Thanks guys i got it
Here's another one Q23b
Sample solutions from BOSTES "In the frame of the train the acceleration of the mass is zero, hence there is zero net force. Therefore, apart from the force applied by the string there must be opposing forces. When the string breaks the force exerted by the string is removed and the mass must accelerate in the direction of those opposing forces, which must be along the line of the string."
1) I thought that it would undergo parabolic motion due to gravity? Why is this wrong?
2) General question: When the train accelerates (say to the left), what is the force that pushes the mass backwards? I've always understood it as "inertia" but they explain it as an "opposing force". What is this opposing force and where is it from? T_T
To the best of my understanding...
1)I'll explain after 2)
2)It is inertia. If there was say a mass on a frictionless surface within the train, it would, in the frame of reference of the train, move backwards. The opposing force that they're talking about is the tension in the string keeping it from doing so.
i.e. in the frame of reference of the train, there is an effective force pushing the mass backwards and the string is providing the opposing force to allow the net force to be 0 and the position to remain constant.
They don't use the opposing force to explain the displacement of the mass. They use it to explain what happens afterwards [accelerate in the opposite direction of the force (opposing force of Tension in the string) that was removed].
Now regarding 1) you've forgotten to include the relative acceleration of the mass to the train in the horizontal direction, which makes the motion linear, since the original velocity is zero (this took me while to wrap my head around tbh, had to use 3u projectile motion to see that a straight line is plotted by constant acceleration in x and y axis). Parabolic motion only occurs when there's a beginning velocity not in the motion of resolved acceleration (if that makes sense :S). [If you think about it when the mass is stationary, the forces have been resolved in all directions, meaning once we cut the string and remove tension, we can resolve in that line of motion and see that there is a force resolved such that it is ONLY in that line and thus acceleration ONLY in that direction.] <--- not sure if this last sentence just makes things more confusing :\
Hope that helps!