I honestly reckon so. You should be a fucking comedian, I lol'd and most of your posts, e.g. "I'm Alex, I told me mum I got a girl pregnant and I couldn't have" are just epic
He's correct, he is right!
10 units is set as the "minimum requirement" and not the "must do" only to allow students to extend themselves if need be through do English, Mathematics, History, Music and my personal favourite, woo woot Italian Extension! (Languages Extensions)
I will be taking 12 units in Year 12, the same in my signature, except:
add Italian Extension 1 Unit
take away+drop that PDHPE
But I like PDHPE so I am prepared to not do Italian Ext (my school may not even offer it to me anyway) and just take 13 through.
But! Why am I taking 12-13 units for Year 12?Not because of the lame, poor excuse of "back up" but for the sole reason that:
I wish to extend myself and do what I love;
To piss the principal off by keeping my low scaling/poor aligning Hospitality Examination subject.