Hunters hold Nathan Rees to ransom (1 Viewer)


Mar 19, 2009
Hunters hold Nathan Rees to ransom

PREMIER Nathan Rees has offered to let hunters into national parks to shoot feral animals on a trial basis in exchange for support in the Legislative Council to reverse the ban on publishing school leagues tables.

The deal was offered at the 11th hour yesterday to the Shooters Party whose votes the Government needs to overturn laws introduced in June by an Opposition amendment which imposed fines of $55,000 for newspapers which published tables comparing school performance.
But the Shooters Party said they will reject all Government Bills until it agrees to support plans for the hunting of feral animals in national parks and the creation of a game park in NSW.
Deputy Premier Carmel Tebbutt and Education Minister Verity Firth fear their inner-Sydney seats will be lost to the Greens if the Government supported such a Bill and have pressured Mr Rees not to deal with the Shooters Party.
However, The Daily Telegraph can reveal Mr Rees' chief of staff Graeme Wedderburn met Shooters MPs Robert Brown and Roy Smith yesterday and offered to support parts of their proposed Hunting Bill.
The offer included allowing hunters into a select few national parks in the state's west to shoot feral animals on a trial basis, under the supervision of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
However, the Government has rejected the creation of a safari park to hunt game animals. Both proposals are already allowed in other states.
Mr Smith said the Shooters Party rejected the offer and said it would refuse to support the Government's Bills until it took its Bill seriously.
"As far as I'm concerned there will be no deal until the Government takes on the entire Bill," he said.
"As far as we are concerned, it's not a deal.
"My legislation is based on the Government's own reviews of their own legislation.
"They are running scared of the Greens and they are playing political stunts. I have made it clear that we won't be supporting their Bills."
Mr Rees last night called on Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell to put the interests of families before his own and support the Government's plan to give parents more information about their children's schools.

Hunters hold Rees to ransom | The Daily Telegraph

yeah i hope they shoot him for gross shitness

Please to be explaining how allowing shooting of FERAL animals in national parks is a bad thing?


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
Who the hell votes for the Greens? Oh wait, tree huggers.


Mar 19, 2009
And rees is worried about losing the marginal hippiesss to teh greens if he lets us shoot FERAL animals


Mar 11, 2009
My World
Creating a game park is completely idiot. Its how most of the feral animals came here in the first place


Mar 19, 2009
hahah best comments ever

BigSean of Baulkham Hills Posted at 4:58 AM Today
ahh now Nathan wants to do deal with the red neck shooters party ??? List election i went ot vote and said to the shooters party candidate, mate if you can take out that ALP and Green candidate form here then you have my vote... shame he idnt take me serously, the state would be alot better with with a couo,e les green and ALP politicians in it...

Comment 2 of 36

Daniel Duggan of Wyong Posted at 5:28 AM Today
The blood thirsty Shooters Party said they will reject all Government Bills until it agrees to support plans for the hunting of feral animals in national parks and the creation of a game park in NSW. If those shooters get their way many animals will not die instantly. They will suffer a very painfull death. There should be no hunting of feral animals in national parks which should be kept safe for animals and people, and the creation of a game park would be for nothing other but the sensless, cruel killing of animals. There should be no hunters in parks, and there should be no school leagues tables

Comment 3 of 36

rah p Posted at 5:54 AM Today
Guns are illegal in australia but yet we have a Shooters Party. People who want to kill things for a sport should never have any sort of power.

Comment 4 of 36

glenn of Canberra Posted at 8:26 AM Today
Maybe, the shooters should hunt themselves. That would be the real sport, avoiding something that can actually bite you back. Or, they can bury their heads in the sand and pretend sneaking up and shooting something that doesn't even have a hope in hell is a skill.

Comment 7 of 36

Jon of Wollongong Posted at 8:32 AM Today
The government should allow hunters into national parks, especially in the west of the state, where national parks are essentially breeding grounds and safe havens for feral animals, in particular pigs and dogs, which cause so much damage to agricultural land. It's all well and good for the farmers, which are employing professional hunters to protect the property, but if these hunters were allowed into national parks to remove the threat before it moved on to farms, it would save the environment and proven to be economically beneficial.

Comment 8 of 36

greenhunter of Northern NSW Posted at 8:40 AM Today
So hunting introduced species in National Parks already occurs in Victoria; but do we see people staying away from their parks out of fear? No! It's a shared system whereby bushwalkers and nature lovers get to see MORE native animals, because the REAL greens ie. Hunters get rid of the feral animals that destroy our wildlife. What is the Greens Party going to do about feral animal numbers on NSW public land? Oh that's right - NOTHING! Oh, they may invest in the services of the useless 'Invasive Species Council' to help them come up with a solution; however do they know that the ISC backs the use of indiscriminate poisoning? and that at least one member of it's staff has a shareholding in a 1080 bait company?

Comment 10 of 36

Terry of Sydney Posted at 8:42 AM Today
I cannot believe that this state can be held to ransome by a bunch of gun toting blood lusting killers.. Move to America if you want to murder animals! Go! just get out, your not wanted here by the majority of people - Guns kill there is NO Sport in killing helpless animals How many shooters would it take to clear Feral animals ?!?!? what do you think we are Stupd ?!?! Its bad enough The Plains Zoo selling animals to Shooters to be slaughtered on private property... Thats another issus in itself!!! but stay out of our Forrests you butchers

Comment 12 of 36

T Wall Posted at 8:56 AM Today
This supposed deal sickens me. If it goes through, I'll be changing my vote from labour for sure. Cruelty to animals is against the law - shooting is cruel. Do the math.

Comment 16 of 36

Sue of Bondi Posted at 9:49 AM Today
I don't have a problem with professionals culling feral animals in the National Parks what I have a problem with is people who get pleasure out of killing animals using our parks as a playground. I also have an issue with game parks why is it necessary to shoot animals for sport? Now I have been shooting on my grandfather farm and it was never done for sport it was done quickly and with as little pain to the foxes and rabbits. My grandfather derived no pleasure it was business and the protection of an income. If Labor give into these morons then they have less morals and backbone than I thought - lets hope after the next election not only is Labor gone but so it one of the shooters party.

Comment 17 of 36

Andrew Posted at 9:54 AM Today
Awesome idea, Rees. I can't wait for the next time I'm having a relaxing camping holiday with the kids at the Myall Lakes National Park and the shooters party are up there taking pot shots at anything that moves. It'll be tin helmets and flak jackets all round! What fun! I will never vote for this crowd of monkeys in government ever again if this is true.

Comment 18 of 36

John of East Gippsland Posted at 10:19 AM Today
WE NEED A SHOOTERS' PARTY down here before the next state election to wake Brumby and the greenies up. Feral animals have grown to plague proportion right throughout the Victorian Alps. Pigs, Hog and Sambar deer are creating massive wallows up there which will never recover, to say nothing of the foxes and wild dog packs decimating lamb and calf numbers (foxes often only take the tongue). Life-threatening hydadids are also left around public camping and picnic areas. Trapping and poisoning are only part of the answer. Like controlled burning, Melbourne-centrified politicians and greenies only seem to listen to people from the bush, after the damange is done, IF AT ALL.

Comment 20 of 36

Michael jenkins of Sydney Posted at 10:22 AM Today
Wow reading some of these anti comments really amazed me, you claim to be so peaceful yet neally all you resposes are wishing violent acts on law abiding shooters. And as for saying there are more people against shooters then for is a in justifyed comment, check your facts the sport of shooting is growing every year if you don't like then move to Mexico where guns are out lawed, see how for you will last.

Comment 21 of 36

Where have all the native birds gone of Sydney Posted at 10:23 AM Today
It makes sense to let the hunters into the national parks to shoot all the feral cats and dogs that the yuppies have let loose killing all our wildlife. Hunters have been allowed into state forrests and crown land for a long time now and no problems have arrisen as a result of the strict rules that are put in place to protect the public and the native flora and fauna. Obviously they don't go where the popular walking and hicking areas are. With the current feral animal eradication methods failing, the Greens are irresponsible by rejecting any plans to improve feral animal eradication in a way that actualy raises money for the state rather than costing the state more money

Comment 22 of 36

Sharon of Sydney Posted at 10:50 AM Today
No no no no no no. Don't give the shooters party ANY power at all. We'll end up like America where the gun lobby rules the country and dictate to the politicians.

Comment 24 of 36

B. Franklin Posted at 12:46 PM Today
Nobody is holding Nathan Rees to ransom. There isn't anybody willing to pay any ransom for him. The Shooters Party aren't asking for safari parks. They are just asking for farmers and others to be allowed to be paid in return for people hunting on their land. There are many National Parks which are remote and hardly anybody enters them. Any safety risk to other users would be virtually non existent, because the other users are not in the Parks. The hunters would not be removing animals from high use National Parks near urban areas. The feral animals however, are in there, and they are eating the native animals and their food. No member of the public has been injured by a shooter in any State forest since they have been hunting in them after the Game Council was created. This is despite claims that there was a significant safety risk.

Comment 30 of 36

Anita of Sydney Posted at 1:07 PM Today
It's not only feral animals that are on the Shooters Party 'kill' list in national parks but also a select group of native animals including kangaroos and cockatoos. It's funny, I assumed that national parks were a sanctuary for native animals and that park rangers controlled feral animals. Can someone introduce a bill that allows us to hunt down the members of this feral NSW government instead?

Comment 31 of 36

J Leslie of Timbucktoo Posted at 1:09 PM Today
Why does the NSW government and the Greens care so little for our precious wildlife being destroyed by feral animals in national parks? Get the shooters in and clean out the ferals as other states do without any problems. Stop buggering about.

Comment 32 of 36

jas Posted at 1:33 PM Today
While I am not a fan of National Parks and Wildfires. I do not think we want shooters in our national parks. That would only lead incompetence to incompetence, fram NP&WL to shooters.

Comment 34 of 36

Delusional to say the least


Jun 3, 2009
Can't they just introduce bigger animals to kill the feral ones? Thousands of cheetahs or something? That'd be fucking cool.


Aug 16, 2009
nah cheetahs arent efficient enough

you'd need like 20 million cheetahs
and im sure cheetahs would love kangaroos lol fuck they would decimate the roo population


Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
Yeah, ecology fail.

We could just do what we should have done, and reintroduce the dingoes, which are a trophic regulator (they eat roos as well as feral cats and foxes, allowing smaller marsupials to flourish).

Otherwise I have nothing against shooting feral animals. I very much doubt a pack of dingoes could bring down a healthy brumby, which are devestating our national parks.


Aug 16, 2009
Retarded comments aside lol does any one object to national parks in western nsw being opened for hunting of pigs, goats, horses, deer, foxes, rabbits, donkeys and camels lol?


Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
Not at all, although they should be done on designated hunting-only days, to prevent danger to innocent tourists.


Aug 16, 2009
Lol im sure if there are tourists around they wont shoot at them. There has not been a single injury from firearms in state forests since they were opened up for hunting and they are far more plentiful and closer to towns, houses etc.


Aug 15, 2009
Yeah, ecology fail.

We could just do what we should have done, and reintroduce the dingoes, which are a trophic regulator (they eat roos as well as feral cats and foxes, allowing smaller marsupials to flourish).

Otherwise I have nothing against shooting feral animals. I very much doubt a pack of dingoes could bring down a healthy brumby, which are devestating our national parks.
Okay whatever commie

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