I certainly have been depressed before, but maybe it was because I was a male (didn't want to feel inferior or weak, who knows) or eventually reached my current state of "If I die at any second, I don't really care" that I never reached out for help because I eventually dropped feelings and adopted a more rational/analysis based thinking process.
Maybe cause I'm a traditionalist, but I don't see a problem with how China sees education. You can say they are narcissists and are trying to turn their children into one, or whatever you wish to say, but if that's the culture then so be it. Who is it to say that Western culture is correct, and vice versa, who is to say that Eastern culture is correct? You can talk about ethics and morality, but like the majority of things, it's very much relative, with it shaped by the culture in which you reside. We live in a capitalist society, where consumers work for money and use this money to pay for goods and services. So if one wanted to live the best of the consumerist life, one would naturally go into Med or STEM, cause they are the fields that typically pay well (there is also starting your own business, or going into finance), and yeah it does come with prestige in Asian culture, but if that's what they want, go for it, there is nothing wrong with their culture to do that no matter how immoral or unethical it is, cause that's their way of life.
Sure, if you want to go into the field of arts, that's up to you, I don't care what others do and want, cause they don't have anything to do with me. (Don't know how you saw that I look down on arts? I have some hobbies, and one of them is drawing. So now I look down on myself too, cause I'm engaging in something that I supposedly find 'lowly'?)
For the sake of making my stance clear so I can step away from answering that much, or just to further your point that I'm "ignorant":
Sure, I don't see Art in the same light (/being on the same level) as Med, STEM (and Business, Finance, and Commerce (even though I don't really like these fields myself, I understand that they form the workings of the modern world)) cause I do not care for its purposeless nature. You can capture a more true-to-life, realistic representation with a camera. Even though often not put beside the fore-mentioned fields, (probably due to personal interest), I do respect horology for its ability to create timepieces that keep time whether it be a large clock or a watch that fits nicely on your wrist with their intricate workings, and I also respect Acoustic/Sound Engineers (still don't really know their specific title) for their ability to capture and replay recordings (more specifically music) that is close (not perfect, but definitely very much near perfect) to the original source (Hi-Fi basically). From the Hi-Fi part, you can tell I enjoy music, and the effort to capture and play it, but I don't have respect for it, it's merely an "It's cool" (chill), so relatively, I do have more respect for the fields I mentioned in the beginning. Going back to arts, besides realistic/anime/cartoon I can understand, I absolutely hate abstract art and any variants of it, (maybe cause I'm salty I don't have the money like rich people to splurge on art, maybe) but there is absolutely no meaning behind anything in that category of art. Something only has meaning when you give it meaning, and so when people supposedly see "constriction" or "fear" in a black circle or splodge, whatever it is, in reality, it really doesn't mean anything and is a waste of time. It's like scholars adding meaning behind every line of text in somebody's literary work, but in reality, the author would have said that "it means what it reads on the surface" (not always the case, but certainly is a possibility). So overall, YES, f**k arts. (I dislike the field of work and see it as only a hobby)