brace yourselves ur bt to hear the worst possible exam timetable
mon: eng adv pap 1
wed: eng adv pap 3
wk 2:
mon: maths
wed: maths ext 1
wk 3:
so far so gud... think again
wk 4:
wed: eco 3hrs
thurs: lat cont 3hrs 2-5pm
frid: lat ext 2hrs 2-4pm
this means im the last one in my school and state to finish hsc... 3 exams in 3 days... 8hrs in 3 days... finish 4pm on the very last day of hsc.. its horrible... disastrous... inhumane... by the time i finish most ppls would be finished a wk or so already... sigh...
can anyone beat that? its a challenge...