juzmister said:
I'm doing finance, but was wondering if International Business is interesting (co-major)?
Hey, there are some suggestions from a BCom (acct+fins) + MCom (Fins) grad + some 3 years working experience + .... 2 courses of IB.
Well, nothing is crap must say but note 1 thing that IB wont help you much in first 2-3 years of career (don't know if it helps in the future).
Let's go thru the core courses of IB:
1001 and 1101 basically teach you all kind of crap that you can learn from google search in a week like wat management is all about, wat are the things to consider while going global... Basically, nothing technical and specific. It is suitable for years before 90s when there is no internet connection and people are bloody writting to each other using Morse code.
2101, 2102 actually the same shit as 1xxx courses. Teaching you all kind of crap about wat are the entry modes to go global of some MNE's in a very general manner. You will learn nothing coz in today's globalised world, whenever you go, there are glo
cal consulting firms (lobby pipelines) to help you to put your ass right on the place. Regarding 2102, all you need to know that whenever you go, you should follow a civilised formal business conduct. So rather than sitting 14 weeks, just remember not to discuss politics, religion, culture, habits during negotiations and corporate environment.
3101 is the same shit as 1001-2102 talking crap about some strategies you never use.
Conclusion1: If you want to go to the industry and to be specific in some area, Acct+Fins is a good choice. Though Acct in year3 is crap too.
Conclusion2: IB is fun when it comes to talking crap but it wont be able to help you to do anything specific like evaluating a company's financials or crafting a business strategy for success.
Good luck huh.