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Im about to cry..... (1 Viewer)

Machie Man

Jul 14, 2007
in yr erotic fantasies, y hello thur big boii

Oh jesus.

See, here you go again with the baseless and incorrect assumptions. You know nothing about me. Anyone who had even the most remote inkling of what I’m like would know how I call a spade a spade and am not afraid of calling others out on their shit. It's what I'm doing to you right now, isn't it?

That's not the point though. The point is that you are in no position to sit back and scoff, "lol if my fob friend can blitz this subject YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE!" Don't perpetuate your ignorance on this matter any further, you know nothing about the poster's life or learning habits or difficulties and you seriously can't be so fucking narrow-minded to think that someone else's struggles are lesser or inferior to yours.

I completely disagree with your teaching "methods" but since that has nothing to do with anything here I'm not going to get into it.
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i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
Machie Man said:
Oh jesus.

See, here you go again with the baseless and incorrect assumptions. You know nothing about me. Anyone who had even the most remote inkling of what I’m like would know how I call a spade a spade and am not afraid of calling others out on their shit. It's what I'm doing to you right now, isn't it?

That's not the point though. The point is that you are in no position to sit back and scoff, "lol if my fob friend can blitz this subject YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE!" Don't perpetuate your ignorance on this matter any further, you know nothing about the poster's life or learning habits or difficulties and you seriously can't be so fucking narrow-minded to think that someone else's struggles are lesser or inferior to yours.

I completely disagree with your teaching "methods" but since that has nothing to do with anything here I'm not going to get into it.

Who was that to?

Undermyskin said:
Yeah! You're halfly correct. It becomes 6.9ish, not 7ish 'cuz if it larger than 7, it's slightly alkaline.

That's fun 'cuz to find its pH, you need to add 10^-7 and 10^-8, then get -log of that sum. The result is 6.98! Acid can never become basic. I was told this a few days ago but still don't know how that achieve this result. Just know how to explain why it's not a basic. (stick to the ionisation and equilibrium of water).

We should cry if this question is in the test!
6.9ish IS 7ish, that's just being retarded.


Oct 7, 2006
Or spending your days rotting on a forum hardly relevant to you as you did your HSC in 2004.

Response to the threadstarter: I know that especially as we've just begun the HSC, there may be a lot of apprehension and fear. I feel this way too, despite the fact that I got fairly solid results for my first assessments. It's important to know that I think the HSC is a learning curve in itself, and you should try to assess your weaknesses/strengths so you can do better next time. For example, for my 3U assessment task, I finished it in around 30-40 minutes out of the allocated 70, Ended up with 39/46, a solid result, with the highest being 42, and they most probably handled their time much better than me (as well as be more talented). So now I know that time management is really important in exams and that one must not rush through it so as to improve.

Your first assessment results seem to be troubling you, and despite this, these marks will not be sent to the Boardofstudies and the only relevant thing here is the rank you receive. So in order to boost your rank and your confidence, I think you have a good work ethic. This means going home, doing all your homework and possibly doing little summaries of what you've learned during the day. Lulz, I should swallow my own medicine, but as always, preachers hardly practice what they preach.

So do not time to press the panic button at the moment, and just position yourself to believe that you can improve. That's key, isn't it - improving? And if you think you can get better marks and ranks, then I think you can too. Best of luck =D


Feel good ...
Jul 6, 2006
Undermyskin said:
You're messing 'appealing' with 'pampering'. My physics teacher was awesome: he's smart, humorous, exellent at explaining any questions but guess what, he never...as far as I can remember...never said any word better than 'good, correct, right' and of course in other times, he said 'wrong, incorrect'. He didn't pamper us, obviously. He tended to let us face the truth of our ability. Once we got very crap marks in our tests which are far worse than what he expected, well, we didn't dare looking at him when he gave us a 15' 'lecture' on 'what the hell are you studying'. I think that's fair enough for a motivating teacher 'cuz it was the only year that I truly turned mad at Physics and once in my life really wanted to become a physician. Not now.
Correct me if I'm mistaken but I think you meant to say physicist? A physician is a medical doctor.


Dec 9, 2007
To Mark, thanks, I correct it.

To Jachie:

Er...then you think you know about me to judge my arguments baseless. And that you think you contemplate drastically enough to judge me as narrow-minded. As a matter of fact, if you look at our conversation from the beginning, objectively, you'd better say that you are being too obstinate and can't help punching me with the same arguments on my, ok, stupidity, to satisfy you.

I think we can say that boys can never understand girls and vice versa. You have your methods. Let's say it's effective but that doesn't mean any other method to approach such problem is wrong. I'm sorry but the evolution theory is not 100% correct but it's the most logically preferrable. And that our dear member is struggling in vain doesn't mean she truly needs some 100% empty advice. She can be a Goth or Emo. Who knows? You cannot apply the same thing to everyone.

Yeah, my first judgement is too biased. But not to that much to other people. That's the way you interpret my comment! And I know I'm an expert at giving ambiguous statement unconciously because I'm impulsive and immature enough to say whatever I think of st at the first sight. Characteristics need time to be changed!

To cry out loud, here is another tip: if anyone is considering SMH a good resource, use it 'cuz simply it's great. Lots of teachers are supporting students to use this newspaper as a source for info as well as a language-training materials. My opinion is to read the Goodweekend and Spectrum (both suggested by mt teachers) but skim for interesting articles 'cuz they rarely have adequately intriguing writings but when they do, the writings are just great. And...er...the Travellers, read the weekend one.

Machie Man

Jul 14, 2007
in yr erotic fantasies, y hello thur big boii
risole91 said:
yo jachie, when/why you get banned?
Spam and flaming woooo it's only temp though :eek:

undermyskin said:
Er...then you think you know about me to judge my arguments baseless. And that you think you contemplate drastically enough to judge me as narrow-minded. As a matter of fact, if you look at our conversation from the beginning, objectively, you'd better say that you are being too obstinate and can't help punching me with the same arguments on my, ok, stupidity, to satisfy you.

I think we can say that boys can never understand girls and vice versa. You have your methods. Let's say it's effective but that doesn't mean any other method to approach such problem is wrong. I'm sorry but the evolution theory is not 100% correct but it's the most logically preferrable. And that our dear member is struggling in vain doesn't mean she truly needs some 100% empty advice. She can be a Goth or Emo. Who knows? You cannot apply the same thing to everyone.

Yeah, my first judgement is too biased. But not to that much to other people. That's the way you interpret my comment! And I know I'm an expert at giving ambiguous statement unconciously because I'm impulsive and immature enough to say whatever I think of st at the first sight. Characteristics need time to be changed!
Dude, I don't need to know you to say your argument is baseless. That doesn't... that doesn't even make a pinch of sense. I am not making a judgement, I'm making an observation. You said she had no right to complain because lalalalalalalala, her life can't have been as hard-knock as yours or someone you know. Now all I'm saying is that this assumption is a completely ignorant and baseless one, because it is. You know nothing about the poster, so stop pretending that you do. End of story. I never said anything about your stupidity, so can we please get on the same page here before you start sprouting your rambling "emo/goth" bullshit at me again? kthx

as an aside, my problem with your "method" isn't because I'm a girl. Jesus Christ, get the fuck over yourself, stop making generalisations and start talking sense.
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Apr 25, 2006
Undermyskin - you're not that crash hot at English yourself -

" Er...then you think you know about me to judge or my arguments baseless. And that (< why are those words there?) you think you contemplate drastically enough (wtf?) to judge me as narrow-minded. As a matter of fact, if you look at our conversation from the beginning, objectively, you'd better (do you mean "you should say" or "you could more accurately say") say that you are being too obstinate and can't help punching me with the same arguments on my, ok, stupidity, to satisfy you. < that's just so clumsy.

I think we can say that boys can never understand girls and vice versa. You have your methods. Let's say it's effective but that doesn't mean any other method to approach such problem is wrong < clumsy!. I'm sorry (why?) but the evolution theory is not 100% correct but it's the most logically preferrable. And that our dear member is struggling in vain doesn't mean she truly needs some (<??) 100% empty advice. She can be a Goth or Emo. Who knows? You cannot apply the same thing to everyone.

Yeah, my first judgement is too biased. But not to that much to other people (what does that MEAN?). That's the way you interpret my comment! And I know I'm an expert at giving ambiguous statements unconciously because I'm impulsive and immature enough to say whatever I think of st at the first sight. Characteristics need time to be changed!

To cry out loud (very muddled idiomatic expression), here is another tip: if anyone is considering (considers) SMH a good resource, use it 'cuz simply it's great. Lots of teachers are supporting (encouraging) students to use this newspaper as a source for info as well as a language-training materials. My opinion is to read the Goodweekend and Spectrum (both suggested by mt teachers) but skim for interesting articles 'cuz they rarely have adequately intriguing writings but when they do, the writings are just great (wow.). And...er...the Travellers, read the weekend one.

But then again, what right do WE have to judge YOU?


New Member
Aug 14, 2006
hello...i did the HSC last year..and was really hoping to get in..unfortunately..i got 97.25 which was insufficient to get a CSP ...i had DFEE offer..but its $33000 a year which is so unreasonable..i ended up crying wen i got my offer..just try to study the hardest u can...
my marks to get my uai were
snr science- 98
business studies 94
maths - 85

my ranks were like first in the grade for snr science and biology..and 2 in business studies. sigh..i shouldve worked harder..arghhh..im hoping to transfer next yr..but my chances are slim i think...
so work hard!!! hope you get in!!!

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