I am confused about SRS and EAS. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 16, 2021
So, I applied for SRS, and i want to get into law, how many spots are there and what are our schools using to assess us? and what is the chance of getting SRS? I also applied for EAS and had the same questions for that and when is it released?


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
The number of available spots depends on factors such as the university(ies) where you may be interested in studying a Bachelor of Laws. Generally speaking, as long as your SRS application is of sufficiently high quality, you should have a good chance of receiving an offer. Your school will rate the following:
  • Your abilities in different areas of study - this can be informed by your performance across your subjects in year 12. However, it is important to note that institutions will consider your year 11 results. The areas of study are as follows:
    • Agriculture
    • Creative Arts
    • English/Humanities/Social Sciences
    • Languages
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Technology.
  • Your aptitudes - these include elements such as your ability to work and learn independently, your motivation to achieve long-term goals and your ability to organise and present ideas both orally and in written form.
Your eligibility for EAS and the specific institutions that will consider your educational disadvantages when deciding whether or not to make you an offer are determined by UAC. Similar to SRS, if you meet particular conditions, you should have a good chance of being eligible. Eligibility letters for December Round 2 are released on 15 December. All relevant dates can be accessed using the following link:

You will be notified of your eligiblity via email. It will likely contain a message like this (see the example in the quote below):

UAC said:
Dear [name],

Your Educational Access Schemes eligibility

We have assessed your Educational Access Schemes (EAS) application and you are eligible for EAS consideration at the institutions listed below.

We assess your eligibility at every institution, whether or not it is currently included in your course preferences. You may find you are eligible for EAS consideration at some institutions and not others. This is because each institution has its own EAS policy. Our EAS eligibility letter fact sheet has more details on these policies.

Contact institutions for information about their specific schemes.

Customer Service
Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

You are eligible for EAS consideration at the following institutions.
  • Australian Maritime College
  • Australian Catholic University
  • University of Canberra
  • Central Queensland University
  • Charles Sturt University
  • Griffith University
  • International College of Management, Sydney
  • Macleay College
  • Macquarie University
  • University of New England
  • Southern Cross University
  • Torrens University Australia
  • University of Technology Sydney
  • University of Newcastle
  • UNSW Sydney
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Wollongong
  • La Trobe University
  • Western Sydney University
You are not eligible for EAS consideration at the following institutions.
  • Australian National University
I hope this helps! :D


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
I think that it would depend on whether claiming more than one category of disadvantage (for example, disrupted schooling and financial hardship) would result in separate applications from UAC's perspective, or whether they would all be grouped under the applicant (in this case, you). It is more likely to have more than one person assess/process your EAS application for the former (for instance, Person A assesses/processes a claim for disrupted schooling, and Person B processes a claim for financial hardship). However, if all categories claimed are grouped under the applicant which, in my opinion, would be a more logical approach to assessing/processing applications, it is more likely that only one person would be assigned to assess/process your application.

The idea that one person would be assigned to assess/process your application would make more sense because of increased efficiency. For example, assigning 3 people to 3 separate applications would be more efficient than assigning 3 people to 1 application. Of course, should this be true, I doubt that it would prevent a person from seeking assistance when assessing/processing a particular application.

Generally speaking, there should be no issues with providing identical responses to identical questions. With that being said, I would recommend putting as much effort into your application as possible to have the best chance of a favourable outcome.

I hope this helps! 😄


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
thank uu i was mostly asking bc i have one on H01B: Illness/disability of an immediate family member or close friend and another on H03A: Carer responsibilities so like im a carer because of their illness, most of the questions are the same so im literally just copy + paste everything, idk what else to do tho
will they see me as lazy???
They are mainly interested in whether your claims are valid, although that notion of validity can be strengthened with a well-written application. This, coupled with the supporting documents (where applicable) would result in a convincing and strong application, which increases your chances of receiving EAS consideration.

You could perhaps make some changes to your answers to the similar/identical questions across the two disadvantages. For example, you could focus more on the illness/disability of the immediate family member or close friend for questions under H01B, and you could focus more on your carer duties towards the person in your answers to questions under H03A.

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