The syllabus is asking to examine what disease results from an imbalance of microflora in humans. Microflora are the entire population of microorganisms present in a characteristic or special location. These are made up of a combination of probiotic and pathogenic bacteria and fungi. An imbalance of microflora can result in a number of infections, bacterial and fungal nature. Candidiasis is an example resulting from Candida albicans.
Thrush can result from an imbalance of microflora in the mouth, but I believe thrush is more common in the vagina of women after taking antibiotics.
Once bacteria in the vagina die, previously competing more successfully for the nutrients and space there, fungi can take over and when they do it results in thrush.
Cause: Imbalance of microflora resulting from taking of antibiotics
Symptoms: Discharge, itching, soreness, swelling, pain etc.
Effects: It is meant to clear up on its own without treatment, but it will take longer and it will just prolong the discomfort.
Prevention: Taking narrow spectrum antibiotics, eating bacterial cultures like yoghurt and yakult whilst on antibiotics, not douching, wearing cotton and not overly tight underpants and clothing, not leaving implants in too long (tampons, cervical caps, diaphrgams etc.), prophylactic thrush treatment concurrently with antibiotics if prone, avoding perfumed soaps, bubble baths and other substances which disrupt the pH of the vaginal area and wiping from front to back as candida in the bowel can spread to the vagina.