 16 pages, all I can remember is my introduction and the rest has completley vanished from memory, its like I blacked out. Lets not even go into whether it was a clear or succinct arguement...as persoanlly being one of these "retardeds" who wrote more than three booklets in total in a state of panic (though I just get away with it because I did 33 pages, not 34) I'll be the first to admit that I don't expect to get great marks, and I don't think I could have found a better way to describe my journeys essay than "buckets and buckets of tripe".

My bad. Perhaps I should also apply for special provisions. I call it Paniorhea. It's essay writing diorhea when you literally shit yourself in a state of panic over an essay question.

Goodbye Sydney Uni, hello BA (Janitorial Studies).. at least it'd have alot of prac lessons.

This is NOT to say I don't believe people can write 34 and not get a band six, I just don't think i pulled it off. I believe it is possible to write that much and still ace it, and I don't agree that people who wrote 10+ can not get a band six. I think people who wrote excessively are being treated a bit unfairly. I take myself out of this equation however, you can be assured I will not get a band six.

Also that creative writing sucked, try making that not THE most corny/cliched/WWI/II story EVER.
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New Member
Apr 4, 2006
Atticus Ryan said:
I am not saying that no-one who writes over 10 pages will not do well. I am saying it is not necessary. I guarantee you that the Board of Studies exemplar answers, however, would not include responses of over 10 pages as this is redundant, wasteful and stupid. Before you requote some of your "favourite" parts of what I am saying, perhaps you should actually read what I am saying and take it into account.

What you have said brings nothing to this discussion. It is not an argument. It is nothing. You are wasting space, time and oxygen in existing. Your witty sarcasm in calling me "modest" is understood - my goal in those comments was to incite others on the board to explain to me how they achieved similar goals by writing 16 pages in an essay as opposed to 6. Please, someone tell me how.

And as for "making friends"? Well being able to argue to such a high level must surely get you marks in English exams! I simply have no comeback to this well-thought-out, critical evaluation of my personality. I am not on this board to make friends, for the simple reason that this board contains people like you. Grow a dick.

As for crazedmo2003, of course quantity matters to some degree. 2500-3000 words is OK. I am talking about idiot people who claim to write 30-50 pages in this exam. I am more than happy to pit my UAI against those who write huge amounts in English exams. My confidence and "superior mental prowess" stems from the fact that I am in fact more intelligent and knowledgeable than most of you on this board. The day that people like Talnoy are able to come back and laugh in my face is the same day that people like sando begin to be able to recognise sarcasm on the Internet. It's a pretty tricky skill, so I am confident that that day will never come. Suck my balls.

Here is my argument, how about someone who isn't a retard like Talnoy tries to argue with me.

It is not necessary to write ridiculously large amounts in an exam to get a good mark. In fact, it will be detrimental to your mark is it is impossible to sustain a coherent and high-level argument if you are writing constantly without time to think.

There it is. How about some people who aren't total morons? I am beginning to doubt the existence of such people on this message board.
I sincerly apologise, i forgot we were talking about "coherant high level argument" when i saw u putting people down for writing lots in a hsc exam followed by followed by many references to balls, dicks and how incredably smart you are. Being smart and being able to score high marks in exams are two extremely different things, sure being smart helps but it isnt neccessary. If you were truly smart you realise that the most people who dont score as well as you in exams probably also dont have you confidence in their ability and so if you go around telling them right after an exam they might have been feeling good about that what they did could have been detrimental itll probably have a negative effect on the rest of their exams.

As for how they achieve similiar goals with 16 pages compared to 6, when im prepared for an exam i usually write, like you seem to have, shorter more succinct essays but when im less prepared and thinking on my feet it takes a bit more writing to reach the same point. for the most part though there is no difference between the number of points and arguments put into each so it makes no difference, but in making sure their arguments are whole and complete sometimes people need to write more than others.

Thats all ive got for you for now but ill just finish by continueing the trend youve started and add a completly irrelevant sentance. Your mum sucked my cock.


New Member
Apr 4, 2006
Module B said:
"Learn to conjugate verbs and use punctuation you assholes."

Where's the fullstop? Dickhead.
Ahaha thats funny shit


New Member
Apr 4, 2006
Atticus Ryan said:
I have not changed my argument. Let's all think way back to page 9 where I gave my argument exactly, just so people like you wouldn't get confused.

It is not necessary to write ridiculously large amounts in an exam to get a good mark. In fact, it will be detrimental to your mark as it is impossible to sustain a coherent and high-level argument if you are writing constantly without time to think.

It is not necessary to write ridiculously large amounts in an exam to get a good mark. In fact, it will be detrimental to your mark as it is impossible to sustain a coherent and high-level argument if you are writing constantly without time to think.

It is not necessary to write ridiculously large amounts in an exam to get a good mark. In fact, it will be detrimental to your mark as it is impossible to sustain a coherent and high-level argument if you are writing constantly without time to think.

It is not necessary to write ridiculously large amounts in an exam to get a good mark. In fact, it will be detrimental to your mark as it is impossible to sustain a coherent and high-level argument if you are writing constantly without time to think.

It is not necessary to write ridiculously large amounts in an exam to get a good mark. In fact, it will be detrimental to your mark as it is impossible to sustain a coherent and high-level argument if you are writing constantly without time to think.

It is not necessary to write ridiculously large amounts in an exam to get a good mark. In fact, it will be detrimental to your mark as it is impossible to sustain a coherent and high-level argument if you are writing constantly without time to think.


I seem to be the only person in this thread actually arguing something. Also I seem to be the only one with decent Sentence Construction Skills. They're much better than the guy who came first in English - perhaps he attended your Dubbo school. Learn to conjugate verbs and use punctuation you assholes. And it's Down's Syndrome, not Down Syndrome. Dick.
man im sure you couldve written that a lot more succinctly instead of waffling on with the same thing over and over.

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