!Solskjaer! said:
I'm thinking of dropping Modern History. I love the course content, but the teacher is so farking irritating that not even my passion for history is enough to motivate me to do any work.
Should I drop Modern history and do 10 units?
I mean, I can always start the HSC course, and drop it after a few weeks or whatever, I guess.
Just ignore the teacher, ask other modern dhistory teachers for help when you need it, ask them to mark essays etc.
Do 12 units you need a safety net in case you bomb an exam, i love modern history but i have a crap teacher, it's up to you to put in the effort, research and study.
People always say or complain they have crap teachers but essentially it all comes down to you and personal effort, study etc.
Each prelim topic in modern has around 4 syllabus dot points just research them, take notes, study and you should do well.